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Сенат штата Нью-Йорк осудил нападение СССР на безвинных азербайджанцев


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  • OpenArmenia Club

Сенат штата Нью-Йорк выпустил резолюцию с любопытной интерпретацией армянских погромов в Баку в 1990 году. Оказывается, Советы ни с того ни с сего напали на мирных жителей Азербайджана, и преодолев "мужественное сопротивление" погромщиков оккупировали его. Упомянуты 160 погибших азербайджанцев, 5 пропавших, 611 раненных, 841 арестованных, упомянута даже последовавшая за "советским нападением" "резня" в Казахстане и Грузии - об армянах НИ СЛОВА.

Написал в Армянскую Ассамблею Америки. Предлагаю у кого хорошо с английским - набросать текст, выложить его на форуме и посылать письма в Сенат штата Нью-Йорк, конгресс и сенат США, администрацию президента США и т.д.

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  • Ответы 19
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  • OpenArmenia Club

Набросал текст, буду признателен за грамматические и стилистические замечания от носителей английского языка.

Dear sirs,

On Jan 24, 2012 resolution "Observing the 22nd Anniversary of Black January" (J3013-2011) was adopted by the Senate of NY State. I regret to say that this resolution represents false interpretation of tragic events in Azerbaijan which took place in January, 1990. Bringing of Soviet troops in this Sovet republic is represented as "collective punishment by reactionary forces of the Communist Party", an "attack against innocent civilians in Azerbaijan". I would like to remind you that the Soviet troops intervention on 19 Jan, 1990 followed after massacre of Armenian residents in Azerbaijanian city of Baku started on 13 Jan, 1990. Up to 90 Armenian civilians (according to British journalist Thomas de Waal) were killed by Azeri pogrom-makers before Soviet troops were brought. I feel sorry for innocent Azeri civilians killed by Soviet troops during imposing of order, but I can not accept interpretation of this tragic events made by NY Senate. 130 killed, five missing, 611 wounded, and 841 arrested Azerbaijanis are mentioned - and no single word of Armenian massacre and Armenian victims which forced Soviet authorities to bring troops for protecting of the remaining Armenians. This resolution demonstrates offensive disrespect for victims of Armenian massacre and disguises historical truth.

Faithfully yours, <>

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Он ??

В США арестован сенатор, связанный с эмигрантами из СССР

член Сената американского штата Нью-Йорк Карл Крюгер



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Dear sirs,

The Senate of New York State adopted a resolution "Observing the 22nd Anniversary of Black January" (J3013-2011) on Jan 24, 2012. It is unfortunate that his resolution misrepresents the tragic events that occurred in Azerbaijan in January 1990. The resolution portrays the introduction of the Soviet troops as "collective punishment by reactionary forces of the Communist Party", an "attack against innocent civilians in Azerbaijan". This interpretation, however, overlooks the fact that soviet military action in Baku was caused by preceding pogrom and massacre of ethnic Armenian residents of Baku that started on 11 January. According to the British journalist Thomas de Waal up to 90 Armenian civilians were killed by Azerbaijani rioters just before the arrival of the Soviet troops.

While the collateral damage and loss of innocent civilians during the conduct of military operations is always regrettable I was surprised that New York Senate in its resolution mentioned only Azerbaijani casualties of these events and not a single Armenian victim of the earlier massacres is mentioned despite the fact that the introduction of the Soviet troops was triggered by the Armenian massacres,

Yours sincerely

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Есть чушки мазутные-Каспиские ,есть чушки региональные Черноморские..

Два мразя в Крюгере.

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ты хочешь сказать - есть у них деньги?

Да, у них есть деньги.

У них денег больше,но я имел в виду мозги и организацию,как следствие их наличия.

Ես հպարտ եմ,որ հայ եմ:

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  • OpenArmenia Club

Он ??

В США арестован сенатор, связанный с эмигрантами из СССР

член Сената американского штата Нью-Йорк Карл Крюгер



Нет, скорее это она. Пришла на смену как раз проворовавшемуся тезке, Карлу Крюгеру. У мужа другая фамилия, состоят ли в другом родстве не знаю.

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  • OpenArmenia Club

Адреса сенаторов-мужчин:

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Dear Sir,

The Senate of New York State adopted a resolution "Observing the 22nd Anniversary of Black January" (J3013-2011) on Jan 24, 2012. It is unfortunate that this resolution misrepresents the tragic events that occurred in Azerbaijan in January 1990. The resolution portrays the introduction of the Soviet troops as "collective punishment by reactionary forces of the Communist Party", an "attack against innocent civilians in Azerbaijan". This interpretation, however, overlooks the fact that soviet military action in Baku was caused by preceding pogrom and massacre of ethnic Armenian residents of Baku that started on 11 January. According to the British journalist Thomas de Waal up to 90 Armenian civilians were killed by Azerbaijani rioters just before the arrival of the Soviet troops.

While the collateral damage and loss of innocent civilians during the conduct of military operations is always regrettable I was surprised that New York Senate in its resolution mentioned only Azerbaijani casualties of these events and not a single Armenian victim of the earlier massacres is mentioned despite the fact that the introduction of the Soviet troops was triggered by the Armenian massacres,

Yours sincerely

Адреса сенаторов-женщин (включая автора, возможно ей стоит написать отдельное письмо):

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Dear Madam,

The Senate of New York State adopted a resolution "Observing the 22nd Anniversary of Black January" (J3013-2011) on Jan 24, 2012. It is unfortunate that this resolution misrepresents the tragic events that occurred in Azerbaijan in January 1990. The resolution portrays the introduction of the Soviet troops as "collective punishment by reactionary forces of the Communist Party", an "attack against innocent civilians in Azerbaijan". This interpretation, however, overlooks the fact that soviet military action in Baku was caused by preceding pogrom and massacre of ethnic Armenian residents of Baku that started on 11 January. According to the British journalist Thomas de Waal up to 90 Armenian civilians were killed by Azerbaijani rioters just before the arrival of the Soviet troops.

While the collateral damage and loss of innocent civilians during the conduct of military operations is always regrettable I was surprised that New York Senate in its resolution mentioned only Azerbaijani casualties of these events and not a single Armenian victim of the earlier massacres is mentioned despite the fact that the introduction of the Soviet troops was triggered by the Armenian massacres,

Yours sincerely

Адрес автора резолюции:

[email protected]

Dear Madam,

The Senate of New York State adopted a resolution "Observing the 22nd Anniversary of Black January" (J3013-2011) on Jan 24, 2012. It is unfortunate that this resolution sponsored by you misrepresents the tragic events that occurred in Azerbaijan in January 1990. The resolution portrays the introduction of the Soviet troops as "collective punishment by reactionary forces of the Communist Party", an "attack against innocent civilians in Azerbaijan". This interpretation, however, overlooks the fact that soviet military action in Baku was caused by preceding pogrom and massacre of ethnic Armenian residents of Baku that started on 11 January. According to the British journalist Thomas de Waal up to 90 Armenian civilians were killed by Azerbaijani rioters just before the arrival of the Soviet troops.

While the collateral damage and loss of innocent civilians during the conduct of military operations is always regrettable I was surprised that New York Senate in its resolution mentioned only Azerbaijani casualties of these events and not a single Armenian victim of the earlier massacres is mentioned despite the fact that the introduction of the Soviet troops was triggered by the Armenian massacres,

Yours sincerely

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  • OpenArmenia Club

Сенаторам штата Нью-Йорк разослал, на выходных разошлю в другие инстанции.

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I've got the power answer (automatically):

I want to personally thank you for taking the time and effort to contact my

office. Your opinion and input is part and parcel to the Democracy of our

great nation. I appreciate the time you have taken to correspond with me.

Your comments and suggestions are very important to me. I assure you that

I will take into account your thoughts as we discuss the issues during the

legislative process.

If necessary, I will assign your e-mail to a staff member to assist you.

If you have not already done so, please forward your name, address and

phone number to my office.

I am proud to serve people that want to take such an active role in

advocating for their beliefs and principles. I look forward to working on

your behalf to make this state a better place to live, work and raise a



Roy J. McDonald

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  • OpenArmenia Club

Адреса сенаторов-женщин (включая кроме автора, возможно ей стоит написать отдельное письмо):

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

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Сенат штата Нью-Йорк выпустил резолюцию с любопытной интерпретацией армянских погромов в Баку в 1990 году. Оказывается, Советы ни с того ни с сего напали на мирных жителей Азербайджана, и преодолев "мужественное сопротивление" погромщиков оккупировали его. Упомянуты 160 погибших азербайджанцев, 5 пропавших, 611 раненных, 841 арестованных, упомянута даже последовавшая за "советским нападением" "резня" в Казахстане и Грузии - об армянах НИ СЛОВА.

Написал в Армянскую Ассамблею Америки . Предлагаю у кого хорошо с английским - набросать текст, выложить его на форуме и посылать письма в Сенат штата Нью-Йорк, конгресс и сенат США, администрацию президента США и т.д.

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