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My Art (Poems, Animations, Drawings, Stories)


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*NOTE I was not sure where to put this so please do not be mad if this is in the wrong place... I am sure that if it is, the moderators can fix it :)

Note I always draw on the computer with the Mouse :)

http://www.doink.com/clips/xXAngelTearXx/1081584/elizabeth This was inspired by Elizabeth Bathory. Note that I drew this with the mouse and not a tablet (A tablet that lets you draw on the computer as you would on paper) Also note that I drew this a few months ago ^,^ Do Ink is a vector animating website, which lets you animate for free.

http://www.doink.com/clips/xXAngelTearXx/1138420/panda-plushie-i-just-became-a-teenager This is not "Gothic" style but I had so much fun drawing it! It is sort of a cute memory... Even though I never had a panda plushie :)

http://www.doink.com/clips/xXAngelTearXx/1133534/feather Her wings seem to be a little off, but otherwise I like it! Here are some poems I wrote for this animation:


Light as a wind

trailing in the sky

leaving the past,

and the present


Your crumpling wings,

so frail from storms,

I do not think

they can fly anymore.

So give them up

for a life of bore,

a life of misery,

a life no more.

Burning Angel wings

I am too far

in this beautiful sin

and this is where

my troubles begin,

with my lust overpowering,

my body and mind,

I will burn in hell

and remain the undying.

And you will know

the pain of loss

your burning wings

that mattered most

and now you are trapped

between heaven and hell

and you will not see

happiness again.

Operation Flood

I am flooded with feelings

up to the brim

hate, and love,

lust, and commitment,

I am a sin.

I leave you, then come back,

yet I am trapped in between

things I can't track.

I go to you,

then to your friend

this pattern goes on

again and again.

http://www.doink.com/clips/xXAngelTearXx/1075641/owl-named-le-mouse-remake I Usually don't draw animals/birds so this was nice practice :)

http://www.doink.com/clips/xXAngelTearXx/1111460/right-round-kitty Movement and animal practice :) With the song "Right round"


Far in the depth of the night

every night hour another soul dies

far in the depth of the sky

you would've heard their last cry

Sleeping so long

remembering the sin

forgetting outside

and wondering within

far from the past and into the future

far away from home (Chorus)

Lonley and sleepless nights

the moon comes up

turns off the light

Prevents your heart from beating

you can't escape the meeting

death awaits you now

Your eyes as deep as the sea

are becoming, becoming empty

Your soul as full as the sky

dissapearing like the sun in the night

Further and further from home

you are afraid to be alone

your lips quieter than breath

your mouth has no more words left

Your shriek as shrill as a bell

I will be waiting in hell

Last Dance

He took her hand

for a lovely waltz

and they danced

and danced together

and every minute

ticking by

felt as if forever

And every moment

since they met

no fear

seemed to be a threat

but she didn't know

that death will come


and their dance will

be over under the


A bullet was shot

right in his heart

and slowly their hands

withdrew apart

and one last thing

he said before he died

"This is our last

dance my darling



Fear consumes

an unfourtunate soul

it takes over

the body and mind

and though you, a mortal

might die very soon

fear remains the undying.

The trust

fear drinks

savoring each sip

and the words

"I don't trust you"

spill from your lips

and the feelings you

lose, that fear has hid

all those things will

come to an end

And being very clever

fear will hide

but each time I

see you,

there's fear in

your eyes

and fear devours

kind words in your mouth

and fear makes you

tremble and shout

and though very brave

you usually are,

I'm afraid this time

fear won the war.

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I can't really draw but I am practicing and hope to get better :) 5199c485550a.jpg Sunao :) from Sukisyo

e610dfcc0673.jpg A fallen angel i drew in science class because I was bored girl_devil.gif

28ac00ea3031.jpga character I made up. He used to have bat wings but the skin got ripped off so now it's just bones crazysmile.gif

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рассказ Surrogate удален по просьбе автора, МиссМортис

Она обещала перепостить его вновь

be patient, please

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Chapter 1: High School

I have been in love with him ever since I could remember. Ever since I turned fourteen. Something in me sparked… something, which found him attractive, handsome. Mine. I wanted him… I knew it was wrong to want another male, such as myself. I knew it was! I was confused. I was a teenager. I was reassuring myself, over and over, over and over. I knew I had to like girls. I just had to, but it was as if I was never interested in them.

At school I would steal glances at him, just a girl in who has a desperate crush would. I didn’t talk to him, or to any of my friends. They would laugh at me. They would murder me with their laughter. I knew that a boy wouldn’t understand. I came to respect females, very, very much. I started hanging out with Monique. She was a new student in our school, and very beautiful for that matter, too bad I had zero interest.

Monique had big blue eyes and long auburn hair that reached to her waist. She wore it in a curled up ponytail. Her lips were pouty, and she would always look down, making her look depressed… or in hiding. She was like a wilted flower, with a splash of beauty in it, which made her quite a melancholy sight. I said hello to her, and stood next to her, leaning against the fence. She would look at me awkwardly, but in a few days came to like me, and we started talking.

The day came where we started talking about romance. She felt that it was awkward, talking to a boy about such things. I thought it was awkward too, but I knew that I was not like all the other boys. She seemed to know that, but she did not want to know that. I felt that she liked me a little more than a friend. She would glance at me when we were silent and smile at me when we were talking.

“So… Richard… do YOU like anyone?” The question stung like a bee. It plunged through me, plaguing me with its poison. I blushed and forced a smile. “To tell you the truth…” I felt my heart racing. What do I tell her? I could see her smiling, also blushing, from the corner of my eye. I knew she was hoping that I would take her hand and say, “You.” And then passionately kiss her… but I knew that would not happen. I knew that she would leave from this school today, with her heart racing and pounding in pain. “To tell you the truth… I like… Jared.”

Monique stared down, her face turning from bright red, to pale. She fluttered her eyelashes and looked up into my eyes, forcing a smile. “Oh…” she said, in a quiet like the spring breeze voice. That voice shook with disappointment and sadness. It shook like an autumn leaf. “To tell you the truth…” she said, licking her lips, “I don’t like anyone!” She started laughing, a fake laugh, and wanted me to believe it. I pretended that I did. Both of us knew that she was lying, but none of us said anything. She knew that I knew about her lies, and she blushed when I started to talk.

“You do not think it is weird for me to like Jared?” I asked, a faint smile on my face. She shook her head. “I don’t know about YOU, but in sex ed we learned that teens usually experiment with homosexuality… so I don’t think it’s weird. I just ho-…I mean THINK that you will get over it.” She turned away, staring at some kids rushing by. “Oh! How could’ve I never thought of that?” I said, with hope and thought in my voice. Maybe this is just experimenting? How can I not know it? Will I really get over it? How am I supposed to know? Why at fourteen? Was I always like this? Did I not ever notice this? Questions pushed and pulled my head apart, trying to get first in line to be answered. Either way I would have to answer them all.

At the end of the school day, I rushed through the crowd of kids trying to get outside of the school. I walked quickly, my backpack hitting my back with each step, digging the books into my side. I wanted to get home, to my room, to my forgotten memories.

At home I looked at the posters on my wall. None of them were Victoria’s secret models, as I have seen in another boy’s room. None of them were of any women at all. There was the poster I got two years ago. It was of Russell Crowe, standing in the buff, looking as if he would pin me against the wall at any time. There was a terminator poster; Arnold standing grandly, the type of guy girls would faint over. I found a magazine with Brad Pitt on the cover, and I remember looking at him, wishing, wishing to meet him. I idolized him. Always. I still did now. I envied his body. I wanted it. He was just so beautiful, so seductive.

The truth hurt me. Truth always hurts. I knew it. I always liked boys. Always. I never had a girlfriend, for which my guy friends would tease me. I always thought that I never have found the perfect girl to love yet, but today… today the truth reared its ugly head. The truth is hideous on the outside, yet beautiful on the inside… but lies… lies are always beautiful, dangerously beautiful. Lies are like a vain, shallow girl… or boy, so beautiful that the world revolves around them like the moon around the earth.

I didn’t know what to do. Suddenly I didn’t want to hear or see. I wanted to be Helen Keller. I wanted for the world to leave me alone. I sat on my bed, staring at the blank, white part of the wall. I was shaking. My life as Richard was officially over. I knew it. I was going to be murdered from the inside out. Pointing fingers, wagging tongues, “Look, him, Richard. Over there! Haha! He’s gay! He really is! He likes Jared. Wooot!” I saw it, clearly, people surrounding me with their voices… Jared not wanting to see me, avoiding me.

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