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Word Of The Day


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надеюсь кому то они пригодятся.

Word of the day

junta \HUN-tuh, JUHN-tuh\, noun:

a council; a convention; a tribunal; an assembly; especially: a clique that seeks or obtains power usually through intrigue or revolution.


Here the troops were on the side of the viceroy and his junta.

The junta leader [Former Argentine President Jorge Rafael Videla] was detained late in the day on orders from a Federal judge after several parents of children missing from the `dirty war' brought charges against the 71-year-old retired general, accusing him of having ordered the kidnappings of children and then offering them for adoption to military families.


From the Spanish word for "joined''; hence, a group of persons joined for a common purpose (see also junto). Originally, it was pronounced (in English) as \JUHN-tuh\ , but since the beginning of the 20th century the more authentically Spanish pronunciation has, in North America, gradually come to predominate.

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Today's word

melee \MAY-lay; may-LAY\, noun:

A fight in which the combatants are mingled in one confused mass; a hand to hand conflict; an affray.


Although hundreds were involved in the melee, police said they made seven arrests Sunday night.

Six players were given 18 minutes in penalties as a result of the melee.


Melee is from the French mêlée, from an Old French word meaning `mixture'. It is related to medley.

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argot \AHR-go; -gut\, noun:

1. A specialized and often secret vocabulary and idiom peculiar to a particular group.

2. A secret language or conventional slang peculiar to thieves, tramps, and vagabonds.


The side road was a bit narrow but in good repair. But as happened from time to time, the last few miles to our destination, in this case the park, were unpaved--"unsealed" in Aussie argot.

In the argot of geology, paleomagnetic specialists are sometimes called paleomagicians.


Argot is from the French.

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Today's word is

callow \KAL-oh\, adjective:

Immature; lacking adult perception, experience, or judgment.


Those who in later years did me harm I describe as I knew them then, and I beg any reader to remember that, although I was hardly callow, I was not yet wise in the ways of the world.

They watched in awe as Revere, at first a callow and unambitious youth, began to develop into a serious young man dedicated to books and devoted to his father.


Callow is from Old English calu, "featherless, bald."

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Today's word is

ersatz \er-ZAHTS; ER-zahts\, adjective:

being a substitute or imitation (usually, an inferior article instead of the real thing); artificial.


Then there was the sheaf of hostile letters larded with ersatz sympathy, strained sarcasm or pure spite.

All we can create in that way is an ersatz culture, the synthetic product of those factories we call variously universities, colleges or museums.


Ersatz is German for "replacement.''

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spoony \SPOO-nee\, adjective:

1. Foolish; silly; excessively sentimental.

2. Foolishly or sentimentally in love.


Nevertheless, because we're spoony old things at heart, we like to believe that some showbiz marriages are different.

We know they aren't doing it for love, otherwise it wouldn't take $50 million to sucker them into getting spoony for a construction worker.


Spoony is from the slang term spoon, meaning "a simpleton or a silly person."

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palimpsest \PAL-imp-sest\, noun:

1. A manuscript, usually of papyrus or parchment, on which more than one text has been written with the earlier writing incompletely erased and still visible.

2. An object or place whose older layers or aspects are apparent beneath its surface.


The manuscript is a palimpsest consisting of vellum leaves from which the "fluent and assured script" of the original Archimedes text and 55 diagrams had been washed or scraped off so that the surface could be used for new writings.

Each is a palimpsest, one improvisation partly burying another but leaving hints of it behind.


Palimpsest is from Latin palimpsestus, from Greek palimpsestos, "scraped or rubbed again," from palin, "again" + psen, "to rub (away)."

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Today's word is

punctilio \punk-TIL-ee-oh\, noun:

1. A fine point of exactness in conduct, ceremony, or procedure.

2. Strictness or exactness in the observance of formalities; as, "the punctilios of a public ceremony."


The utmost in punctilio was observed as each side was retired scoreless for two innings.

Unbending on protocol and punctilio, the Emperor, in his public appearances, recalled the splendor and opulence of Suleiman the Magnificent or Louis XIV, with the difference that he lived and worked in a modern atmosphere and journeyed abroad in a commandeered Ethiopian Airlines plane.


Punctilio comes from Obsolete Italian punctiglio, from Spanish puntillo, diminutive of punto, "point," from Latin punctum, from pungere, "to prick."

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afflatus \uh-FLAY-tuhs\, noun:

A divine impartation of knowledge; supernatural impulse; inspiration.


Whatever happened to passion and vision and the divine afflatus in poetry?

Aristophanes must have eclipsed them... by the exhibition of some diviner faculty, some higher spiritual afflatus.


Afflatus is from Latin afflatus, from afflare, to blow at or breathe on, from ad-, at + flare, to puff, to blow. It is related to deflate, "to blow the wind out of" (de-, out of); inflate, "to blow wind into" (in-, in or into); conflate, "to blow together, hence to bring together; to combine" (con-, with, together); and soufflé, the "puffed up" dish (from French souffler, to puff, from Latin sufflare, to blow from below, hence to blow up, to puff up, from sub-, below + flare).

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      Автор фильма Виктор Коноплёв.
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      Уверен, найдете очень много интересного.
      Edward Abrahamian, "History of Modern Iran". 
      "В XIX веке европейцы часто описывали Каджарских шахов как типичных "восточных деспотов". Однако на самом деле их деспотизм существовал лишь в виртуальной реальности. 
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