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Стиви Уандер и Шушан Петросян


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I just called to say - ես քեզ սիրում եմ B)

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Popular Armenian singer overwhelmed at meeting international star

By Gayane Abrahamyan

ArmeniaNow reporter

“If I were told that someday I would be Stevie Wonder’s guest or would meet him I would definitely think that I'm in a mirage or a dream,” says singer Shushan Petrosyan.

But at the end of a summer that began with her dream coming true, the singer still tears with, well, wonder, over meeting her musical hero.

Through a series of coincidence, the popular Armenian singer was invited to the international star’s studio at Wonder’s request.

In typical Armenian fashion, the May connection was made through random events.

A former Yerevan classmate of Petrosyan’s, Alina Cholakyan is first assistant in a design studio owned by Wonder’s wife and located in his studio complex in Los Angeles.

While making coffee one morning, Alina – wishing for a memory of home – put Petrosyan’s cd “Towards the Earth” on the stereo. Stevie Wonder followed the music into the room and asked who the singer is, and said he’d like to meet her.

“When Alina told me that Stevie Wonder has set a meeting I became numb, I couldn't believe my ears,” Petrosyan says, these months later. “(Stevie Woner) has been my idol since childhood. I grew up with his music. At those times only getting his cd was happiness for me, let alone seeing him.”

Petrosyan says she was so nervous about meeting her idol that at one point she told her driver “Stop the car, I’m not going”.

“I couldn’t feel how I got there. I only remember that I hugged him and was sobbing for a long time. Then, it was like in a dream. I couldn’t believe that everything was real.”

The famous musician spent about three hours with Petrosyan, listened to several songs from her other cds, then asked her to sing for him.

Then Wonder played his latest, un-released cd for Petrosyan.

When telling her opinion about one of the songs Shushan said that some part of the melody resembled one of the songs on one of his 1980s cds and told the exact name of the album, its release date and the song title. Wonder asked where she knew all of that from.

“I know all you albums and songs. I grew up singing and listening to your songs,” was her answer.

As a result of their meeting, Wonder insinuated that he’d like to collaborate in some way with Petrosyan. But the popular Armenian singer won’t say anything else about that possibility, for fear of jinxing it.

For now, it is enough that she lived out a dream.


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Кстати, если я не ошибаюсь у Шушан очень xорошии голос. Так что везет заслужено. B)

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Думаю, и ей не слабо стать у всех в скором будущем.

И вообще - наглядный пример, что мечты сбываются. Главное - усердно мечтать :)

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Шушан заслужила и не такое! Она стоит на порядок выше наших других завсегдатаев эстрады. Она учень чуткая женщина и отличная гражданка своей страны, пример для подражания, я бы сказал. так что, хочу в чем-то согласиться с мк.ам... "большое дело!".

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Шушан заслужила и не такое! Она стоит на порядок выше наших других завсегдатаев эстрады. Она учень чуткая женщина и отличная гражданка своей страны, пример для подражания, я бы сказал. так что, хочу в чем-то согласиться с мк.ам... "большое дело!".
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  • 2 месяца спустя...
I just called to say - ես քեզ սիրում եմ B)

Տես Հայերեն

Popular Armenian singer overwhelmed at meeting international star

By Gayane Abrahamyan

ArmeniaNow reporter

“If I were told that someday I would be Stevie Wonder’s guest or would meet him I would definitely think that I'm in a mirage or a dream,” says singer Shushan Petrosyan.

But at the end of a summer that began with her dream coming true, the singer still tears with, well, wonder, over meeting her musical hero.

Through a series of coincidence, the popular Armenian singer was invited to the international star’s studio at Wonder’s request.

In typical Armenian fashion, the May connection was made through random events.

A former Yerevan classmate of Petrosyan’s, Alina Cholakyan is first assistant in a design studio owned by Wonder’s wife and located in his studio complex in Los Angeles.

While making coffee one morning, Alina – wishing for a memory of home – put Petrosyan’s cd “Towards the Earth” on the stereo. Stevie Wonder followed the music into the room and asked who the singer is, and said he’d like to meet her.

“When Alina told me that Stevie Wonder has set a meeting I became numb, I couldn't believe my ears,” Petrosyan says, these months later. “(Stevie Woner) has been my idol since childhood. I grew up with his music. At those times only getting his cd was happiness for me, let alone seeing him.”

Petrosyan says she was so nervous about meeting her idol that at one point she told her driver “Stop the car, I’m not going”.

“I couldn’t feel how I got there. I only remember that I hugged him and was sobbing for a long time. Then, it was like in a dream. I couldn’t believe that everything was real.”

The famous musician spent about three hours with Petrosyan, listened to several songs from her other cds, then asked her to sing for him.

Then Wonder played his latest, un-released cd for Petrosyan.

When telling her opinion about one of the songs Shushan said that some part of the melody resembled one of the songs on one of his 1980s cds and told the exact name of the album, its release date and the song title. Wonder asked where she knew all of that from.

“I know all you albums and songs. I grew up singing and listening to your songs,” was her answer.

As a result of their meeting, Wonder insinuated that he’d like to collaborate in some way with Petrosyan. But the popular Armenian singer won’t say anything else about that possibility, for fear of jinxing it.

For now, it is enough that she lived out a dream.


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