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Bender B.R.

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man,i'm so wasted... :wallbash: i gotta get some matzun quick..

by the way,if brotha's from "hood" can get a matzun in israel,than thay can "get" ewerything ewentually :P

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man,i'm so wasted... :wallbash: i gotta get some matzun quick..

by the way,if brotha's from "hood" can get a matzun in israel,than thay can "get" ewerything ewentually :P

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  • 2 недели спустя...

Hi,how you doin' (:?

today i would like to give you some travel advices (:

First of all about our neighbors..theres the first problem,2 enemies,1 big terrorist base and georgians :rolleyes: -the only christian neighbor we got.And they are good people too ,but sometime they can be real jerks :xixi:

ive been there several times,and one thing you have to know about georgians-they will screw your diet in one day -guaranteed (: looks like eating is the only fun they ever have in Georgia.All they do all day is eating and sleaping :rolleyes:

its like:

-hey,what should we do now?

-i know a great place,they are making the greates khachapuries in the town! :buba:

-well..i'm not hungry..really..

-(INVALID SELECTION)Yo,what you're talking about?Its the best khachapuries you've ever tasted.

(and dont you dare to dissagree with him and say that khachapuries are better in Armenia (: cuz if you do you will get free 1.5 hour history lecture about how russians screwed them in Abkhazia :wacko: and just cuz we are "friends" with Russia,they assume that we screwed them too...i have nothin' to do with that :wacko: and theres no point in arguing..believe me :xixi: )

-im just not hungry,thats all (: ,where do you go when you want to have fun?

-well theres a one great plece,they make there best kebabs in the world!

- :white:


Now a few words about armenians in States (: Its great being armenian in States than in Russia.You know why? :xixi: Cuz we no niggas in da States do'! aAight?yeah!We're the caucasian americans do' :D fun part is,that yankees have no idea where the motherland is :P:D maybe they will like to visit the "motherland"...dance the native dances dance.jpg (((((:

You know when you meet someone and you dont tell him your real name,just cuz dont want to cofuze them?

-Hi,im... ( :hm: ) Tom! (dam' piti asei Joey :lol: )

i had neighbors,who called me Tom for a mounth :lol: And i liked it :xixi: it was weird but interesting.

And then they figured that my name's Armen :verysad:

-dude,what the f..?

-You liked me as Tom... :crying:

-Listen we liked you as Tom,and we like you as Armen,you're a little weird..but we like you.

-Actually it's Armenak :xixi:

- :white:

thats why i like afroamericans,cuz you cant confuze them :lol: but the sure can confuze you.

-Hi i'm Armen.

-Hi, my name is Bonifa Latifa Sharifa Hunifa Jackson...

- :cry:


found a wallet lately.what’s better than finding a wallet…huh? huh?...huh??.... © knixen ((((:

finding a wallet with money in it!!! ((((((((((((((((((((((:

seriously,what would you do with a wallet with money?

-Maybe there’s money :unsure: Theres like six hundred dollas in here woohoo haha!!

:wow: I’m a rich!!…..im a f* rich, man! woooooo…rich!finally!!!Ok now let’s see what do I do? Do I return it? Do I return it? Keep the wallet….return…keep return…keep keep keep…..maybe if there’s no i.d. I can keep it. :smart:huh..hah..err..ets see nothing so far..ah..ah..ah ha drivers licence

...erhmm do I look at it? Should I look at it ?ahh its an old lady, oh man.. the address is clear as day err should I send it back? :wallbash: Let me weigh the options, Let me weigh the options …she’s a old lady she may need the money we all know about that social security problem there having

..I could return it and she would have her six hundred dollas...But…what if she’s already dead?...a dead body does not need money ya know...So you can see my logic

.. but if I don’t return it and she does need the money she could die….but if she dies, then she’d be dead and she won’t need the money ..Hmmm let me consult with the powers that be.

Do I keep the wallet or shall I return it...ohhhh powers that be…please answer my question....ommmmmmm....NOW!!! dam' that never works...

I’ll go return the wallet and I hope the powers that be will smile upon me well in the future. And I hope the lady that get’s this back appreciates it and at least writes me an “thank you” note... ):

thank you fo reading this,i'm out.

KEEP THE WALLET!!!! (: secret.gif

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