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Вы забыли в своем перечислении упомянуть тех кто всегда склонен верить официальной пропаганде........Извечное состояние человека именуемое комформизмом и равнодушием.

Ну и пропаганду если хотите тоже в список добавьте... Разница то какая? Вера не нуждается в доказательствах... Именно по этому и к истине отношения не имеет...

Мне вот больше вариант с инопланетянами по душе... Сидят себе где нибудь на альфе центавра и кнопочки на джостиках нажимают, а у нас какие нибудь безобидные чеченцы под ребенка бомбу закладывают... Есть конечно вероятность, что масоны это замутили, но зеленые человечки намного интересней...

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Дядя бостонских взрывателей принес извинения армянам за свои высказывания

30 апреля Руслан Царни - дядя предполагаемых подозреваемых в терроризме Тамерлана и Джохара Царнаевых, связался с изданием «The Armenian Mirror-Spectator», чтобы непосредственно принести извинения армянской общине за свои недавние заявления относительно теракта во время Бостонского марафона.

«Армения имеет очень сильную культуру, поэтому, я хочу подчеркнуть, что его (Миши) этническая принадлежность не имеет ничего общего с ними. Я сожалею, что говорил об этом»,- сказал Царни.

Он еще раз извинился за то, что связал армянскую общину с «этими жестокими событиями».

Издание напоминает, что в предыдущих заявлениях СМИ, Царни осуждал принявшего ислам «Мишу» - Михаила Аллахвердова, подчеркнув, что он «армянского происхождения» и, возможно, причастен к «промыванию мозгов» Тамерлана Царнаева.

В материале отмечается, что Царни связался по телефону, отметив, что не может ответить на дополнительные вопросы. Проверка номера телефона подтвердила, что звонок был сделан с телефона, принадлежащего Руслану Царни.

Источник: Panorama.am

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The uncle of the accused Boston Marathon bombers incorporated, in 1995, a company called the "Congress of Chechen International Organizations." Even as the company was sending aid to Islamic terrorists in Chechnya, its listed address was in the home of former top CIA official Graham Fuller.

Ruslan Tsarni was listed as the company's resident agent. The company's address was 11114 Whisperwood Ln in Rockville MD., the home of Graham Fuller, the one-time Vice-Chairman of the National Intelligence Council at the CIA under President Reagan.

Over this past weekend, Fuller reluctantly confirmed the report published here last Thursday, "Boston bombers’ uncle married daughter of top CIA official."

He admitted that Ruslan Tsarni had once been married to his daughter.

But then, with the same breath, he derided what he called "rumors” of links between Tsarni and the Agency as “absurd.”

But documents surfaced over the weekend that cast a long shadow of doubt on Graham Fuller's assertion, which amounts to a beat cop waving his baton, and saying, "There's nothing to see here folks. Move along."

"Financiers of terrorism"


The documents include a letter written by the President of the Congress of Chechen Organizations International that, at least on the surface, could not have seemed more ordinary.

It was all about shoes.

In the letter, Congress of Chechen Organizations International President Mohammed Shoshani is interceding with the Board of Directors of Benevolence International, a “charity” that would later he designated “financiers of terrorism” by the Treasury Department, and shut down by US Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald after the 9/11 attack.

Shoshani was interceding with Benevolence on behalf of a new military commander in Chechnya named Sheikh Fathi, who had just arrived from spending 10 years fighting in Afghanistan.

Sheikh Fathi was a “military commander in the violent jihadist movement in Chechnya," noted U.S.. Atty Patrick Fitzgerald in a later indictment,(pdf.) ”as well as an influential “preacher of violent jihad.”

In the Benevolent International indictment, Fitzgerald said "Sheikh Fathi was a major conduit for providing material support to the Chechen rebels."

The uncle of the alleged Boston bombers was part of that conduit.

Just how connected are these people?

Fathi would gain a measure of infamy several years later when he introduced the top Al-Qaeda operative in Afghanistan, Al Khattab, into the Chechen conflict. The move had disastrous results, turning what had been a civil war into a jihad.

Shoes for industry, shoes for the dead

Later Al-Khattab became the so-called 20th hijacker Zaccarias Moussaoui’s commander in Chechnya, according to French intelligence, and had close links with Osama bin Laden, according to former New York Times journalist Phil Shenon’s book “The Commission.”

But back to the letter. And the shoes.

On behalf of Sheikh Fathi, Mohammed Shoshani is thanking Benevolence International for the receipt of 2000 pairs of what Fitzgerald—in an indictment charging the leaders of Benevolence International, called “Anti-Mine Boots for the Chechen Mujahideen.”

The Saudi-based charity operated for years in Russia and Chechnya, pumping $50 million into mujahideen coffers, estimated Russian intelligence.

Sheikh Fathi’s eagerness to procure 5000 more pairs of American protective shoes, US Attorney Fitzgerald explained, had been to minimize the damage caused by small Russian-made camouflage mines, called Frog mines, which were wreaking havoc in the ranks of his Chechen fighters.

Were the Boston bombings "blow-back" from US Caucasus ops?

What does this have to do with the Boston Marathon bombing?

One clue: The President of “Uncle Ruslan’s" Congress of Chechen Organizations International, an expatriate Penn State engineering professor Mohammed Sishani, conducted almost all of his business through another organization he led, called the Chechen-Ingush Society of America.

All of his aboveboard business, that is. Ruslan’s outfit surfaced for the dirty bits, the covert side of the Chechen’s cause.

Was Ruslan Tsarni's organization acting as a free agent? Or was it a "cut-out" for the CIA, a convenient way to establish plausible deniability while executing decisions made by U.S. intelligence agencies, who were apparently interceding on the side of people we were calling "rebels" instead of "terrorists" for no reason other than it suited American objectives for Russian forces to get bogged down in a series of bitter civil wars?

Were such actions US policy at the time? Some say the answer is "yes." Wikileaks cables seem to agree.

America's fostering of a jihadist mercenary force in Afghanistan led directly to the blowback that became the 9/11 attack.

The creation of a "second Afghanistan" in the Caucasus may also have led to blowback: the unintended consequences of a covert operation. The result was in bombs going off in Boston.

Were two young jihadis from the North Caucasus region of Russia recruited to become Islamist terrorists and attack the United States at the Boston Marathon?

Questions remain. No, questions don’t “remain.” They “abound.”

The elder Fuller had retired from the agency almost a decade before the brief marriage," wrote the reporter he selected to give him a sympathetic hearing.

If he'd retired, and taken up horticulture, or origami, or golfing in Florida wearing lime-green sweater-slack combinations, rumors that his ex-son-in-law had connections with the CIA might indeed be absurd.

Was that how Mr. Fuller was spending his well-deserved retirement? Nope… He was working for RAND Corporation.

It was a busman's holiday. But there was also something else... Uncle Ruslan Tsarni's company, back in 1996, was actively aiding Islamic terrorists in Chechnya.

And there's no telling what he's up to now, because a story last week revealed that he was working for the US Government, again. And again, it was USAID. This time, since 2008.

Using the home address of a top CIA official under President Ronald Reagan, who had also, and perhaps not coincidentally, been the author of a famous memo that eventually led Oliver North to step off a plane in Iran with TOW missiles in one hand and a cake for the Ayatollah in the other, Ruslan Tsarni's Congress of Chechens put into practice the CIA's unacknowledged policy in the former Soviet Republics.

He's been stirring up shit on Russia’s southern border.

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Boston bombers’ uncle married daughter of top CIA officialPosted on April 26, 2013 by Daniel Hopsicker

Share via emailThe uncle of the two suspected Boston bombers in last week’s attack, Ruslan Tsarni, was married to the daughter of former top CIA official Graham Fuller

The discovery that Uncle Ruslan Tsarni had spy connections that go far deeper than had been previously known is ironic, especially since the mainstrean media's focus yesterday was on a feverish search to find who might have recruited the Tsarnaev brothers.

The chief suspect was a red-haired Armenian exorcist. They were fingering a suspect who may not, in fact, even exist.

It was like blaming one-armed hippies on acid for killing your wife.

Ruslan Tsarni married the daughter of former top CIA official Graham Fuller, who spent 20 years as operations officer in Turkey, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Afghanistan, and Hong Kong. In 1982 Fuller was appointed the National Intelligence Officer for Near East and South Asia at the CIA, and in 1986, under Ronald Reagan, he became the Vice-Chairman of the National Intelligence Council, with overall responsibility for national level strategic forecasting.

At the time of their marriage, Ruslan Tsarni was known as Ruslan Tsarnaev, the same last name as his nephews Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the alleged bombers.

It is unknown when he changed his last name to Tsarni.

What is known is that sometime in the early 1990’s, while she was a graduate student in North Carolina, and he was in law school at Duke, Ruslan Tsarnaev met and married Samantha Ankara Fuller, the daughter of Graham and Prudence Fuller of Rockville Maryland. Her middle name suggests a reference to one of her father’s CIA postings.

The couple divorced sometime before 2004.

Today Ms. Fuller lives abroad, and is a director of several companies pursuing strategies to increase energy production from clean-burning and renewable resources.

On a more ominous note, Graham Fuller was listed as one of the American Deep State rogues on Sibel Edmonds' State Secrets Privilege Gallery,. Edmonds explained it featured subjects of FBI investigations she became aware of during her time as an FBI translator.

Criminal activities were being protected by claims of State Secrets, she asserted. After Attorney General John Ashcroft went all the way to the Supreme Court to muzzle her under a little-used doctrine of State Secrets, she put up twenty-one photos, with no names.

One of them was Graham Fuller.

"Congress of Chechen International" c/o Graham Fuller

A story about a Chechen oik exec/uncle pairing up with a top CIA official who once served as CIA Station Chief in Kabul sounds like a pitch for a bad movie.

But the two men may have been in business together.

In 1995, Tsarnaev incorporated the Congress of Chechen International Organizations in Maryland, using as the address listed on incorporation documents 11114 Whisperwood Ln, in Rockville Maryland, the home address of his then-father-in-law.

It is just eight miles up the Washington National Pike from the Montgomery Village home where “Uncle Ruslan” met—and apparently wowed, the press after the attack in Boston.

The Washington Post yesterday called him a "media maven," while nationally syndicated Washington Post columnist Ester Cepeda , in a piece with the headline “The Wise Words of Uncle Ruslan” opined that he was her choice for "an award for bravery in the face of adversity.”

Success through indirection, mis-direction, redirection, and protection

Uncle Ruslan’s spy connections go far deeper than was already known, which was that he spent two years working in Kazakhstan for USAID.

But the mainstream media was lookng the other way.

Under the headline “Did 'Misha' influence Tsarnaevs? In Watertown, doubts,” USA Today reported: “Misha. A new name has emerged in the Boston Marathon bombing case—one familiar to the family of the two young men accused of the atrocity and apparently of interest to the Russian and American security services as well.”

Ruslan Tsarni was the first to bring up the supposed man's supposed name. Or rather, he brought up a first name: Misha. But it was enough. We were off to the races…

Attention all cars: Be on lookout for chubby Armenian exorcist

Tsarni described Misha to CNN as being "chubby, a big guy, big mouth presenting himself with some kind of abilities as exorcist . . . having some part-time job in one of the stores, not married. All of the qualifications of a loser, just another big mouth.”

According to Uncle Ruslan, Misha was the man who over a considerable period of time had radicalized Tamerlan.

It seemed strange, then, that in contrast to his “you are there” verbal picture of the man, even with all his supposed concerns, and given his high level of education and abundant resources (Big Sky Energy was paying him in excess of $200,00 a year, according to documents filed with the SEC) Ruslan had somehow never found out just who the bad guy was.

He never got a name, something that in spook-dom is considered something of a faux pas. Then again, no one else had either.

Worse, Tsarni's vivid description seemed to be taken from personal observation, from, in other words…real life. But that isn’t possible. Tsarni had stated he hadn’t been physically in the presence of his Boston relatives since December 2005. And Misha, if he existed, didn’t show up on the scene until 2008 at the earliest.

Still, just a few days later, the entire family began chiming in. Misha anecdotes were flying fast & furious, and the nation’s scribblers were busy uncritically scribbling down their every word.

Maybe their Twitter account got hacked again?

No performance was nearly as masterful, however, as that of the Associated Press.

“Bomb suspect influenced by mysterious radical,” reported the Associated Press.

"Tamerlan's relationship with Misha could be a clue in understanding the motives behind his religious transformation and, ultimately, the attack itself," reported the Associate Press. Only to take it all back in the very next line.

"Two U.S. officials say he had no tie to terrorist groups."

The AP’s “story” about the mysterious “Misha” was 1145 words, long enough for an editor to squeeze in a caveat.

“It was not immediately clear whether the FBI has spoken to Misha or was attempting to,” the national wire service reported. “Efforts over several days by The Associated Press to identify and interview Misha have been unsuccessful.”

The big difference: when you do it, its conspiracy theory. When we do it, its informed speculation.

In any other context, this might be seen as the rankest kind of “conspiracy theory.” But, apparently, when the Associated Press does it, its news.

Then Uncle Ruslan made a clear mis-step.

“An uncle of the alleged bombers claims that Misha, an Armenian convert to Islam, had a huge influence on the elder brother, Tamerlan Tsarnaev. Describing him as an "Armenia exorcist, Tsarni said, “Somehow he just took his brain.”

Armenians are a deeply-rooted Christian community, which is proud of the fact that their country was the first in the world to adopt Christianity as state religion in 301 AD.

Moreover this is the week every year when they remember the Armenian Holocaust, when as many as 1,000,000 Armenians were slaughtered by Turkish Muslims.

In the large and close-knit Boston Armenian community, a red-bearded Armenian named Misha becoming a radicalized Muslim would stand out.

"I've never heard of him, nor has anyone that I know," Hilda Avedissian, executive director at the Armenian Cultural & Educational Centre.

So what if the guy was involved with biggest bank fraud in history?

"For an Armenian to convert to Islam is like finding a unicorn in a field," Nerses Zurabyan, 32, an information technology director who lives in nearby Cambridge told USA Today.

The report reveals that the bomber’s Uncle, made famous for his outspoken condemnation of his nephew’s which aired repeatedly on international news networks, is a well-connected oil executive who at one point worked for a Halliburton shell company used as a front to obtain oil contracts from the Kazakh State.

Ruslon Tsarni was implicated in an investigation involving the laundering and theft of $6 billion. But everybody loves Uncle Ruslon. At least most of America’s mainstream media does.

There has, to date, been no speculation at all about whether an uncle of the men suspected of the bombing who had been involved in international intrigue at the hightest levels, and who married the daughter of a top CIA official, might warrant a closer look.

It’s enough, isn’t it, to turn even reasonably rational adults into—gasp!—conspiracy theorists.

“News,” someone once wrote, “is selection. And selection is always based on an ideology and agenda, which is something to remember next time you watch, listen or read the ‘news.’”

Too true.

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Дядя бостонских взрывателей принес извинения армянам за свои высказывания

30 апреля Руслан Царни - дядя предполагаемых подозреваемых в терроризме Тамерлана и Джохара Царнаевых, связался с изданием «The Armenian Mirror-Spectator», чтобы непосредственно принести извинения армянской общине за свои недавние заявления относительно теракта во время Бостонского марафона.

«Армения имеет очень сильную культуру, поэтому, я хочу подчеркнуть, что его (Миши) этническая принадлежность не имеет ничего общего с ними. Я сожалею, что говорил об этом»,- сказал Царни.

Он еще раз извинился за то, что связал армянскую общину с «этими жестокими событиями».

Издание напоминает, что в предыдущих заявлениях СМИ, Царни осуждал принявшего ислам «Мишу» - Михаила Аллахвердова, подчеркнув, что он «армянского происхождения» и, возможно, причастен к «промыванию мозгов» Тамерлана Царнаева.

В материале отмечается, что Царни связался по телефону, отметив, что не может ответить на дополнительные вопросы. Проверка номера телефона подтвердила, что звонок был сделан с телефона, принадлежащего Руслану Царни.

Источник: Panorama.am

А "извиниться" перед армянами через тот же CNN , он не знает как ?

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Начальник полиции города и мэр во время пресс-конференции. Не знаешь кого из них боди лангвидж больше выдает. 21eb6gx.png

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И как турист тоже......К чему вопрос?rolleyes2.gif

А на английском читаете, например американские источники? :shiftyninja:

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А на английском читаете, например американские источники? :shiftyninja:

Нет......О боже! Неужели я лишен самых правдивых (американских) источников информации!

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Ну и пропаганду если хотите тоже в список добавьте... Разница то какая? Вера не нуждается в доказательствах... Именно по этому и к истине отношения не имеет...

Мне вот больше вариант с инопланетянами по душе... Сидят себе где нибудь на альфе центавра и кнопочки на джостиках нажимают, а у нас какие нибудь безобидные чеченцы под ребенка бомбу закладывают... Есть конечно вероятность, что масоны это замутили, но зеленые человечки намного интересней...

Здесь вы явно ошибаетесь уважаемый Гуру.....Дело в том что зеленые человечки просто ангелы по сравнению с человекообразными существами, населяющими нашу планету. Разве вы не в курсе, что даже господь бог давно махнул на нас рукой, предоставив нам самим творить причины, для того чтобы получать желаемые следствия, но вот только знают и пользуются этим кучка наглых властолюбцев, считающих все остальное человечество баранами, которые, по их мнению, только и могут мечтать только о травке что пожирнее.........Вот такая вот простая логика....даже к массонам не ходи.....

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))) так я вроде тоже самое и говорю... Называете это как хотите: божественной волей, злым умыслом кучки людей или развлечением инопланетян... Разве от этого что нибудь изменится? Вам ведь все равно что чувствует планктон в океане? Вот и мы планктон для кого то... Даже планктон осознавший, что он всего лишь планктон не может подняться по пищевой цепочке... А вот планктон который возомнил, что он что то большее и может менять или устанавливать правила игры это зрелище комичное...

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Нет......О боже! Неужели я лишен самых правдивых (американских) источников информации!

Нет, просто вы лишены альтернативных источников информации... Степень ангажированности тут непричем... Делать выводы об Амазонке смотря на один из ее притоков немного сложно...

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Нет, просто вы лишены альтернативных источников информации... Степень ангажированности тут непричем... Делать выводы об Амазонке смотря на один из ее притоков немного сложно...

Я весьма критично отношусь к любым источникам информации......А вот что интересно из фактологического материала, есть в англоязычных и нет в русских? Буду очень признателен тому кто мне эти дополнительные факты перечислит.

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Я весьма критично отношусь к любым источникам информации......А вот что интересно из фактологического материала, есть в англоязычных и нет в русских? Буду очень признателен тому кто мне эти дополнительные факты перечислит.

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Начальник полиции города и мэр во время пресс-конференции. Не знаешь кого из них боди лангвидж больше выдает. 21eb6gx.png

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      Edward Abrahamian, "History of Modern Iran". 
      "В XIX веке европейцы часто описывали Каджарских шахов как типичных "восточных деспотов". Однако на самом деле их деспотизм существовал лишь в виртуальной реальности. 
      Власть шаха была крайне ограниченной из-за отсутствия государственной бюрократии и регулярной армии. Его реальная власть не простиралась далее столицы. Более того, его авторитет практически ничего не значил на местном уровне, пока не получал поддержку региональных вельмож
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