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Del Piero: “I’m over the moon!”

Alex Del Piero just never stops. Against Frosinone today he scored his 200th goal but he’s already got his eyes on his next target, as there are still many chapters left to write in his Bianconeri story. “I’m over the moon, both for the goal and the win. Goal number 200th in a Juventus shirt is not a milestone, but another stage in my long life in black and white. There are still many goals left for me to score, and many victories for us to achieve. My links with this club and its fans are very strong, we’ve shared so many satisfying moments together”. The journalists asked him just how much he’d been waiting for this goal. “Really it was just three games, but it’s been talked about so much… It wasn’t an obsession, it’s normal that a striker never stops looking for goals, irrespective of what they might represent. Obviously this one has a particular significance”. When asked about his favourite strikes, Del Piero had a few to list. “The one in the Intercontinental Cup, the first one in the Champions League, the very first one for Juventus, the one that broke the record, the one against Fiorentina in the year of my first scudetto. There are quite a few; I remember some of them for the way I scored, others for the significance they had in that particular moment”. Bravo Alex! Just as the announcer said at the end of the game, let’s have another 200!

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Дель Пьеро: забил один самых важных мячей в карьере

Как ранее сообщал Чемпионат.Ру, в субботу капитан "Ювентуса" Алессандро Дель Пьеро забил свой 200-й гол в составе команды. "Это один из самых важных мячей в моей карьере, наряду с другими 3-4 голами. В настоящее время у меня лишь одна цель - вернуться вместе с "Юве" в Серию А. Я не собираюсь завершать карьеру по окончании текущего сезона. Может показаться, что долгие выступления могут набить оскомину, но мне всего 31 год, я полон сил и продолжаю получать удовольствие от футбола", - заявил Дель Пьеро итальянским журналистам.

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даже обидно что скостили

я уверен что Юве и так бы вышел

но теперь скажут, что было легко

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После 1-го тайма в матче Юве - Брешия, счет 2:0 в пользу Юве :)

Juventus 2 - 0 Brescia

6' A.D. Piero

22' A.D. Piero

комменты с сайта Юве:


GOAL!!! Del Piero steps up to take a free-kick twenty-five yards out. He curls the ball towards the bottom right hand corner, Viviano gets a hand to it but he can't keep the ball from crossing the line. Another trade-mark goal from the captain. 1-0


GOAL!!! Del Piero crosses in from the left-wing, the ball curls its way through a sea of bodies and ends up in the back of the net without any player taking a touch. Viviano is nonplussed as the captain celebrates his second goal of the evening. 2-0

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Ребят сколько очков надо юве, чтоб в шестёрку войти и сколько ещё игр осталось Юве

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А какой сейчас состав у Юве? Звёзд они распродали или в аренду сдали?

Я за Юве и Милан болел, но после этого скандала разочаровался.

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победа над Брешией сегодня выведет Юве на 5-ое место с 16-ю очками.

На первом месте в Серии Б идет Генуя с 19-ю очками :) Весь сезон впереди.

Юве должен выходить напрямую без всяких плей-офф, и с выигранной Серией Б

Вот таблица без учета игры с Брешией:

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Победа над Брешией вывела Юве на 3-е место в таблице :)

всего три очка до первого места :) три очка это фигня для Юве :)

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и кстати, с днем рождения Ювентус :)

Birthday of Champions!


The unforgettable celebrations at the Olimpico this afternoon which marked the 109th anniversary of the foundation of Juventus were attended by some of the legendary champions of the past, among them Michel Platini. In an interview conducted in Spain yesterday, ‘Le Roi’, candidate for the UEFA presidency, spoke about one of our players who was recently nominated for the Balon D’Or: “If it weren’t for the World Cup I would have said Ronaldinho or Henry, but after his performances this summer, I would love to see the Balon D’Or go to a goalkeeper, Gigi Buffon, after so many years”. Before arriving at the stadium, the guests met chairman Cobolli at the Juventus HQ, along with CEO and Managing Director Jean-Claude Blanc. Then it was off to the Olimpico where the heroes were invited onto the pitch by the stadium announcer Nanà, who then presented each of them with their own Juventus shirt and a short history of their achievements with the club: Anastasi, Bettega, Bonini, Brio, Cabrini, Castano, Carrera, Causio. Then came Deschamps, who said hello before returning to the changing rooms to continue preparations for the game. The roll-call continued with Ferrara, Candido Fortunato, in memory of his brother Andrea, Furino, Garzena, Gentile, Leoncini, Lippi, Morini, Platini, Ravanelli, Salvadore, Riccardo Scirea, in memory of his father Gaetano, Sentimenti IV, Tacconi and Torricelli. Then Del Piero, who just stayed on the field long enough to watch the entry of Boniperti, who presented him with a special captain’s armband in honour of his 200 goals. While the captain returned to the changing rooms, Boniperti took his position on the field and the candles were lit on a giant cake in the centre circle. 26 candles, one for each champion, and a further three: one for all the fans at the stadium, one for all the Bianconeri fans across Italy and the world, and one for the 39 victims of the Heysel tragedy.

Little Matteo, from the Juventus Soccer Schools, took to the field and handed a ball to Sentimenti IV who passed to Tacconi, then each player in turn from defence to attack. Anastasi passed to Bettega, then Bettega to Ravanelli, before Platini played a wonderful one-two with Boniperti and smashed the ball home to the delight of the crowd. The players then went under the curva to salute the fans, who presented ‘Le Roi’ with a special award with the club’s them tune from the 80s in the background. An evening to remember. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JUVENTUS!

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Trezeguet: “the team comes first”

On Wednesday night’s 2-0 defeat of Brescia:

“I’m really pleased with the win. We were in better physical condition than we were against Frosinone and we played with more fluency and a higher technical level. There was also the extra motivation of the birthday celebrations and it was the first time we’ve played in front of a sell-out crowd so far this season, which is always important”.

On what the future holds for the striker:

“For me, it’s more important the team does well. We need to fight right to the end to get back to Serie A as soon as possible. We miss it. It’s a long championship and it’s going to take a lot of hard work, but so far we’re on the right track. We need to work together as a team, starting with our delicate away trip to Napoli on Monday”.

On his choice to stay in Turin:

“It was a delicate choice for me. I’ve spent seven years here, winning four titles and playing Champions League football, and the club and the coach made it clear they’re counting on me. This is my reality now. It’s just a matter of working hard and helping the team get back to Serie A right away”.

On the squad’s French contingent:

“This club has always had a good relationship with the French players, from Platini to Zidane. The newer guys, Zebina and Boumsong, are both doing well. This is a serious club and it has always believed in us as players. That faith in us is very important”.


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юве перейдет 100%

жаль, что скостили

я бы наоборот, поднял бы еще очков на 10.

тогда юве перешел бы героем, заодно, установил бы рекорд какой-нибудь. а сейчас пойдет дурака валянье, да и класс команды спустится

неужели он не мог выиграть ВСЕ игры?

как Расинг в Аргентине пару десятков лет назад

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