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Сирия сегодня

Председатель Народного совета САР Мухаммад Джихад Аль-Ляххам заявил, что, история не простит тех, кто не извлекает уроков из войн, оккупаций и попыток стереть историю других народов.

В Ереване на форуме «Против преступления геноцида» по случаю 100-летия геноцида армян в Османской империи Аль-Ляххам заявил, что преступление даже против отдельного человека должно быть осуждено и отвергнуто, не говоря о геноциде, жертвами которого стали 1,5 млн представителей братского армянского народа и еще 1,5 млн человек стали беженцами.

Аль-Ляххам подтвердил, что такфиристский террор, которому подвергаются Сирия и Ирак, направлен против всего населения этих стран и нацелен на преднамеренное уничтожение культурного наследия и памятников истории, что является преступлением против человечности.

Он отметил, что геноцид армян, совершенный 100 лет назад, повторяют сегодня террористические группировки, подчеркнув необходимость взаимодействия в борьбе с терроризмом. Те, кто поддерживает террор, являются соучастниками преступлений против человечности.

Аль-Ляххам выразил признательность братскому народу Армении за его вклад в развитие мировой цивилизации. «Армяне в Сирии являются неотъемлемой частью сирийского общества, мы живем вместе, радуемся вместе и скорбим вместе», — сказал он.

Аль-Ляххам подтвердил, что отношения между Сирией и Арменией являются образцом для других стран, выразив уверенность в их дальнейшем укреплении и развитии сотрудничества во всех сферах.


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Тигран Тавадьян

Мэр г. Сочи Анатолий Пахомов посетил мероприятие, посвященное 100-летию Геноцида армян, прошедшее в поселке Нор Луйс города Сочи. Активисты организации "Народная Память" встретили выступление мэра Сочи поднятыми вверх портретами генерала Андраника Озаняна, памятник которому несколько лет назад был демонтирован под давлением властей Сочи. Подробнее об акции "Народной Памяти" сообщим завтра.


А то они не знали,что мэр там будет.

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А пупсы тем временем волосья на анусе рвут ))))



A first: #Armenian suffering in headlines of two seminal #Turkey dailies, one Turkish (left), the other Kurdish.

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А пупсы тем временем волосья на анусе рвут ))))

Завтра еще три генасида придумают и успокоятся. to_pick_ones_nose2.gif

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погода подкачала, конечно, но народ все равно шел и шел. Мокрая холодная пришла домой, чай пью.

Концерт решили в Опере исполнить из-за погодных условий.

Молодежь сейчас на факельном шествии с флагом

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Между тем канал ТНТ и НТВ в Пупсостане заблокированы. Вещание остановлено..вместо него АЗтВ

Изменено пользователем Noi (история изменений)
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Khloe Kardashian

Today marks the 100 year anniversary of the

Armenian genocide. Knowledge is power! If we

know better than hopefully we shall do better.

Genocides, massacres, human slaughter... are

despicable acts!! Educating people as to what

happened in history is our duty. It is also our

duty to not be silent whenever and wherever

human beings endure suffering and

humiliation no matter their race or creed.

Silence encourages the tormentor, never the

tormented. I am proud to be Armenian and I

won't be silenced or made to believe the

stories of our ancestors are "exaggerated". I

pray that the moral universe ultimately will

bend towards justice. Today let's respect the

eternal memory of those who perished in this

undeniable act of hate. # NeverForget #1915

# ArmenianPride # EternalFlame

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Armenian Genocide commemoration in Istanbul, Turkey. Powerful. Photo by Khatchig Mouradian.


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Вот само голосование:

Признахме „масовото изтребление“ над арменците (видео)

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это турки выходили? за исключением одного-двух, у всех европейские лица.

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  • OpenArmenia Club

Armenia, on Day of Rain and Sorrow, Observes 100th Anniversary of Genocide


The Tsitsernakaberd Memorial Complex — the country's main monument to the roughly 1.5 million people killed — during a commemoration ceremony for the 100th anniversary of the Armenian genocide in Yerevan on Friday.KIRILL KUDRYAVTSEV / AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE — GETTY IMAGES


APRIL 24, 2015

YEREVAN, Armenia — Armenian officials and dignitaries gathered here Friday to recognize the 100th anniversary of what historians and a growing number of world leaders have called the first genocide of the 20th century.

On an ashen gray day in the capital, Yerevan, punctuated by driving rain, President Serzh Sargsyan of Armenia was joined by international delegations that included President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia and President François Hollande of France at the Tsitsernakaberd Memorial Complex, the country’s main monument to the roughly 1.5 million people killed by the Ottoman Turks a century ago.

The complex includes an eternal flame, which was ringed by multicolored flowers, and a 144-foot-tall granite stele, split by a crevice as a symbol of the losses of the Armenian people. As Mr. Hollande arrived and walked toward the soaring stone spike, he paused to shake hands solemnly with Mr. Sargsyan, then placed a yellow rose into a memorial wreath. Mr. Putin followed in similar fashion, pumping Mr. Sargsyan’s hand heartily.

Mr. Sargsyan, in his opening remarks, described the killing of Armenians as “unprecedented in terms of volume and ramifications” at that point in history.

anahita-mediumThreeByTwo225.jpgInteractive Feature | Remembering the Armenian Genocide Descendants of survivors - Turks and Armenians - share their families' stories.

“The western part of the Armenian people, who for millenniums had lived in their homeland, in the cradle of their civilization, were displaced and annihilated under a state-devised plan,” Mr. Sargsyan said, “with direct participation of the army, police, other state institutions, and gangs comprising criminals released from the prisons specifically for this purpose.”

“Around 1.5 million human beings were slaughtered merely for being Armenian,” he said.

The legacy of the mass killings of Armenians in Ottoman Turkey that began in 1915 is still a source of bitter enmity and political disputes in Asia Minor, and beyond.

Turkey, a NATO ally, still fiercely denies that the killings and forced exiles that created what is now one of the world’s largest diasporas amounted to genocide. It is a position so vital to Turkey that it is widely understood that countries adopting that term risk putting their relations with the country in jeopardy. Some world leaders, including President Obama, pointedly declined to use the word genocide in expressing their condolences.

25Armenia2-web-articleLarge.jpgTurks and Armenians marked the anniversary on Friday in Istanbul.DENIZ TOPRAK / EUROPEAN PRESSPHOTO AGENCYIn appointing the secretary of the Treasury, Jacob J. Lew, to lead the American delegation to Yerevan, the White House referred to the ceremony as the “Centennial Commemoration of the Events of 1915” — euphemistic enough perhaps to satisfy President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey, but a grave disappointment to Armenians who had hoped Mr. Obama would make good on his promise as a presidential candidate to recognize the killings as genocide.

In a statement on Friday, Mr. Obama called the killings of Armenians “the first mass atrocity of the 20th century,” adding that “the Armenian people of the Ottoman Empire were deported, massacred and marched to their deaths.”

He also suggested that the absence of the word genocide in his statement was an official position, but not a reflection of his own personal beliefs. “I have consistently stated my own view of what occurred in 1915, and my view has not changed,” Mr. Obama said.

By now, with the facts well established, it is largely a semantic debate that Turkey seems to be losing. Pope Francis, for instance, recently called the killings of Armenians the “first genocide of the 20th century.” Even some people in Turkey have called for recognition and reconciliation given the increasingly settled world opinion.

Still, in an apparent bid to distract from the centennial events in Yerevan and around the world, Turkey brought forward by one day an annual commemoration of the Battle of Gallipoli in World War I, normally held on April 25. The battle is of particular significance to Australia and New Zealand, which lost many soldiers there.

The dueling commemorations presented a challenge for some countries with close ties to Turkey and Armenia, particularly Russia, which decided to send Mr. Putin to Yerevan and Sergei Naryshkin, the speaker of the lower house of Parliament, to Turkey.

Russia is Armenia’s closest ally, providing crucial economic and military support, including border security. At the same time, Russia is relying on Turkey for the construction of a major new natural gas pipeline that would potentially allow Gazprom, the state-controlled energy giant, to bypass Ukraine in supplying gas to customers in Europe.

Despite Turkey’s strategic importance, Mr. Putin’s decision to go to Yerevan was a signal to many that ultimately Russia’s allegiances lie with Armenia, which, like Russia, is a predominantly Christian nation.

“We sincerely sympathize with the Armenian people who suffered one of the most awful tragedies in the history of mankind,” Mr. Putin said in his speech.

Beyond the fight over the term genocide, the enmity between Turkey and Armenia still weighs heavily in both countries and is a major factor in regional politics.

The border between the two nations is sealed, and Armenia remains officially at war with its other Turkic Muslim neighbor, Azerbaijan, over the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh.

It was hardly a surprise that the first leader to speak after Mr. Sargsyan at the commemoration in Yerevan was Nicos Anastasiades of Cyprus, which is also in a decades-long dispute with Turkey over northern Cyprus. Only Turkey recognizes northern Cyprus as an independent nation.

Mr. Anastasiades, in his speech, called for universal recognition of the Armenian genocide. “It is indeed high time to recognize historical facts,” he said, “as this would pave the way to normalizing relations between neighboring countries and would undoubtedly contribute to world peace.”

Mr. Anastasiades added, “We are here to honor the resilience of the Armenian people.”

Mr. Hollande, in his remarks, denounced the repression of ethnic minorities, and condemned religiously motivated killings anywhere in the world.

“Recognition of the Armenian genocide is an act of peace,” he said.

Thomas de Waal, a senior associate at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in Washington, and author of a new book, “Great Catastrophe: Armenians and Turks in the Shadow of Genocide,” said that Armenia and Turkey each suffered from the continuing feud over the killings of 1915.

“If ever there was unfinished historical business, this is it,” Mr. de Waal said from Washington. “Sometimes it feels Armenians and Turks are still stuck in the politics of World War I. The legacy of 1915 and the lack of closure about it means that Armenians still have this big historical trauma at the base of their national identity.”

“As for Turkey,” Mr. de Waal continued, “for all the progress it has made in the past few years, I think the Armenian genocide issue also shows they still have a lingering paranoia about the big Christian ‘great powers,’ and they take that out on the Armenians.”

He said the continuing fight with Armenia had prevented Turkey from rising as a greater regional power, particularly in the Caucasus, and had hindered Armenia in reaching any resolution with Azerbaijan in the fight over Nagorno-Karabakh, which in recent months has threatened to break out once again in open war.

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Завтра еще три генасида придумают и успокоятся. to_pick_ones_nose2.gif

они под микроскопом речь Путина разбирают))

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