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Microsoft Is Hiring In Moscow


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Soon Microsoft will be in Russia interviewing interested and qualified candidates for software development positions in our SQL Server Product Group in the US at our corporate headquarters. If you are interested, or know someone who is interested, please have them send their resume/cv to [email protected] today!!! We are accepting applications from Russians or citizens from any surrounding countries including Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova and Armenia.



We live in the information age - timely, secure and insightful access to information is increasingly more crucial to the lives of both individuals and organizations. The SQL Server team is charged with defining and building the next-generation Microsoft Data Platform that delivers on the vision of ubiquitous access to your data, anyplace, anytime. And oh, by the way, did we mention we are a $2.3 Billion business growing at over 25% Year over Year and rapidly gaining share in the market?

You think SQL Server is just a plain old database? Think again. The world is in the midst of a tremendous explosion in data - documents, email, line-of-business data, GPS data, RFID data, sensor data, video and satellite imagery - peta-bytes of data are being generated and much of it needs to be managed, secured, searched, synchronized, analyzed and archived. SQL Server is in the midst of a fundamental transition from a database to a complete data platform, one that can store all types of data, on all tiers - from the device to the server, from the browser to the cloud - and provides rich services over all this data. If you want to debate the merits of Postel's law and Web 2.0 application architectures, rub shoulders with Technical Fellows and Distinguished Engineers, build cool software that runs on the smallest of devices or powers the largest of mega-services, and be a part of the division the driving the data and storage vision for the company and for the World, then the SQL Server team is the right team for you.


Software Development Engineer - Writes product code and solves complex problems. Proficient in C/C++. "You come in every morning and check up on what you've built the night before, see if you've broken anything, or if you've got any bugs to take care of. Right now I'm working on three different design features, so I've got maybe three status meetings a week to check in with everybody--the testers, the developers, the Program Managers, and together we figure out what we need to do. The core of my job is designing new features and figuring out how to get them to work. I loved that you could pursue an idea seriously in college and have other people around to talk to about it. I wanted to stay in a place like that. And Microsoft turned out to be that place."

Qualifications: A BA/BS or a graduate degree in computer science or related technical discipline. Strong coding skills, proficiency in C/C++, vision, and a passion for technical excellence.

Software Development Engineer in Test - Creates tools to test and improve products. Proficient in C/C++/C#. So what exactly is it? A Software Design Engineer in Test is a developer who designs, develops, and maintains automation systems-often expandable suites containing multiple automation programs-to be used by the development and test teams. They are responsible for utilizing innovative test technologies to develop a product's testing strategy, and for facilitating the creation and execution of automated test suites across a diverse set of technologies. They look at source code for potential problems using Microsoft internal tools. They also reproduce, debug, and isolate problems, and verify fixes.

Qualifications: A BA/BS or graduate degree in computer science, electrical engineering or related technical discipline. Strong coding skills, proficiency in C/C++/C#, Visual Basic experience, and a relentless attention to detail. There are multiple positions open, so please share the information with someone as good as you are. All positions are at our corporate headquarters in Redmond, Washington, USA. We do require functional level English language skills, written and spoken.

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Да, забыл сказать, они будут в Москве в октябре, так что есть время подготовиться.

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