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Urge the White House to Drop the Hoagland Nomination

Current Status

Senator Bob Menendez has placed a "hold" on Hoagland, effectively blocking the Senate's approval of his nomination.

Please take a moment today to thank Senator Menendez for sticking to his principled stand, and to urge your U.S. Senators to demand that the President withdraw this candidate to represent U.S. interests and American values in Armenia.

Send a strong message to the White House: Dick Hoagland is absolutely unacceptable. A denier of the Armenian Genocide should never serve as America's ambassador in Yerevan.

Last Updated: 2006-11-09

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И еще, не забываем 23 Ноября участвовать в 9-ом международном телемарафоне общеармянского фонда. На этот раз будет оказана большая помощь Гадруту.

Информируйте своих родных, близких, просто знакомых. Информируйте неармян в том числе.




I Love Armenia! I Love Artsakh!

Be part of a global effort to make poverty history in Hadrut.

I Love Armenia - Telethon 2006On November 23, 2006, Thanksgiving Day, Armenia Fund USA will air the 9th International Armenia Fund Telethon. This year’s Telethon is momentous as it highlights the 15th anniversary of Armenia’s independence, and the role Armenia Fund USA and its worldwide affiliates have played in the economic and social development of the Republic since 1991. Initially mandated to meet the immediate humanitarian needs of a blockaded country, the Fund evolved throughout the years into an organization that has had the biggest impact on the development of large-scale socioeconomic infrastructure in Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh.


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  • 5 месяцев спустя...

Лекция на тему вопросы национальной безопасности и т.д. Армена Айвазяна в Нью-Йорке, 17-го апреля в 19:00 в церкве Сурб Вартан, Махеттен.

on the 17th April 2007 at 7:00 p.m. at Surb Vartan Armenian Cathedral in Manhattan

Для большей подробности загрузите этот файл.

Если есть кто из Нью-Йорка, то могут посетить. Уверен, что лекция будет интересной. Если у кого имеются знакомые, то их тоже оповестите.

P.S. Админы, а почему не могу загрузить файл?

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В Ереване готовят новогоднее жертвоприношение «во спасение и без убийства»

Всем тем, кто готовится к Новому Году и желает совершить жертвоприношение, «во спасение и без убийства» представители армянских «зеленых» предлагают 26 декабря в 15:00 собраться возле памятника Сасунци Давиду в Ереване (напротив ж/д вокзала).

Активисты напоминают, что питомцы приюта «Спасем животных» нуждаются в помощи. «Они тоже хотят на Новый Год наесться досыта, а их рацион весьма скуден. Апельсины и бананы им не нужны, гречка и рис вполне сойдут», - отметила представительница «зеленых» Овсанна Овсепян.

Помимо указанных продуктов, желающие могут принести хлеб и овсянку, либо пожертвовать немного денег. Тем, кто пожелает посетить животных в питомнике, надо до полудня воскресенья написать письмо по электронному адресу hovsepyanos(ат)yahoo.com.

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Надо эту инфо на личку послать Вечеру, который так тревожился о несчастных дельфинах пару дней назад.

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  • 6 месяцев спустя...

АНКА сообщает (с призывом к американской части), что в среду в конгрессе будет обсуждение вопроса о возвращении армянских и христианских церквей. Просьба сделать звоночек своему представителю и напомнить ему проголосовать за поправку (так, чтобы он не забыл).

This Wednesday, July 20th, a key Congressional panel will vote on an amendment calling on Turkey to return Armenian and other Christian churches. FIRST THING MONDAY - Call on your Representative to support this religious freedom measure!

[взято с феейсбуковской странички АНКИ]

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Just a few hours ago The US House Foreign Affairs Committee, voted 43 to 1 to press Turkey to return Armenian and other Christian churches.


Несколько часов тому назад комитет Министерства Иностранных дел США проголосовал 43 голоса против 1-го за принятие поправки по возвращению армянских и христианских церквей национальным общинам (в рамках религиозных свобод и прав). Наконец-то, что-то начали предпринимать по предотвращению кошмара, творящегося с церквями в Турции. Большой респкт и сенкс всем, кто позвонил своим представителям проголосовать за поправку. We love you :air_kiss: )))

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народ, по этим адресам надо отспамить нижеприведенный текст и добавьте внизу свое имя

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Extradition of Safarov fraught with unpredictable consequences

Statement of Armenian NGOs

On February 19, 2004 in Budapest, Hungary, where the courses were held in the framework of the NATO program "Partnership for Peace", there was a horrific event, which flatly denied the essence and meaning of the program. Late at night Azerbaijani officer Ramil Safarov penetrated into the room of classmates and brutally hacked sleeping Armenian officer Gurgen Margaryan with beforehand purchased ax. This unprecedented crime disturbed not only Armenia and Hungary, but also the whole Europe.

The trial of Safarov lasted more than two years, during which the Azerbaijani side was trying to discredit the memory of the Armenian officer, pushing against him many accusations, and to achieve for criminal possible lenient sentence. During the trial have been convincingly refuted all the accusations against the deceased officer and proved their inadequacy and artificiality. Judge Andrash Vaskuti and the prosecution had perfectly conducted the whole process, strictly adhering to the wording and spirit of the Hungarian and European legislation. Ramil Safarov was sentenced to the maximum penalty: life imprisonment without a right filing a petition for a pardon during the first 30 years. All appeals from the Azerbaijani side were rejected.

Already in custody, Safarov had conducted an attack towards the prison security guard, which was the basis for initiating against him another criminal case and impose a second sentence.

Azerbaijani side from the first day has unsuccessfully tried to extradite Safarov. Representatives of state and public structures afforded statements justifying heinous crime. Thus, the Azerbaijani Ombudsman Suleymanova said that "Safarov should be an example for young people." Ramil Safarov was declared his country's national hero.

All the past 8 years, the Hungarian side has proven its commitment to the norms of international law, rejecting any possibility of extradition of criminal to his homeland. However, the Azerbaijani and Turkish parties persist in their efforts to extradite Safarov. Thus, the recent report proves the collection of signatures in Turkey, which require proponents to reconsider the sentence, implementing unreasonable and unacceptable historical parallels. Similar messages appear regularly also in the Azerbaijani media.

We believe it is our duty to address the Hungarian public and government agencies with an appeal to prevent the extradition of Safarov to Azerbaijan, where it is certainly not expected further punishment, but nothing more than freedom, honor and even greater glorification. As evidence, we present only one sentence: a year ago made by the head of the department of Political Analysis and Information Support of the Presidential Administration of Azerbaijan Elnur Aslanov said that "valor of those like Ramil Safarov gave Azerbaijani society and people a second wind."

We have no doubts that in Hungary are perfectly aware of the fact that the hatred towards Armenians and xenophobia raised to the rank of state policy of Azerbaijan. This was recorded in the report of the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance for the year of 2011. We would like to remind that the President of Azerbaijan, in one of his recent speeches called Armenians as enemy number one for Azerbaijan. We also would like to remind that during the trial in Budapest the attorney of Safarov stated that "killing an Armenian is not a crime in Azerbaijan."

Having said all it is even hard to imagine the consequences that may result from extradition of Safarov to Azerbaijan. This is unacceptable in the first place given the gravity of his crime and the attitude towards that crime in Azerbaijan. But far more serious can be the consequences in the context of relapse of the crime over the world. For Azerbaijani youth, brought up to hate the Armenians and glorify the killer, extradition will be a call to action in the knowledge that the punishment will inevitably be soft, and the laurels of hero killer of Armenians on this background will become too attractive. In this case, the responsibility for the potential crimes certainly will lie not only on Azerbaijan, but also on Hungary. It should also be noted that the extradition against the frequent violations of the ceasefire with Azerbaijan could spark a renewal of bloody war.

We call upon the corresponding structures of friendly Hungary to think about the inevitable consequences of such a step. Only in the country of the crime, in the colony of strict regime Safarov must serve his sentence, imposed on him by Hungarian court. This requires not only the memory of Armenian young man brutally murdered, but the obligations of Hungary, as the country, which has proven its commitment to human rights norms, morality and humanity.

1. “Foundation Against Violation of Law” NGO

Mikayel Aramyan – President

2. Gyumri Development Fund

Artush Mkrtchyan – Chairperson

3. “Khoran Ard” Intelectual Centre NGO

Armen Petrosyan – Executive Director

4. “Our Home Armenia”

Nikolai Babajanyan – Chairperson, Member of Armenian-Russian Union of NGOs

5. “Improve Our Village” NGO

Anahit Tovmasyan – President

6. “Trtu” Cultural NGO

Temik Khalapyan

7. Association "For Sustainable Human Development"

Karine Danielyan – Chairperson

8. "Foundation for Small and Medium Businesses"

Gagik Poghosyan – President

9. “Association of Foreign Investment and Cooperation”

Andranik Aleksanyan – Board President

40 more organizations. Collecting signatures continues ...

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      Уверен, найдете очень много интересного.
      Edward Abrahamian, "History of Modern Iran". 
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