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который к тому же намекнул, что если вот тут вот копаться, то можно найти еще до кучи альбомов... :wow: :wacko: :wow:


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  • 1 месяц спустя...

Вот еще один рассказ :)


Но не уверен, что вечно там будет

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  • 3 недели спустя...

Тема - класс . Столько всего интересного можно рассказать об Армении. Меня очень многое связывает с этой страной и любое упоминае о ней вызывает у меня только улыбку и тепло... :sirt: я Армению

Изменено пользователем Arabella (история изменений)
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  • 2 недели спустя...

Сегодня по почте получил эти фотки -- Sevan, Alaverdy

Это Лори. Замечательное место. В детстве каждое лето там бывал. Все на фотографиях знакомо. :)

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Мне кажется, что сами рассказы - в одельных темах должны быть. А здесь все-таки - только список с ссылками.

Отделите плз...

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Форумджане, форумджаны и форумджаники!

Ибо форум сей приветлив и просторен, и нет ни малейшей необходимости в превращении оного в квартиру коммунальную, замечательный рассказ Ины о её путешествии в Айастан, дружелюбно прихватив с собой все восторги и возражения по поводу (и без :hammer: ) буквально мгновение тому назад торжественно въехал в отдельные апартаменты по адресу: ОА, Туризм и Отдых в Армении, Ина и Армения. :sharik:

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Accidental tourist: Where a foreigner living in Armenia goes for simple pleasures

By Timothy Spence

Special to ArmeniaNow

I am not a tourist.

That is what I tell myself no matter where I go, even when I go for pleasure. My longtime travel companion always makes fun of the hoops I jump through to avoid being labeled a tourist—for example, I conceal my camera and other travel gear in department store bags of whatever city I am in, rather than lugging around brand-name rucksacks.

When I worked in Africa, it was harder to be inconspicuous. So I always toured with African friends to help me look less the outsider—but more importantly, I have indelible memories of those trips and their companionship.

It’s not that I’m embarrassed to be a tourist, let alone a tourist from a country with a reputation for loud and obnoxious travelers. When I go someplace, I immerse myself in the history, try to learn to say at least “please” and “thank you” in the local language, and I like to see life the way local people see it—not from the jump seat of tour vans.

I moved from the capital of the United States to the capital of Armenia to work. I even have a residency card. When I am not working or trying to pull myself away from a café on a beautiful spring afternoon in Yerevan, I explore.

So I’m not really a tourist, but here is what I enjoy as the outsider exploring his temporary home:

Urban refuges. I caught the dark side of life in Armenia (the tail end of winter) and my mood rose like the sun when spring arrived. On warm afternoons, I love to sit in one of Yerevan’s urban parks reading or watching other people fleeing to these refuges. Two of my favorite spots for sitting are at the Opera House and the Cascade. Victory Park (at the top of the Cascade) is where I go for a walk down memory land—the old-time amusement park reminds me of the country fairs of my childhood. On the quieter side is the park between Beirut and Italy streets, a shady place not inundated with cafes or the bustle of the other two.

Watching Ararat. If you live here long enough, Mount Ararat may seem like just another feature of Yerevan’s skyline, just taller than some of the ritzy new high-rises and bland old Soviet-era apartment blocks that otherwise obscure the views of Armenia’s natural beauty. But for someone from the flatlands of the American Midwest, it’s a pretty awesome sight. One of my favorite evening pastimes is to jog up the Cascade, then watching Ararat disappear in the lemon-and-orange haze of the setting sun. The steps at the American University of Armenia also make for good viewing, and they are less of a challenge than the Cascade.

Eating in the underworld. American and European tour guides include cautionary notes about vendors selling khorovats, kebab and other local foods, but I have no qualms about having a quick lunch or snack at these places. One of my favorite spots is the pedestrian tunnel under busy Mashtots Avenue, in front of the “Pak Shuka” market and Blue Mosque. For a fraction of the cost of what you pay at a restaurant, you can by a good lunch in this underworld or others like it around the city. There’s a bonus: the smiles I get when I try out my tentative Armenian or fumble to order in Russian.

Visitors shouldn’t be afraid to venture off the beat and path—I’ve rarely eaten a bad meal in Armenia, and my stomach is still intact. Traveling outside Yerevan, town and village bazaars are a great place for a sandwich or kebob. Some of the best meals I’ve eaten have been at out-of-the-way spots, fish at Lake Sevan restaurants and a couple of roadside cafes on the M2 highway near Sisian.

While enjoying Armenian national foods, Western visitors can relish the absence of the chain eateries that despoil the highways and suburbs of North America.

There is plenty of international cuisine in Yerevan. If my budget allowed it, I could eat at a different place every night and never run out of options. But I do have a few special places, where I go to meet friends or to enjoy a solitary dinner. The Club (40 Tumanyan Street, one block northwest of Mashtots Avenue) offers a pleasant atmosphere, excellent food and an operatic chef who breaks from cooking to perform works of Verdi and Puccini.

At the Cascade Park, the Studio Café offers pacific views, reliably good food and accommodating service. Most of the customers are regulars, a diverse group of Armenians and foreigners who live in the neighborhood, and they give the place a friendly and casual environment.

Café Francais (Abovian Street, near the Philharmonic) serves food with a French accent in an intimate bistro atmosphere. Formerly Chez Christophe, the renamed restaurant has excellent service and a bar stocked with copies of the English-language International Herald Tribune and Paris’ Le Monde newspaper. I often catch up on the news with a glass of wine or beer.

On days when I need to reconnect with my American roots, Square One (1/3 Abovian Street) has an excellent cheeseburger. It is a kid- and teen-friendly place, and the wait staff all speak decent English.

Musical paradise. Any visitor to Yerevan would be remiss not to sample some of the city’s diverse music in this city of exceptional talent. Chamber orchestras, jazz clubs, the Opera, recitals and traditional music make this a place of near constant rhythm. Yerevan’s Tourism Information Center (http://www.armeniainfo.am), near Republic Square, across from the Hanrapetutian Hraparak subway station) keeps an extensive list of cultural events. Music is one of the best bargains in town, too (very good seats at the Opera go for less then $5).

Art. Some of Yerevan’s Art museums have seen better days, but the quality of their collections is excellent. The large National Gallery at Republic Square is best seen on warm, sunny days; I first went there on a dark, cold winter day and had to go outside to warm up. The city has numerous private galleries, but the best bargains (and you have to bargain) are found on the weekends at the vernisages at Saryan Park (at Opera Square) and Pavstos Biuzand Boulevard (near Republic Square). Many of the paintings are monotonous—the same subjects and styles, as if every painter attended the same art classes. But there are some really talented painters representing a rich diversity of styles—you just have to look a little harder to find them.

Outside Yerevan. I am grateful that my work takes me to other parts of Armenia, and there is plenty to see on day trips or a long weekend in other parts of the country. Many historic monasteries and churches are accessible, including the beautiful gorge and setting of the Noravank church, about a two-hour drive south of Yerevan on the well-maintained M2 highway.

But first-time visitors should be forewarned: For all its beauty, Armenia’s towns and countryside can be very trashy. A recent cleanup day may have made a dent, but I am still stunned at the site of trash-filled rivers and streams and littered roadsides in a country where people are always well groomed and proud of their tidy homes.

Public transport can be slow and crowded, but renting cars has its downsides, too. Even from a top-shelf rental agency in Yerevan, I had a bad experience—and I’ve heard countless stories about rent-a-wrecks from Hell.

It’s good to insist on thorough maintenance before renting a car, to avoid driving through the mountainous Kapan area in a nearly-new vehicle with failed brakes—which is what happened to me.

Even as a non-tourist, it was not an experience I want to repeat.



rather interesting...

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В Ереванском продюсерском центре ”АЗД” завершена работа по монтажу и озвучиванию первого высококлассного туристического фильма о Нагорном Карабахе. В фильме, отснятом в формате HD и озвученном в нескольких языковых версиях, красочно представлены как архитектурно-истоические, так и эколого-туристические достопримечательности Арцаха (историческое название НКР). Согласно предварительным планам, в первой декаде июня фильм будет оттиражирован, а к концу месяца поступит в продажу.

Как корреспонденту Panorama.am сообщили в продюсерском центре ”АЗД” (AZD) , в ближайшие дни начнутся работы по монтажу видеоматериала фильма под рабочим названием ”Армения для туристов”, съемки которого, для обеспечения зрелищности, проводились с использованием вертoлетной техники.


источник - http://www.panorama.am/index.asp?sel=5988&l=r

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      Уверен, найдете очень много интересного.
      Edward Abrahamian, "History of Modern Iran". 
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