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Умилительная речь Ильхама Алиева, произнесенная на днях. Непонятно куда делись албано-иранские корни Азербайджана... Ильхам снова подтверждает, что азербайджанцы и турки — одна нация. Непонятно чего ломаются азербайджанские юзеры на форумах, приписывая себе иранское и "албанское" наследие. Прямо какая-то этническая шизофрения.


[April 05, 2006, 18:07:43]

President of the Turkish Republic, my dear brother Ahmet Necdet Sezer!

Dear Semra khanum!

Ladies and gentlemen!

Dear guests!

Let me cordially greet you once again, and say “Welcome”. We attach a great importance to this visit, because this visit will give a powerful impetus to our bilateral relationship. The ties between Turkey and Azerbaijan are based on friendship and fraternity. Our nations have always been bound by very close ties. However, our interstate relations were established after Azerbaijan became independent, and they have been very rapidly developing ever since. Turkey was the first country to recognize Azerbaijan’s independence, and we have always felt Turkey’s help and support. We are very grateful to you for the help and support.

There are fundamental principles our relationship is based on. The great leader Mustafa Kemal Ataturk’s “Sorrow of Azerbaijan is sorrow of ours, its joy is joy of ours”, and the national leader of the Azerbaijani people Heydar Aliyev’s “Turkey and Azerbaijan are one nation, two states” are the principles, which our today’s relationship is based on, and I am confident it will be even strengthened in the future.

The relations and cooperation between Azerbaijan and Turkey are of great significance for not only our two nations, but also the entire region; in particular, nowadays, when Turkey and Azerbaijan have consolidated their positions in both the region and the world: the joint large-scale energy projects are of great importance not only for development, strengthening peace and security in the region but also for the whole world. This year, the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline is to start operating; at the same time, the Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum gas pipeline is to be commissioned. Those are global-scale projects, and they, first of all, will make our states stronger, and simultaneously, will increase our significance. Azerbaijan and Turkey are being transformed to very important countries to deliver the Caspian natural resources to the European and world markets.

In addition, connection of railways is also a very important issue, and the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway project is already in the agenda. Today, we have talked and exchanged views about it. I am sure, this project will also be realized, and thereby, the railway connecting Central Asia and Azerbaijan to Turkey, will be put into operation. Some people once regarded the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline project as a legend. However, our joint efforts, successful activities and regional cooperation have turned the legend into reality. I do not doubt that the outstanding projects will also be successful.

Today, the ways of solution to the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh have also been discussed. As you are aware, Turkey has always been side by side with Azerbaijan in this problem. We have always felt this support, and it is a very important factor to us, the one, which makes Azerbaijan’s positions stronger. Azerbaijan is seeking solution to the conflict only on the base of the international legal norms. The international legal norms must work everywhere. The international norms must be observed, and equal treatment rules must be provided to all. We live in this world, are part of the world, and the norms accepted in international organizations must be a basis for each country. Azerbaijan’s position is exactly that territorial integrity of our country recognized by the United Nations must be restored. Sovereignty of Azerbaijan must be restored, the occupied lands must be cleared from the occupation forces, and Armenia must eliminate the consequences of its policy of ethnic cleansing against Azerbaijanis. This position of ours is unchangeable, and solution to the conflict can be found only if based on those principles. The Turkey’s support to Azerbaijan, its related statements and proposals are of great importance for us, and play a great role in the settlement of conflict.

Our economic cooperation is rapidly developing. Trade turnover has grown very rapidly over the last years. It indicates that our economic relations have also reached a new phase. It makes us very happy because solid economic relations will have an adequate impact on other fields. Economic progress in Turkey and Azerbaijan is now obvious. Turkey’s economy is growing and developing rapidly. Last year, economic growth rate in Azerbaijan made up 26.4 percent. This year, this figure will be higher. There will be new opportunities, new projects to realize. We invite Turkish businessmen operating in Azerbaijan to cooperation. There are already thousands of business people who are living and working in Azerbaijan. For our part, we will always try to take care of and provide assistance to them. Necessary measures to improve investment environment are also underway. The stronger economic relations will promote strengthening those in all other fields.

I would like to reiterate that what unites us are our historic roots, joint history, traditions, religion, language and culture. Those are great basis, on which the two brotherly countries – Turkey and Azerbaijan – are strengthening their relations and working on new projects. It is reality that the issues of great importance to our countries, the region, and the world, are solved in Ankara and Baku. I do not doubt that our positions will become even stronger in the future. The Turkey-Azerbaijan cooperation is the basic condition for our successful development.

My dear brother, esteemed head of state, I welcome you again here in Baku.

Thank you

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...and the national leader of the Azerbaijani people Heydar Aliyev’s “Turkey and Azerbaijan are one nation, two states”...

Помоему, именно Эльчибей первым высказывал такую мысль. Right?

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Верно. Эльчибей был первым, затем Гейдар-баба, теперь ИА.

Но теперь меня интересует другое: «турки уже один раз определились, зачем им определяться еще раз?» © . Никого не напомнило? :)

ПС. Когда азер-цев называем турками, делают обиженый вид. Так кто они, турки, албанцы, мидийцы...?!

Изменено пользователем crimson (история изменений)
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Азербайджанцы - потомки мидийцев, наследники албанов, братья турок, учителя, благодетели и гостеприимцы армян, а также отцы родные для талышей, лезгин, парсов и прочих.

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