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а вообще в армянском есть кайфовая конструкция, про литературность которой говорить наверное нельзя, но она используется))) впервые популярно была использована Айко-Мко))) ----цвцвац xD (ծվծված)






и т.д.)) это как раз в точности ваш have been -ing, хотя на мой взгляд-это скорее про пассив войс

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НезнайкО, напиши мне свою почту, я тебе книжки другие кину по грамматике, сюда не смогла прикрепить, слишком тяжелые. Чтобы тебе легче было.

И еще... Ты английский учишь с армянского или русского?


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What follows is a word game taken from Wordbuilder, by Guy Wellman:


This is a game. See if you can complete the adjectives below based on the clues provided to help you.


ARIES (Mar 21- Apr 20)


You won't find him in the corner at the party.   OUT-----

That's her doing the can-can on the table.    EX-------

She has no problems.   CAR-----

He never frowns. ф  LIG--HEA----

She tells no lies.   TR------

He has few secrets.   OP--

He'll tell you if he doesn't like your make-up.   CY---

She'll tell you if she doesn't like your after-shave.   FR---

He's the person to ask for that five pounds you are owed. EAS-GO---


TAURUS (Apr 21- May 20)


He knows what he wants and he usually gets it.   STR---WI----

She never gives up without a fight.   DET-------

He knows he's goddo.   SEL-ASS----

She knows she's as good.   SE--CON------

He wants to be even bigger, even better--the best   AMB------

and expects high standards of performance from others.   DOM-----

He works 18 hours a day, jogs, and plays squash.   ENE------

She hates to lose, in business or at tiddlywinks.   COMP-------


GEMINI (May 21- Jun 20)


She thinks she's good.   PR---

He thinks he's superior to everyone.   ARR-----

'As the most experienced and sensible person present, I...'   POM----

'Of course, I could have beaten him even more easily, but I wanted to give him a chance.'  


She won't share her presents with her sister.   SE-----

He spends half the day in front of the mirror.   V---

She thinks the whole world revolves around her.   SE--CEN-----

He thinks he's the centre of the universe.   EGO-------

She looks down on anyone who hasn't got a heated indoor swimming pool at home.   SNO-----


CANCER (Jun 21- Jul 20)


She seems to enjoy finding fault with others.   CRIT----

He'll take off marks if you don't dot your i's.   PE---

She can only ever see one side of things.   NAR---MI----

He always likes the fat taken off his bacon.   FU---

He's like a donkey.   STU-----

She's like a mule.   OBST-----

He loves money, loves having 'things'.   MAT----------

Oh yes, he'll help you--if you make it worth his while.   MERC-----

She never lets her husband out of her sight.   POSS------


LEO (Jul 21 - Aug 21)


You never know what he's going to do.   UNPR---------

He never knows what he's going to do.   INDEC-----

There are two things I don't like about her--her face!   T--FAC--

Be careful what he's saying about you behind your back.   HYP---------

Be careful what she's doing while your back is turned.   DISH-----

He behaves like the weather in April.   CHAN------

She behaves like the proverbial primadonna.   TEMP---------

He says what I want to hear; not what he thinks.   INSE-----

He never does all the things he says he'll do.   UNRE------


VIRGO (Aug 22- Sep 22)



Other people's points of view always impress him.   IMPRE---------

She'd believe you if you told her pizzas grew on trees.   GULL----

She lacks will-power.   WE--WIL---

He lacks courage.   COW-----

He doesn't do much--he just sits back and watches.   PAS----

She'll do what she's told.   OBED----

You never know what he's thinking.   SECR-----

'It was an honour just to be on the same court as McEnroe.   HUM---

How I beat him 6-0, 6-0,6-0? It was just luck.'   MOD---


LIBRA (Sep 23 - Oct 22)


He uses his common sense.    SENS----

She never does silly things under pressure.   LEV--HEA---

She's like the Libran symbol of the scales.   W---BAL-----

She'd solve all the problems on a desert island,    PRAC-----

and nothing would upset her.   CA--

He'd be a good judge or referee.   FA--MIN---

She's got both feet on the ground and is really down-to-earth.   REAL-----

His heart rarely uses his head.   RAT-----

I think, therefore I am. That's my approach.   LOG----


SCORPIO (Oct 23 - Nov 22)


Keep oout of her way when she loses her temper.   AGG-------

He's always the first one to put his fists up,   VIO----

and he's quick to use them--to the full.   BR----

He may even add a boot or two for good measure.   VIC----

She won't let anything stand in her way.  RUTH----

He has no principles about hurting other people.   UNSCR-------

He almost seems to enjoy causing trouble.   MAL------

She's a strong believer in an eye for an eye,   SPIT----

and a tooth---or, in her case, teeth--for a tooth.   VINDI-----


SAGITARIOUS (Nov 23 - Dec 20)


Those with some Latin blood in their veins.   PASSI-----

They are fiery and emotional.   H--BLO----

She's not afraid to go mountain climbing    BR---

or to join a mountain rescue team.   COUR------

He wants to go to wild and unexplored places.   ADV--------

They're vivacious, like champagne bubbles.   LIV---

She puts her heart and soul into her profession.   DEDI-----

These friends do not desert you in a crisis.   LO---


CAPRICORN (Dec 21 - Jan 19)


He'd always stop to help a disabled person across the road.   CONS-------

That's her on the beach wiping oil off the sea-birds' feathers.   TEN---

She wouldn't hurt a fly.   GE----

He leaves $20 tips.   GEN-----

He wouldn't mind if she dyed her hair green.   TOL-----

She lets him sleep when he gets back from a hard day's work.   UND---------

He defends her in any argument.  PROT------

She kisses him on the cheek every minute or so.  AFFEC-------

She always sends a card on her parents' anniversary.   THOU------


AQUARIUS (Jan 20 - Feb 18)


If she likes you, she'll find her arms around you and say so.   IMPU-----

He jumps into the bath without testing the water.  IMP------

Lose your way with her in the car? You'd better not!   IMPA-----

He's constantly like a child on Christmas Eve.   EXC------

He's a typical 'angry young man'.   REB-------

She's Trotsky, Castro and Guevara all rolled into one.   REV----------

He's got a memory like a sieve.   FOR------

He thought a double brandy would help the baby sleep.   IRR----------


PISCES (Feb 19 - Mar 20)


There she is, over there, on her own in the corner.   S--

He's afraid that the whole world is looking at him.   S---CONS-----

She peeps round her front door like a mouse.   TIM--

He's always the last to introduce himself.   RES-----

Be careful not to upset her. It's easily done.   SEN------

He can see beauty in a pile of rubbish.   IMA--------

He can then turn the pile of rubbish into a work of art.   CRE-----

I was moved to tears by the beauty of his sculpture.   EMO-----

He doesn't know who he is, where he is, what to do or why.   UNS-----





And please :angel: don't cheat :aggressive:


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Хотите лучше понимать песни на английском?

Скажите, любите ли вы слушать песни на английском? И хорошо ли у вас получается их понимать? Если на второй вопрос вы ответили “не очень”, то знайте: вы не одиноки. Понимать песни реально труднее, чем разговорную речь.


А ведь правда здорово было бы так: слушаешь по радио песню… ну, скажем, Стинга. Про то, как он гуляет по Нью-Йорку и чувствует себя чужестранцем, - и все понимаешь!


Сделать так вполне возможно, если следовать одной замечательной технике. Она уже протестирована на сотнях наших студентов - и работает прекрасно. Используя ее, вы станете понимать песни на порядок лучше.


Правда, за один день использования этой техники ваш навык не улучшится. А за месяц - улучшится. Так что есть веская причина устроить себе Месячник Английской Песни. Награда будет велика, да и в процессе движения к цели вы получите массу удовольствия.




Чтобы лучше понять смысл этой техники, притормозите на секундочку и попытайтесь ответить на вопрос: а знаете, почему песни так трудно разбирать на слух?


Вы можете сказать: потому что многие певцы неразборчиво произносят слова.

Хорошо, а можете точно сформулировать, что значит “неразборчиво”?


Это значит чуть-чуть не так, как вы ожидаете услышать.


То есть слова-то знакомые, но в обычной речи и в песне они звучат чуть-чуть по-разному! И этого “чуть-чуть” вполне достаточно, чтобы  мы ничего не поняли.


Получается, что нужно сделать?


Понять и запомнить, как произносятся слова именно в песнях, а не в речи. К счастью, “песенные версии произношения” практически одинаковы у всех англоязычных вокалистов, так что запомнив произношение одного, вы станете лучше понимать сразу всех.

Итак, как уже было сказано выше, для этого есть замечательно работающая техника. Давайте назовем эту технику “Вот оно чё, Майкл Джексон!”


Если предельно кратко, то суть этой техники такова:

1)  Вооружаемся записью песни и текстом. Текст практически любой песни можно найти в интернете.

2) Слушаем одну фразу песни. Ну, например, берем песню Майкла Джексона “Billy Jean” и останавливаем после первой фразы.

3) Если все понятно - мы молодцы! А если непонятно, слушаем еще раз. Если теперь понятно - мы-таки молодцы!

4) А если опять непонятно, то теперь уже смотрим в текст.

5) И самое главное: слушаем эту же фразу еще раз, уже зная какой там текст. И понимаем: “Вот оно чё, Майкл Джексон! Вот оно, оказывается, как в пении произносится фраза “Oh, she was more like a beauty queen from a movie scene”!”


Несколько комментариев:


Пункт пятый - важнейший во всей этой схеме. В нем - ключ (а вернее - самая быстрая дорожка) к пониманию песен на слух.


Также важно не сразу смотреть в готовый текст, а сначала попытаться разобрать фразу самому. В “разогретый мозг” информация ложится лучше. Но не стоит пытаться понять фразу больше двух (максимум - трех) раз - дальше уже неэффективно.


И так слушаем дальше, пока не надоест.




И последняя тонкость. Если пытаться разобрать каждую фразу в песне, то быстро устанешь.


Поэтому замечательно работает упражнение, которое вы найдете в конце этой рассылки. Вам дается текст песни, в нем 10-12 пробелов. То есть нужно разбирать не весь текст, а десяток фраз - ровно столько, сколько принесет вам пользу за один присест. Так легче и приятнее.


Вы берете ручку, слушаете песню один или два раза, пытаясь заполнить пропуски.


Дальше проверяете себя.

Дальше (помните? Пункт 5 - самый главный!) слушаете фразы, по методу “Вот оно чё, Майкл!” - то есть пытаясь услышать именно то, что в тексте.

Некоторые фразы у вас получится услышать сразу - и вы даже скажете: “Надо же, как легко, когда знаешь слова!”. Зато в некоторых вы после двух, трех, даже четырех прослушиваний не услышите то, что в тексте. Это нормально. Это значит, “орхидеи еще не зацвели”. Просто спокойно идите дальше.


Этот механизм многократно проверен на занятиях и работает замечательно. Обычно после 7-8 песен, изученных таким образом, студенты начинают говорить: “О! Я сегодня по радио слышал такую-то песню! Раньше ничего не понимал, а сейчас много понял!”


Для тренировки можете скачать три песни: одну легкую, одну - средней сложности и одну трудную. Задания к песням и сами mp3-файлы - здесь. (Внимание! Они сжаты в формате ZIP, поэтому их можно скачать и распаковать только на стационарном компьютере или ноутбуке. Но не на мобильном устройстве). Распечатайте их, возьмите ручку, устраивайтесь поудобнее в наушниках (или перед колонками) - и вперед!


Очень надеюсь, что вам понравится.

До скорой встречи






Мастер-классы Антона Брежестовского в Москве:

16 апреля - “Система времен английского языка”

17 апреля - “Все о модальных глаголах”

Подробности - http://brejestovski.com/mc


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Посмотрела уже задания к песням. Хорошие =) Завтра применю с ученицей New York =)

А еще классно песни применять при обучении грамматике. 

Например :


"Lemon Tree"


I'm sitting here in the boring room

It's just another rainy Sunday afternoon

I'm wasting my time

I got nothing to do

I'm hanging around

I'm waiting for you

But nothing ever happens and I wonder


I'm driving around in my car

I'm driving too fast

I'm driving too far

I'd like to change my point of view

I feel so lonely

I'm waiting for you

But nothing ever happens and I wonder


I wonder how

I wonder why

Yesterday you told me 'bout the blue blue sky

And all that I can see is just a yellow lemon-tree

I'm turning my head up and down

I'm turning turning turning turning turning around

And all that I can see is just another lemon-tree


Sing, dah...


I'm sitting here

I miss the power

I'd like to go out taking a shower

But there's a heavy cloud inside my head

I feel so tired

Put myself into bed

While nothing ever happens and I wonder


Isolation is not good for me

Isolation I don't want to sit on the lemon-tree

I'm steppin' around in the desert of joy

Baby anyhow I'll get another toy

And everything will happen and you wonder


I wonder how

I wonder why

Yesterday you told me 'bout the blue blue sky

And all that I can see is just another lemon-tree

I'm turning my head up and down

I'm turning turning turning turning turning around

And all that I can see is just a yellow lemon-tree

Yellow, wonder, wonder


I wonder how

I wonder why

Yesterday you told me 'bout the blue blue sky

And all that I can see, and all that I can see, and all that I can see

Is just a yellow lemon-tree

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Thanks to William Shakespeare’s OG status as a master wordsmith, his plays are de rigueur in high school and college classrooms alike.

And so, of course, are his penis jokes.

It’s common knowledge the Bard of Avon was fond of filthy puns, which played fabulously well for the notoriously gutter-minded audiences of Elizabethan England. But while some of Shakespeare’s dirty jokes still work as well today as they did in the 16th century, many more have been lost in translation, thanks to the way English has evolved as a language in the past 400 years.

Fortunately, devotees to Shakespeare’s original pronunciation—known as OP scholars—are doing their best to remind modern audiences all about the Bard’s legacy for being down with OPP, so to speak. A recent report from the Atlantic highlights examples of the puns they’re reacquainting readers with:

Wordplay-happy Elizabethans often used “nothing”/“no-ting” as a euphemism for…“vagina.” (There’s no thing there, get it?) Which means that the title Much Ado About Nothing, on top of everything else, also suggests Much Ado About…yeah.

Meanwhile, the best way to get the full Shakespeare-ience is to catch an OP performance of one of his plays. But if you can’t do that, then a language companion like Shakespeare’s Bawdy or Shakespeare’s Words will illuminate dirty jokes galore. For example:

Dirty Scrabble in Twelfth Night

“By my life, this is my lady’s hand, these be her very C’s, her U’s and her T’s and thus makes she her great P’s.”  – Malvolio

Read this out loud with its swaggering original pronunciation, and you’ll find yourself spelling out an, ahem, certain word. (The “and” becomes a slangy “N” sound, if you know what we’re saying.) In addition to pioneering the earliest written variation of a “See you next Tuesday” joke, Shakespeare also made these lines pull double duty, so to speak, by throwing in a bit of toilet humor into the mix. Great P’s? Yep. He went there.

Hamlet keeps redirecting the conversation… into Ophelia’s crotch

HAMLET: Lady, shall I lie in your lap?
OPHELIA: No, my lord.
HAMLET: I mean, my head upon your lap?
OPHELIA: Ay, my lord.
HAMLET: Do you think I meant country matters?
OPHELIA: I think nothing, my lord.
HAMLET: That’s a fair thought to lie between maids’ legs.
OPHELIA: What is, my lord?
HAMLET: Nothing.

Ah, filth. First, don’t overlook that passing mention of “country matters”; no doubt you can guess which syllable in that phrase would’ve been over-emphasized to a roar of bawdy approval. And of course, there’s the “nothing between your legs” joke—which, again, would be a vaginal double entendre to Elizabethan ears. Although in Hamlet’s defense, Ophelia walked right into that one.

Sonnet 151
My soul doth tell my body that he may
Triumph in love: flesh stays no further reason
But rising at thy name doth point out thee
As his triumphant prize.
Although many of Shakespeare’s best and filthies puns were saved for his stage works—much to the delight of the rowdy theater audiences of the time—he couldn’t resist packing phallic humor into his sonnets. That rising, pointing, triumphant thing he’s talking about? Yeah, that’s not his soul.

 SAMPSON: Me they shall feel while I am able to stand, and ’tis known I am a pretty piece of flesh.
GREGORY: ‘Tis well thou art not fish. If thou hadst, thou hadst been poor-john. [Enter ABRAM and another SERVINGMAN.] Draw thy tool! Here comes of the house of Montagues.
SAMPSON: My naked weapon is out. Quarrel! I will back thee.

Even before all that talk of tools and naked weapons, this whole exchange was already one big dong-measuring contest. For one, Sampson’s reference to his “pretty piece of flesh” is exactly what you think it is (and my, aren’t we confident about the notorious beauty of our wang?). But unless they’re experts in Elizabethan cuisine, contemporary audiences might miss the full implication of that “poor-John” comment, which refers to the cheapest, nastiest dried fish available at the time.

In other words, it’s pretty big of Sampson to back his friend in a fight, when Gregory just compared his penis to a desiccated trout.

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  • 1 месяц спустя...


Новый русский перевод:
Господь – Пастырь мой;
я ни в чем не буду нуждаться.
Он покоит меня на зеленых пастбищах
и водит меня к тихим водам

Классический перевод:
Господь - Пастырь мой; я ни в чем не буду нуждаться:
Он покоит меня на злачных пажитях и водит меня к водам тихим

На церковнославянском языке:
Господь пасет мя, и ничтоже мя лишит.
На месте злачне, тамо всели мя, на воде покойне воспита мя.

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5 Things That Make English Difficult for Foreigners to Learn

A billion people are learning English around the world and most of them are struggling with the same things. In 12 years of teaching ESL (English as a Second Language), I was surprised to find that there is little overlap between the mistakes foreigners make and the struggles native speakers have. English learners rarely mix up they’re/there/their or your/you’re and certainly have much less trouble with apostrophes than I do. The unpredictability of English spelling is hard for learners and native speakers alike but, for the foreigner, it’s the grammar native speakers use without thinking that proves the trickiest. Here are five of the biggest quagmires in English.


How would you describe what you do in the mornings? Something like this, I expect: "When my alarm goes off, I get up, take off my pajamas, put on my clothes and set off to work."

That list looks basic, but it's full of one of the most frustratingly perplexing constructions in English: the dreaded phrasal verb—verbs followed by one or two prepositions. The key words in that sentence make no sense to millions of people around the world learning English as a foreign language. Your alarm goes where? Why do you get up rather than stand up? Clothing gets put on but not put off, taken off but not taken on. And as for set and off, neither of those words really mean anything at all if you think about them, so what on earth do they mean when they're together?

There are thousands of phrasal verbs, literally enough to fill special dictionaries just for them. To make it worse, any one of these unfathomable constructions can have several meanings. How many definitions can you think of for "to put off"?


When it comes to talking about what we’re going to do next, English makes things as confusing as possible. We have eight (or more, depending on whether you count expressions like It’s bound to rain tomorrow) different grammatical structures to express the future. They often convey extremely subtle subtexts which another native speaker automatically picks up on.

For example, I ask you about your plans for dinner tonight and you say, “I’ll get pizza on the way home.” I know you just decided spontaneously to do that. Whereas, if you tell me you’re going to get pizza, I understand that you’ve given it prior thought. And, if you say, “I’m getting pizza,” I know it’s fixed in your mind as part of tonight’s plan, maybe you’ve even booked the restaurant. Or, you might say “I was going to get pizza,” a structure that’s sometimes known as the future in the past, signaling you might be open to changing your mind. Finally, “The pizza guy delivers at 8 p.m.” tells me you’re a junk food addict with a regularly scheduled delivery.

There are at least three more future mashups (I’ll be eating, I’ll have eaten, I will have been eating) that make the plot of Interstellar look simple. When foreigners start learning English, they are taught to use will. And then they spend the rest of their English learning career unlearning everything they thought they knew. And that’s just to talk about the real future—when we start talking about the imaginary future, it’s even worse.


Imagine two employees talking about their future. Neither of them are particularly in love with their jobs, so they share their dreams for changing their lives. "If I changed careers, I'd become a vet," one says. The other replies, "Yeah, if I change careers, I'll become a chef."

If we were eavesdropping on their conversation, we would unconsciously know that the first employee sees themselves as unlikely to ever follow their dream, just from their grammar. But the second person sees the possibility of changing career as much likelier to happen. The English learner, however, is struggling to work out whether the conversation is about the future at all, let alone the degree of likelihood it carries.

“If I changed careers …” in the past? “If I change careers…” now? In English conditionals like these, we use the past to show we’re talking about an unlikely future, and the present to show we’re talking about a probable future. Which makes no sense unless you’re Marty McFly.


If you’ve never had to study grammar in any depth, you might not know that you use auxiliary verbs. Auxiliary supposedly means “helping,” but never has a grammar term been more misleadingly applied. For the student of English they are an impediment that begins at entry level and keeps on being a problem forever. English uses them to ask questions, to negate sentences, to give emphasis, and to show we already know the answer to the question we’re asking. They are the little words be, do, and have, their past equivalents was/were, did, and had, and the negatives of all seven of them. And any other words that get added in to “help,” like will, would, can, should etc. Now, has that made it clear? They aren’t easy, though they do trip off the tongue for native speakers, don’t they?

If that’s not unhelpful enough, the position of the auxiliary relative to the “main” verb in the sentence varies depending on the tense and whether it’s a question or a statement. Also, not all questions need an auxiliary (subject questions like “Who saw you?” as opposed to “Who did you see?”), and “to be” has its own rules.


English has some even smaller words that cause problems far out of proportion to their size: the and a/an, otherwise known as the definite and indefinite article. If you’ve grappled with Spanish or French at school, you might think English has it easy since there’s no gender to learn. But English makes up for that with its ton of rules about when to use a, when to use the, and when to use nothing. Even people who’ve been speaking English fluently for 20 years or more make mistakes with them where native speakers never would.

These are some of the general difficulties people have speaking English but, depending on the person’s mother tongue, there are other specific hurdles to face. Next time you think someone’s English could do to improve, try to consider how much they've already overcome

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to catch a cold - простудиться
check up-осмотр (у врача)
to have a headache (earache, stomachache and so on) - иметь головную боль ( боль в ухе, боль в животе и т.д.)
to have a running nose - иметь насморк
to have a clogged nose - иметь забитый нос
to have a cough - кашлять, иметь кашель
sniffle - насморк
to sneeze - чихать
fever - лихорадка,жар
high temperature - высокая температура
to go to the policlinic - идти в поликлинику
the registry -регистратура
to examine patients - осматривать пациентов
to listen to one's heart and lungs - слушать сердцебиение и лёгкие
to check up kidneys ( liver, stomach, eyesight, hearing) - проверять почки (печень, желудок, зрение, слух)
to make a blood test - делать анализ крови
to take blood pressure - измерять артериальное давление
to X-ray - делать рентген
a consulting room - кабинет (врача)
to keep termometer under an armpit -держать градусник под мышкой
to feel pulse - прощупывать пульс
to lay on the examination couch - ложиться на кушетку
to palpate abdomen-прощупывать живот
scarlet fever - скарлатина
to diagnose the case as the flu - диагностировать грипп
to write out a prescription for some medicines - выписывать рецепт на лекарства
pills - таблетки
powder - порошок
drops -капли
mixture - микстура, раствор
to have hot tea with raspberry jam - пить горячий чай с малиновым вареньем
it would keep my fever down - это собьёт мою температуру
the prescribed treatment -предписанное лечение
to avoid complications - чтобы избежать осложнений
to take a tablespoonful of mixture 3 times a day -принимать лекарство по столовой ложке 3 раза в день
to recover from illness-выздороветь
материал из сообщества vk.com/learnenglish
to have a cold rubdown - делать холодные обтирания
to prevent myself from catching cold - уберечь себя от простуды
the first aid station- станция первой помощи
to do morning exercises -делать зарядку по утрам
the ambulance -скорая помощь
the first aid-первая помощь
an accident -несчастный случай
an injure - рана
a scrape -царапина
a cut -порез
to stay calm -оставаться спокойным
to save a life -спасать жизнь
to dial 03 - набрать 03
bleeding -кровотечение
a wound - ранение
a broken bone -перелом
a burn -ожог
hygiene -гигиена
to figure out -выяснять
to step onto the scale - вставать на весы
to weigh - взвешиваться
to stick out tongue -высовывать язык
to check throat -проверять горло
to listen to heart beat -слушать сердцебиение
to take deep breaths -глубоко дышать
spine (backbone) -позвоночник
to bend over to touch your toes- нагнуться так, чтобы коснуться пeальцев ног
hight - рост
weight -вес
to diagnose the illness-диагностировать болезнь
to have a sore throat -иметь больное горло
a pain - боль
to take temperature -измерять температуру
the chemist's - аптека
to follow the doctor's orders -следовать указаниям врача
to get better -становиться лучше, чувствовать себя лучше
to disobey the doctor -не слушаться врача
to get worse-становиться хуже
to stay in bed - оставаться в постели
to extract -удалять (зубы)
medical insurance card - медицинская страховка
to guarantee the people free of charge medical assistance -гарантировать людям бесплатную медицинскую помощь
medical establishments -медицинские учреждения
to charge fees for treatment - взимать плату за лечение
to provide qualified medical help to people -оказывать квалифицированную мед помощь людям
to call for a doctor -вызывать врача
to heal -исцелять

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Памятка для тех, кто хочет научиться создавать связный текст на английском
First and foremost - первое и наиболее важное; во-первых
The first reason why - первая причина, почему...
Secondly - во-вторых
In fact - собственно, в сущности
In other words - другими словами
What is more - что еще важнее
Furthermore - к тому же, более того
However - тем не менее, однако
Actually - вообще-то, на самом деле
Basically - в основном, по сути
Understandably - по вполне понятным причинам; понятно, что
Come to think of it - если вдуматься
Not surprisingly - неудивительно
Although - хотя
Even though - даже если
On the one hand...on the other hand... - с одной стороны...с другой стороны...
It is worth considering - стоит заметить
So - итак, поэтому
Finally - наконец
As a result - в результате
To sum up - подводя итог, суммируя сказанное
Consequently - следовательно

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      Уверен, найдете очень много интересного.
      Edward Abrahamian, "History of Modern Iran". 
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