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plz forward this letter not only to armenian web portals, but as well to all armenian communities around the world, all ur armenian friends.


Dear countrymen and friends of Armenia,

Based on 5-26-2007 statement by Azeri foreign minister, his country had reached an agreement with Armenia over Nagorno-Karabakh. The Armenian side reportedly consented to the return of 7 former Azerbaijani districts (historical Artsakh). Those which were liberated by our brothers from the Turks during the bloody Artsakh war. The Armenian military contingent is planned to be replaced with international peace keepers. http://www.today.az/news/politics/41398.html

According to Azeri press reports, similar statements were made by the Minsk Group representatives in Baku.: http://www.panarmenian.net/news/eng/?nid=22444

In a statement to the people of Artsakh president Gukasian tried to assure them that Kashatagh (Lachin corridor) would not be handed back to Azerbaijan.: http://www.panarmenian.net/news/eng/?nid=22368

On June 1, 2007 the Associated Press cited the OSCE Minsk Group Co-chair of the USA Matthew Bryza: "If the St. Petersburg meeting (of Azerbaijani and Armenian presidents, scheduled on June 9, 2007) is successful, then the number of differences remaining on basic principles could be reduced to close to zero" and that the two sides have agreed on the return of districts surrounding NK that are also under ethnic Armenian control. http://www.iht.com/articles/ap/2007/06/01/...-Azerbaijan.php

Apart from being historical lands liberated for the first time in our contemporary history, said districts form a security buffer around Artsakh. More on the strategic significance of these territories here: http://www.regnum.ru/english/679147.html.

On the unacceptability of foreign “peacekeeping” forces in/around NK here: http://www.panarmenian.net/news/eng/?nid=22472, http://en.apa.az/news.php?id=27734

In order to prevent the surrender of lands that will lead to the loss of Artsakh and a consequent loss of both Armenian statehoods, a group of Armenian activists has started a protest movement. The Online part of the protest actions comprises a statement-petition prepared by Armenian web-forums. We call upon individuals, organizations, web portals to join our protest and sign the petition here:


Best regards,

Miacum team

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Armenian *military force*

не нравится. too aggresive che li.. would “defense force” sound more just? like армия обороны.

Или нужно писать "вооруженные силы"? помогите выбрать политкорректный термин на англ.

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"On May 26, 2007 the Azerbaijani FM made a statement that Armenia and Azerbaijan had come to an agreement over the Nagorno Karabakh conflict resolution, according to which the Armenian side will hand over 7 former Azerbaijani districts of historical Artsakh land back to Azerbaijan, which our brothers liberated from the Turks during the bloody Artsakh war. The Armenian military force will be replaced by an international peacekeeping mission."

Based on 5-26-2007 statement by Azeri foreign minister, his country had reached an agreement with Armenia over Nagorno-Karabakh. The Armenian side reportedly consented to the return of 7 former Azerbaijani districts ( historical Artsakh ).

Those which were liberated by our brothers from the Turks during the long, bloody years of Artsakh war. The Armenian military contingent is planned to be replaced with international peace keepers.

" Simultaneously, according to Azerbaijani press, Minsk Group representatives made similar statements in Baku: "

According to Azeri press reports similiar statements were made by the Minsk Group representatives in Baku.

" A few days ago, the President of Artsakh made a statement, in which he tried to assure people that Kashatagh (Lachin corridor) will not be given to Azerbaijan "

In a statement to the people of Artsakh president Gukasian tried to assure them that Kashatagh ( Lachin corridor ) would not be handed back to Azerbaijan.

" Besides being historical Armenian lands liberated for the first time in contemporary Armenian history, these districts constitute a security guaranty for Artsakh and its population "

Apart from being ancestral Armenian lands liberated for the first time in our contemporary history, said districts form a security buffer around Artsakh.

No need to worry about political correctness when you target the text @ Armenian audience fedayibh0.gif

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Don't get too hung up on the semantics. Security buffer is meant to protect Artsakh population centers by definition.

In terms of " Armenian military contingent " , the phrase sounds as vague as it has to. Let odars figure out what is being referred to here :rolleyes:

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