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New and Improved Poetry and Art


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Нус у меня стиль в рисунках и в стихах поменялся... думаю пора сделать новую тему... показать вам что я делаю в эти дни. :)

Wellp my style in drawings and poems has changed... i think it's time to make a new thread... to show you what I've been doing these days.

Надеюсь вам всем понравится моя работа.


I hope all of you like my work!

546924_414920451855630_1339584213_n.jpgтак... вот это было задание в классе рисования... и это было в серидине года. Закрасила с маркерами "шарпи." персонажи из аниме "big windup"

So this was an assignment in Art Class, and it was during the middle of the year. Colored it with sharpie markers. The characters are from the anime "big windup."


Вот я впервые попробовала реализм. Нарисовано с карандашом. :)

Here is my first try at realism. It is drawn with a pencil.


Нарисовано на "doink.com". Никогда уже не закончу.

Drawn on Doink.com. Won't ever finish now. :P


Последниё задание в классе. Материалы:

Цветные, сверху вниз:

Цветной карандаш


масляная пастель

Черно-белые, сверху вниз:

Черный маркер

древесный уголь (Белый и черный)


The last assignment in art class. Materials:

Colors, from top to bottom:

Colored pencil

Tempera Paint

Oil Pastel

Black and white, from top to bottom

Black Marker

Charcoal (black and white)


Ну а теперь покажу стихи. Сорри, перевода не будет. :)

Alright, now I will show you my poems. Sorry, there won't be a translation.

В порядке, как я написала их. :)

In order of how I wrote them.

Night's Freckles

Nut's freckles

speckled on her body,

grains of sand, sprinkled in her hair,

sparkling on her toes,

and she presses her breasts against Geb's brown back,

Ra in between,

Khonshu resting in her womb,

a blanket of light blue wrapping Nut

in soft white clouds,

and Ra slipped his bright fingers

through the clouds, gently grazing Geb's warm skin.

Nut's hands and feet,

touching the four points of Geb

North, South, East, West.

She arches her naked body

and sways back and forth, Geb cradled in her form,

Ra suckling on her nipple engulfed by white clouds,

and a few hours later, Geb is asleep

and Nut's freckles peek out, and Khonshu tears out of her womb,

Ra crawls back in,

Khonshu, wrapped his long arms around Nut's neck,

stroking her hair,

littered with thousands of fireflies,

and he plants a kiss on the tip of her nose,

curls up against her breast,

a crescent.

Nut's breasts pressed against Geb's back,

Khonshu curled up in a sleep,

peaceful like a sleeping cat's,

his hair matted to his forehead,

while Nut's is draped over Geb's sleeping face.

She shifts uncomfortably,

lays her chin on the nape of Geb's neck.

And so she sleeps,

no one ever telling her,

"good night."

(Про египетскую богиню, Нут!)


she holds a torch.

strokes it with a gentle brush,

silky fingers waltzing through

the coarse splinters,

clingy spurs, hungry for the soft palm that meets them with a smile.

(hello, hello) they say

shining teeth on the tips of the nails

(hello, hello), and the splinters stab, (you know)

like little ants digging their teeth

into giants that run away

at the thought of their tiny legs

skittering across their pores.

so she held the torch, brushing at its creases,

the dirt defining the curves in her fingertips,

(they looked like deserts, and if you were a cell,

those curves would be sand dunes, the dust would be

nine feet thick, and your feet would sink as you,

a phagocyte, engulfed a pathogen, pleading for mercy,

slicing off its tiny head, [help, help], it would scream.)

She stroked the torch,

touching the deserts to her temples

leaving beaches near her eyes.

The torch

the torch wouldn't light

until she ate the fire.


puked all over the floor

like a poor bastard infected with

a plague that seeped into his cells

and burst the walls

filled pockets of skin with

a vile black liquid,

it resembles vomit from two weeks ago

when the men with beak noses

filled with incense,

robes down to their silent feet

shook frog guts and moth wings over your face,

and you stupidly swallowed that


(that looked like urine of a sickly cow)

and under the black lenses of the useless doctors,

you could almost see a mocking twinkle, as if their beak was upturned

and they were shouting,

[caW cAw CAW]

either way

she dances like a raindrop,

collapses on the ground,

and all of her bones shatter,

made from thin, liquid glass,

her voice ripples on the surface

and it screams

the soft syllables pirouetting on your eardrums

her fingertips tapping

can you hear them?

they are cotton balls

being dropped on the asphalt

can you hear them?

(it's the wind carrying her feet across the air)

and she dances like a raindrop.

you can catch her

and she can shatter in your palms.


"what's it like to be drunk?"

"the wind nips at your skin,

an eager puppy with razor teeth,

every edge is a blur, the world blends,

and you are whipped around in it,

a shaken martini, gulped down,

brains sending signals of

'thump thump thump'

as if your cells are knocking from under your skin

let me out, they cry out to you,

your nails picking at your skin,

making sure that your nerves have not fallen

in a drugged sleep."

"and when you talk, your voice floats away from you,

and you can't catch it,

your voice swims into nonexistence,

yet you speak,

words that you scoop up like dry sand in a fist,

slowly flowing out through the small space

between your curled pinkie and palm

they become those grains, joining up, matching to whatever they touch,"

"you are one with everything,

and you feel the sun through your stem, warming your petals,

you feel the salt water in your beak, a fish, or maybe a crab flopping about,

you feel your branches snap in the wind, falling onto your long, raised roots,

and you feel her eyes, welling up with tears, running down her silk cheeks, and you feel the pain in her pelvis that was not there yesterday."

[broken] mirror

quarrels marinated in expired words


couches that cough up dust when you

throw your hand against the cushion,

lay your head back, and breathe,

air, a coiling snake in your lungs,

crawling back out as carbon dioxide,

a home marinated in expired words,

pillows thrown against reflections

of what its dwellers never wanted to become.

You were the butterfly

he tiptoes like a ray of sun

rests quietly on your skin,

his lashes flutter - the wings of a butterfly

that tickle your cupped hands

so that your fingers can't help

but clamp down

on those notorious flapping flakes

so he runs, a thunderstorm,

his eyes, wild clouds, showering the desperate flowers

with no pollen from the butterfly

whose slimy blood gets under your nails,

like you crawl under a big branch of a tree

sheltered from his useless tears,

tickling the soil with your curling toes,

so he grabs the branch,

casts it down,

you are that butterfly,

flapping pathetically with your last breath.

you are that butterfly, that dreamt it was


Однажды Чжуан-цзы приснилось, что он бабочка, счастливая бабочка, что достигла исполнения желаний, и которая не знает, что она Чжуан-цзы.

Внезапно он проснулся и тогда с испугом увидел, что он Чжуан-цзы. И неизвестно, Чжуан-цзы ли снилось, что он бабочка, или же бабочке снится, что она Чжуан-цзы...

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  • Ответы 6
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  • 2 недели спустя...


it's the plush feel of the mind's whispers

(or perhaps it was the wind, dancing with my hair,

kissing its lady hands, licking the back of my neck)

"look," the whispers scribe into the wall that is my brain.

"look. look how the breeze paints grass, bending into a coil, look how the wind whips leaves around in a tango, yet you,

you do not welcome it, you close the doors of your wool jacket,

the zipper trying to break away,

it tells you (let's dance, tango is for two)"

the clouds serenade me,

raindrops whirling with the beat,

my scalp becomes a drum, wet fingers thump,

the zipper slides, the wool wraps around my waist,

i dance.

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  • 4 недели спустя...

then he waved

his fingers are harp strings,

tall blades of grass, cowering with a breeze,

a howl escaping them.

the notes with the wind curve across dunes,

mountainous joints curl with each pull,

sand escapes through protective eyelashes,

spreading its wings, gritty feathers,

enveloping a woman,

wearing time on her face like a veil,

she imagines the rugged strings

vibrating against her satin fingers

are the throats of songbirds,

cut from their beaks.

her tears and soft sobs write songs for the harp

he left near a window from which she

saw him smile to her for the last time.

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