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If one has the money to change their gender, then that just proves how much more succesful than others they are ;) besides they should be who they wanna be, that doesn't make them disturbed :P

ok, fine.."should be" is a great thing but ....that's not us to decide...I got to know an Armenian guy - psychopathologist who turned out to be a big name in that fieled of abnormalities

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So are you saying that women cannot be in business? Besides if a woman wears a suit, she makes it look more feminine because of her figure, make up and perhaps jewelry :)

no))) what I was saying is that women try to look like men sometimes even in clothes and style and always in behavior and manners

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According to you, a suit is more serious, correct?

A manly suit is more serious because women used to be not allowed to be in business. That is also correct.

Now that women can be in business and the world is used to manly suits for seriousness, what other choice do they have?

not totally correct)) the suit by itself cannot be correct or wrong..it's perception that decides. Therefore twomen most of the time do correct choice to correspond to the right perception..but they could as well wear short skirt and low neck and God knows ...may be those men-sexists would give them a chance)))))))))

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According to you, a suit is more serious, correct?

A manly suit is more serious because women used to be not allowed to be in business. That is also correct.

Now that women can be in business and the world is used to manly suits for seriousness, what other choice do they have?

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In US they have infinite line of choices)) including strings above jeans)

But to be accepted they dress according to the dress code.

But how many of them do that against their will? I think most of business ladies like to dress up like a man)

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So you are saying that women should be submissive and all be housewives?

I admit that I sometimes yell, command and curse and sure as hell I am not going to be a housewife who listens to her husband. :) That doesn't change my femininity..

too bad that you've already made up your mind at that age. It only tells me that it is not exactly your own idea. I am of course not going to try to convince you in not thinking that clearly WRONG way, I can only hope you'll have a chance in your life to meet a good man and feel fulltime wife. But please note that developing thinking like that seriously decreases your chances to find a right man and not a wimp.

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too bad that you've already made up your mind at that age. It only tells me that it is not exactly your own idea. I am of course not going to try to convince you in not thinking that clearly WRONG way, I can only hope you'll have a chance in your life to meet a good man and feel fulltime wife. But please note that developing thinking like that seriously decreases your chances to find a right man and not a wimp.

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How am I going to be a fulltime wife if I want to be a doctor? By the way I dated this one boy who didn't challenge me and in fact, was a wimp...so I left him. I broke up with him. I like a challenge of course, but if he expects for me to bow down and call him master, then he gets a slap in the face :)) I like being the damsel in distress of course, but there is a time and place for that..and that is not daytime or work or when I am mad. Sure I like for a man to take control...doesn't mean that I will submit.

ha-ha-ha-ha..if you were not that young I'd tell a joke about a way young wife wears her hat (left side or right side) when she is out of bathroom ))))))))))))))))) One thing you'd have to learn is that when after loooong loooooooong loooooooong attempts you finally find someone like a prince charming he would not care about daytime, work and especially the fact you're mad )))))))))))))))

You know as for me long time ago I understood for myself that average woman gets "smart" by 35. Untill that she plays her own nerves, breaks her and family lifes, makes crazy mistakes, looses few close people around...all in order to prove to the world she is not going to "submit" or that she is "smarter then other hosewifes". After 35 a particular switch in her brain is activated (after it's not possible to get things back) and she looks at the world from the right angle trying to enjoy some remain...

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How am I going to be a fulltime wife if I want to be a doctor?

Please also note that being a doctor is not a penny better then to be a good housewife and mother. And if you don't manage to be a good mother and housewife at some stage of your life you might even ask yourself why you wanted to be a doctor or you might even hate this fact. I understand, you can't see such a scenario now but at least please take up the argument...

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Please also note that being a doctor is not a penny better then to be a good housewife and mother. And if you don't manage to be a good mother and housewife at some stage of your life you might even ask yourself why you wanted to be a doctor or you might even hate this fact. I understand, you can't see such a scenario now but at least please take up the argument...

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ha-ha-ha-ha..if you were not that young I'd tell a joke about a way young wife wears her hat (left side or right side) when she is out of bathroom ))))))))))))))))) One thing you'd have to learn is that when after loooong loooooooong loooooooong attempts you finally find someone like a prince charming he would not care about daytime, work and especially the fact you're mad )))))))))))))))

You know as for me long time ago I understood for myself that average woman gets "smart" by 35. Untill that she plays her own nerves, breaks her and family lifes, makes crazy mistakes, looses few close people around...all in order to prove to the world she is not going to "submit" or that she is "smarter then other hosewifes". After 35 a particular switch in her brain is activated (after it's not possible to get things back) and she looks at the world from the right angle trying to enjoy some remain...

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