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Блин, :smile272: ни о чем кроме песенки Шапокляк ему мой пост не напомнил!!!! :spiteful:

Нет, первая ассоциация была вообще-то с Айн Рэнд, которая бы за такую фразу убила тебя на месте. :whistle:

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Эти ворна вор?.... Эта русская бывшая? Или я путаю?...

Позор, ты не знаешь автора популярнейшего американского бестселлера после Библии? :dribble:

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Судя по твоему тону, я, кажись, должна гордиться тем, что ее не знау..... :innocent:

Читай и учись основам американской философии: :buba:


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Вот видишь - это она! :clapping: Я ее знала! :smile176: Дочка давала мне пару лет назад читать ее книгу, но я, естественно, пробежавшись по диагонали - бросила. :smile272:

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Вот видишь - это она! :clapping: Я ее знала! :smile176: Дочка давала мне пару лет назад читать ее книгу, но я, естественно, пробежавшись по диагонали - бросила. :smile272:

А я вот недавно закончил. :innocent:

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И честно - неужели что-то новое и неслыханное для себя открыл? Я в последнее время на что ни посмотрю - единственное, что для себя открываю - это принадлежность автора к той или иной группе-категории-философии, но не более того.

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И честно - неужели что-то новое и неслыханное для себя открыл? Я в последнее время на что ни посмотрю - единственное, что для себя открываю - это принадлежность автора к той или иной группе-категории-философии, но не более того.

В плане философии - нет, а вот в плане психологии интересно. Позволило понять,а точнее сформулировать жизненные правила многих людей, в особенности американцев.

Изменено пользователем cartesius (история изменений)
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Ну, видимо я ранее в разнообразных классах тут наизучалась этой "психологии" жизненных правил американцев, и посему мне это было откровеннно скучно воспринимать в еще одной версии.

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Ну, видимо я ранее в разнообразных классах тут наизучалась этой "психологии" жизненных правил американцев, и посему мне это было откровеннно скучно воспринимать в еще одной версии.

Это не просто версия, а первоисточник. Этот роман повлиял на мировоззрение очень многих американцев. В частности из него возникло либертарианское движение и современная платформа республиканцев.

Айн Рэнд для Америки, все равно что Карл Маркс для СССР.

Холодная война мировоззрений...

Изменено пользователем cartesius (история изменений)
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Ну видишь как хорошо, - я сначала познакомилась с "мировоззрением" - а уж потом с его автором, - а чтобы быть хорошей женой сыну - необязательно познать в постели и его папашу.... Короче, на том этапе мне ее читать было уже неинтересТно.... :shiftyninja:

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Two years ago, presentation coach Deborah Grayson Riegel attended a crowded networking event in New York. Wearing a unique necklace she had bought while teaching executive communications in Beijing, she decided to meet someone new by finding someone else with a bold piece of jewelry.

“I found a woman wearing a gorgeous green glass and gold wire necklace and walked up to her to compliment her on her jewelry,” she says. “It turned out she was a recruiter and she happened to be looking for a presentation skills instructor with a specialty in working with Chinese MBA students. Because I talked to a stranger, I ended up landing one of the best gigs of my life.”

Riegel’s story is a good example of the adage, “It's not what you know; it’s who you know.” But when it comes to succeeding in business and in life, most of us talk to strangers just 2% to 3% of the time, says Judy Robinett, author of How to Be a Power Connector (McGraw Hill, April 2014).

“It’s sad because the secrets to the majority of your future successes are waiting outside your immediate network,” she says. “It’s where the gold is.”

Robinett used to consider herself shy. Working in management for a Fortune 300 company, she says she hid in corners during big events. Ambitious and wanting to move ahead, she realized that making connections would be the key to her success.

“It had boiled down to fear,” she says. “I was never a connector or extrovert. I eventually found out the majority of others are wonderful and if you focus on them, it numbs your fear.”

Thirty years later, Robinett, who is known for her “titanium Rolodex,” is founder and president of JRobinett Enterprises, and she matches venture capitalists with early-stage companies. She says whether it’s in a face-to-face meeting, on the phone or online, you have a short window of time to connect with someone before you become another forgotten face.

She offers six tips for turning a stranger into an acquaintances or friend:


We’ve all seen people walking down a hall with their head down or sitting at a table engrossed with their phone. Body language speaks volumes, and they’re sending signals that they don’t want to be bothered. Instead, get interested in the people around you, says Robinett. “A smile shows that you’re open to a conversation,” she says.


It sounds simple, but a quick “hello” will break the ice. Marriott Hotels has a “15-5 rule” for its employees. Whenever an employee comes within 15 feet of anyone in the hotel, they must acknowledge the guest with eye contact or a friendly nod. If the person comes within five feet, then the employee must smile and say hello. Robinett suggests that you take on the Marriott rule for yourself.

“Try it with people in the grocery line or wherever you have a captive audience,” she says.


Seventy percent of people proclaim they’re shy, says Robinett. Knowing this puts you in the same boat.

“You don’t have to be an extrovert to talk to a stranger,” she says. “We’re all so worried what other people might think about us. The truth is that no one cares because they’re worried about themselves.”

Instead, take the focus off of you and put it onto the other person. “The best connectors I know will tell you they’re shy, but that doesn’t stop them from creating powerful networks,” says Robinett. “They simply know that it takes other people to get to their goals and they come out of their comfort zone.”


Whether it’s a mutual friend, location, experience, or point of view, find something in common with another person and start a conversation. While the weather is always a safe topic, you can also ask the person if they have children or pets. Or pay attention to your environment. Robinett, who grew up in Idaho, says she once made a new acquaintance because she noticed he had an Idaho license plate.

“It’s really easy to find common ground,” says Robinett. “I can strike up great conversations with people on airplanes or in airports simply because we’re both in transit.”


Give the people you are meeting with the courtesy of your full attention when you are with them, says Robinett.

“Bill Clinton is known for his ability to be fully present even when he is with someone for a few seconds,” says Robinett. “The average attention span is eight seconds. Paying attention makes you more memorable and your communication richer.”


If you’re striking up a conversation with someone in a parking lot, you probably won’t meet them again, says Robinett, but if there was something of interest in your exchange, then it’s perfectly fine to ask for the person’s business card.

“Follow up within 24 hours by sending an email to simply say thank you,” she says. “Within a week, send something of value, such as an article you think the person might enjoy reading. The focus is ongoing from being strangers to building a relationship.”


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The Biggest Mistake After a Job Rejection


Rats! You've received the dreaded "thank you for your interest but..." letter, and you really thought you were going to get that job. Maybe you were the number 2 or number 3 candidate.

Close, but no cigar. Dang!

What now? Move on to the next opportunity, right? Of course. But first...

Try turning that rejection letter on its head! Convert it into an opportunity. Maybe.

Send a Thank You Note!

Really, at this point, what do you have to lose?

If you sincerely liked the people and the organization and would want to be considered when another opportunity opens there, the biggest mistake you can make is giving up on the employer and the people you liked. Instead, send a nice thank you note to the hiring manager, the recruiter, and everyone else who was in the interview process.

Send a Thank You Note? For a Rejection? Seriously? Yes!

They've already offered the job to someone else and probably gotten an acceptance. But that person may change their mind and never start the job. Or that person may take the job but prove to be unsatisfactory. It happens more often than you think.

So, what does the employer do when they face this situation? They groan, roll their eyes, and take another look at the applicants who almost got the job. Why? Because they really don't want to start from scratch, post the job, review the resumes, schedule interviews, spend time in meetings discussing the job and the candidates, etc.

Filling a job takes an employer a lot of time and energy. Staff time for interviews plus the cost of posting the job, etc. is expensive for most employers.

If the new employee failed quickly, they may reach back to the almost-hired list to see who is available.

If the new employee stayed a while before they failed (or left), a new job may be posted, but you might have an "inside track" IF you made a positive impression on them.

Either way, you have provided a very nice sample of your attitude and interest in the organization and the people you met. And that will probably be remembered.

What to Write

Don't try to fake enthusiasm you don't feel -- it will be visible. If you really didn't like the people you met and don't want to work there, don't bother with writing this note.

If you decide to write it, include the following elements in your note:

Thank you for letting you know the outcome of the search, even though they didn't choose you.

Thank you for the time, courtesy, and consideration shown you during the interview process. (Hopefully true!)

Express your disappointment in not getting the job.

Share your appreciation for the opportunity to learn about the organization and meet the people working there.

Reiterate of your continued interest in working in their organization.

Request that they get in touch with you for the next time a job is opened.

Thank you notes are rare. And, a thank you for a rejection is so unusual that they can be very effective, possibly bumping you up from number two or number three to number one on the almost-hired list.


Send a separate, unique note to each person. Email is probably OK (but not one generic thank you with everyone copied on the TO: list!).

If you get a response (or two), you may have an advocate(s) inside the organization for future opportunities. Nurture the relationship - maybe connect on LinkedIn, perhaps schedule an information interview about opportunities at that employer or in that field, or just send an email occasionally (maybe monthly) about something of mutual interest.

With luck, a relationship will develop into a strong network connection, particularly if you felt the person was an ally in your attempt to land that first job.

Bottom Line

I've worked in HR; I've seen this work! And so have many others. A sincere thank you note after a rejection will really stand out. The probability that it will pay off may be less than 5 percent, but that probability may show a higher return on the investment of your time than any other job search action you take that day, and it won't take long to do.

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