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There is "a family supermarket" where lots of fresh fish in my town. A really great choice of fish.

good )) but I do doubt they sell real sturgeon, bro..

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  • OpenArmenia Club


Annajan, that Armenian traditional ham sounds intriguing. Would you care to share the recipe (maybe in the “Кулинарные эксперименты” thread)?

Certainly I'll share)) Nothing difficult,but I will try to describe it in English :ulikovpup: :shiftyninja:

So. Step 1: to keep a washed and cleaned leg of peg (I taken not so big, middle size leg) in salted water during 1-2 days.

Step 2: To do incisions o all over the leg and salt. To put cloves of garlic in the incisions, to pepper, to rub with citron and other seasoning. To keep in cold place during several hours. I like to use red wine too: to pour it upon the leg.

Step 3: To put it in oven.

Step 4. To pour separated out juice on the leg.

When separated juice will be clear, the ham is prepared.


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So. Step 1: to keep a washed and cleaned leg of peg (I taken not so big, middle size leg) in salted water during 1-2 days.

Step 2: To do incisions o all over the leg and salt. To put cloves of garlic in the incisions, to pepper, to rub with citron and other seasoning. To keep in cold place during several hours. I like to use red wine too: to pour it upon the leg.

Step 3: To put it in oven.

Step 4. To pour separated out juice on the leg.

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I remember my grandmother would prepare a great sturgeon dish that felt like butter in your mouth. Mostly boiled with some dill, bay leaves and whole black pepper kernels, it was out of this world!

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  • OpenArmenia Club

Sashiko, you've used imperative mood..

At first I wanted to use it, but after I though that I can use infinitive. Is infinitive form is mistake or just in instructions it is right to use imperative mood?

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  • OpenArmenia Club

good )) but I do doubt they sell real sturgeon, bro..

No, of course)) It is about stellate sturgeon (sevryuga) with weight up to 2 kg.

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Annajan, that sounds great. Thank you.

By citron you mean lemon?

I thought you were talking about ham (cured pork meat) and it looks like your recipe requires a fresh pig leg (and not cured).

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I remember my grandmother would prepare a great sturgeon dish that felt like butter in your mouth. Mostly boiled with some dill, bay leaves and whole black pepper kernels, it was out of this world!

cause that was a real Caspian sturgeon...you can hardly get one today.I was on a trip a month ago with my British partner..visiting Krasnodar. The guy is vegeterian and I am not a big fan of fish I have to say but had to follow his taste. During a dinner I told him that all this fish is bulshit compared to a real sturgeon cooked in all ways - boiled, fried and especially barbequed. Even I being, as I said, no big fish liker loved it a lot. So he tells me he never tried a sturgeon! I took him to a few restaurants in Krasnodar - no Caspian fish only Azov and this one has far different taste and look..actually below any standart. Then I said I"d take him to a place in Moscow I used to go quite often in the past "Basmannaya cafe " where I knew the manager. So I called them on the next occasion in Moscow and guess what.. they tell me they have stopped selling sturgeon..no good supply anymore(((

Today ordered some black cavair which I did not do for some time. Will see ....

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  • OpenArmenia Club

Annajan, that sounds great. Thank you.

By citron you mean lemon?

I thought you were talking about ham (cured pork meat) and it looks like your recipe requires a fresh pig leg (and not cured).

Oh, no... I forgotten that "citron" in English is not mean "citron" that it calls in Armenian))) We name "citron" a rosemary)))

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cause that was a real Caspian sturgeon...you can hardly get one today.I was on a trip a month ago with my British partner..visiting Krasnodar. The guy is vegeterian and I am not a big fan of fish I have to say but had to follow his taste. During a dinner I told him that all this fish is bulshit compared to a real sturgeon cooked in all ways - boiled, fried and especially barbequed. Even I being, as I said, no big fish liker loved it a lot. So he tells me he never tried a sturgeon! I took him to a few restaurants in Krasnodar - no Caspian fish only Azov and this one has far different taste and look..actually below any standart. Then I said I"d take him to a place in Moscow I used to go quite often in the past "Basmannaya cafe " where I knew the manager. So I called them on the next occasion in Moscow and guess what.. they tell me they have stopped selling sturgeon..no good supply anymore(((

Today ordered some black cavair which I did not do for some time. Will see ....

As far as I know the sturgeon, especially the Caspian kind, is considered an endangered species, so we cannot get it here legally.

Black caviar is my most favorite delicacy. I would eat it spoonful by spoonful when I was a kid and for that particular reason my parents had to hide the jars away from me and my big spoon. LOL

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