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Оливер Стоун извинился за свои высказывания


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Американский кинорежиссер Оливер Стоун извинился за свои высказывания в адрес евреев и Холокоста, из-за которых его обвинили в антисемитизме сообщает Bloomberg.

"Пытаясь расширить исторический вопрос о злодеяниях, совершенных немецкими фашистами против множества людей, я позволил себе бестактные высказывания о Холокосте, о чем я очень жалею, и прошу прощения", - сказал Стоун.

Он также подчеркнул, что "евреи не контролируют СМИ или другие сферы" и добавил:

"То, что Холокост сегодня остается важным и актуальным вопросом, в действительности является большой заслугой огромного количества людей, которые прилагают много усилий для того, чтобы злодеяния фашистов не были забыты - ведь это были настоящие зверства".

В Американском собрании переживших Холокост и их потомков (American Gathering of Holocaust Survivors and Their Descendants) сообщили, что принимают извинения Оливера Стоуна.

"Его извинения были необходимы, и мы принимаем их, - отметили в организации. - Но остается открытым вопрос, были ли эти извинения искренними, или ему просто было некуда деваться из-за обрушившегося на него морального гнева людей. Об этом мы будем судить по его будущим словам и поступкам".

Напомним, что Оливер Стоун в интервью изданию The Sunday Times подверг резкой критике евреев и Израиль. В частности, он заявил, что евреи, взявшие под контроль американские СМИ, заставляют американцев концентрировать излишнее внимание на Холокосте.

"Гитлер причинил гораздо больше вреда русским, чем евреям, так как убил 25-30 миллионов русских", - заявил режиссер.

Его высказывания вызвали острую критику в США. Так, исполнительный директор Еврейского комитета США Дэвид Аллан Харрис заявил, что Стоун своими высказываниями показал себя, как антисемита.

Мнений 3

Просто очередной жидоамериканец

Доктор | Опубликовано 11.08.2010 в 17:15

Илья,в этом случае есть несколько оправдывающих себя советов:1)"Нельзя,но если очень

хочется,то можно";2)"Лучший способ победить искушение-поддаться ему".От себя добавлю,

уважаемый Илья:ломайте,истребляйте в себе эти ожидаемые всем миром у евреев еврейские

стереотипы поведения:абсолютно излишние в подобных случаях интеллигентность,патологи-

ческое миролюбие,идиотическую политкорректность,излишнюю компромиссность и т.д. и т.п.

Вам хочется назвать эту американскую суку и сволочь негодяем? Неполиткорректно?Правиль-

но,всему миру,а уж антисемитам в особенности,нужны именно так рассуждающие и такие

предсказуемые евреи. Мне глубоко плевать на то,какие он делал фильмы и сколько у него

"Оскаров":"гений и злодейство",талант и человеческая мерзость абсолютно совместимы,так что

за фильмы-заслуженная награда,а за поганые антисемитские высказывания я смачно плюю

(к сожалению,виртуально) в его такую же поганую харю.Есть ещё один ценный афоризм(немно

го изменённый мною):"Если ты плюнешь на народ-народ умоется.Если народ плюнет на тебя-

ты утонешь". Пусть потонет-потеря невелика.Еврейский народ один,а этого дерьма-легионы. С уважением,тоже Илья.


SAMSON | Опубликовано 11.08.2010 в 00:03

Стоун или Штейн,пусть даже полукровка еще раз доказал,что евреи -либералы истинные враги Израиля.Они себя проявили в годы истребления европейского еврейства,и продолжают изливать свою желч сегодня.Не смотря на всю его "звёздность",ни одному слову извинения этого героя вьетнамской войны я не верю.Очень хочется его назвать негодяем,но это негоже.Неполиткорректно ( модное слово).


илья | Опубликовано 10.08.2010 в 20:51

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Меня порадовала и статья, и комментарии.

В своей борьбе с "антисемитами" и торговлей Холокостом TM, борцуны отправляют в ряды антисемитов своего же еврея Стоуна. И еще сбоку припускают мугама типа "полукровка поганая". Очень показательно.

А извинения Дяди Оливера о том что "евреи не захватили СМИ" смахивают на откровенную издевку над этой кошерной инквизицией

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Я тоже чувствую откровенную издевку, типа, хорошо, хорошо мама, не плачь, ты толще бегемота!

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А это само интервью. Болдом отмечен "антисемитизм" из/за которого весь сыр-бор

Lobbing grenades in all directions; OLIVER STONE

The director is in excitable mood, whether pushing his new film, calling for Nick Clegg to be PM, or just marching his family off to lunch

CAMILLA LONG. Sunday Times. London(UK): Jul 25, 2010. pg. 5

Oliver Stone's face is 2in from mine, voice low, husky and burning hot, telling me about the time he killed a man, "in Vietnam, near the beach, a messedup, very confusing situation", he says, chain glinting, tache bristling, "hard to get orders, and then a little fellow pops up

out of a spider hole, right in the middle, like, 'Hi'.

"He could open fire, and then I'd open fire and we'd hit each other.

You have a choice. I took a shot, threw a grenade right in the hole.

BANG!" He died? "Yeah, he died." He gives that rakish, gap-toothed grin. "I've got a good lob."

The director of Platoon, Wall Street, JFK and Natural Born Killers, Stone starts to continue, "I was wounded twice, hit in the neck and the legs and the ass ..." but we are suddenly interrupted by the tour guide, Rosie, a slightly fried, museum-and-scones type in Laura Ashley hues who has been hired by Stone to take him, his Korean wife Jung and

daughter Tara "to do Lulworth, Stonehenge and Bath all in one afternoon", she gasps, but it's 2pm and we haven't moved from outside his hotel yet. So if Stone wants "LUNCH", as he says he does, he needs to get shifting.

"Let's move this army forward," hollers Stone, 63, so off we trot, me, Tara and Jung, with Stone leading the way, somewhere between Jack Sparrow and Hunter S Thompson, weaving and gabbing on the phone, surreptitiously checking out skirt.

So much so that I can't help but ask him about an incident last week in which he told a journalist at a press conference to promote his new documentary, South of the Border, that he liked her red bra. "Oh yeah, that got around," says the notorious philanderer (Stone has been married three times but famously regards the state of matrimony as a "cultural defect"), "but she was wearing a seethrough blouse, very visible, like a Lady Gaga gag. So I said, 'Are you a protester?', and she said, 'Yes'. Actually, a very intelligent woman." We sweep into a noodle bar. "You have a quiet table?" he asks, as a boy in the corner mouths, "Oh my God, is that Oliver Stone?" "Yeah, yeah," mutters Stone, "probably wondering what I'm doing in a f****** joint like this," and he sits down, urgently distributes menus, saying "Okay, dim sum, honey, dim sum, don't ask, just order ..." So his wife orders almost everything on the menu, whereupon Stone looks taken aback and says, "She eats like a HORSE!" He pauses. Pffs. "Thank GOD she doesn't look like one."

He has decided to "get out of London" and recover after an intense week promoting his new documentary about Hugo Chavez, the president of Venezuela, but obviously he is still full of it, chatting away about the storm it's caused in the United States, anti-American "propaganda, blah blah blah".

"The critics will always pick things apart," he says of a particularly scathing review that pointed out a few inaccuracies. Even though he pretends to be used to these "ugly mentions", in fact he is highly emotional about his films: when his 14-year-old daughter says her friends back in Los Angeles aren't quite aware of his work, preferring instead to watch things such as High School Musical, or "BULL***", as Stone calls it, he shouts, "I don't care! They're a bunch of ignorant people!" In fact, he is still smarting from the reception his 2004 film Alexander received, an experience he now calls "heartbreaking". But he is excited because he now -- finally -- has a better cut, an even longer one, at "3 hours 45", he enthuses. "With an intermission." Gawd.

Stone's output has always been prolific. On top of his films, he has done a number of documentaries and was recently granted access to the Iranian president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. He describes America's attitude to Iran as "horrible".

"Iran isn't necessarily the good guy" -- his incongruously dark eyebrows shoot up -- "but we don't know the full story!" He has also done films on Palestine and Fidel Castro, who put Chavez onto him, in fact, "because he liked Comandante. I made two documentaries with Castro ... actually three -- I have a third one coming out. So Castro had been pleased and Chavez had seen them and liked them; also loved Platoon, likes action movies. By his own admission he's a Charles Bronson fan", he grins.

Stone immediately identified with the socialist Venezuelan president:

"a brave, blunt, earthy" man and a former soldier, too. When he met him in the jungle in Colombia at the start of 2008, around the time of negotiations with Farc (the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia) over the release of a French woman and other hostages, Stone was preoccupied with other projects, including W, an examination of George W Bush, and Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps, the follow-up to his 1987 masterpiece, as well as "my biggest project, a 10-hour documentary about the secret history of America", he says, so he couldn't slot Chavez in.

But spurred on by all the "negative news reports coming out of North America", he returned to Venezuela in 2009 and followed Chavez on a road trip, visiting a clutch of other Latin American leaders, "seven presidents in six countries, on-the-fly work, really a conversation ..." Anyway, he smooshed it all together in a matter of months, and here it is, a "political road trip". Others have called it a "vanity project" and "fawning". Is it at all balanced, I ask. Chavez doesn't have a terrific record on human rights.

"The internet's fully free there," he says. "You can say what the hell you like. Compare it with all the other countries: Mexico, Guatemala, above all Colombia, which is a joke. " He admits, "There is a section of the Chavista party that is over the top; they're the worst. But they have problems from the old governance, inherited *** ..." He shrugs. "There's a lot of broken plates."

He has always been suspicious of "the elite in the West" and delights in any chinks in its armour. Last week, for example, he was thrilled that "the Clegg guy" spoke up about Iraq. "They should make him f****** prime minister," he says.

Let's not forget that he was originally one of the elite himself, the son of a philandering New York stockbroker, the model for Wall Street's Gordon Gekko (and the man who bought Stone his first prostitute at 16). His mother is French. "That's true," he says. "I was in Bush's class at Yale; although I never crossed his path, I think I know the mentality of him."

Stone dropped out because "I just knew I didn't belong there". Instead he went to Vietnam, flying out on his 21st birthday. He joined the infantry "on purpose at the lowest level, to be like everyone else".

Vietnam was "horrible, ugly" -- a traumatic episode that later bore cinematic fruit: Platoon, Born on the Fourth of July and Heaven & Earth. He won Oscars for Platoon and Born. He had already won one for his Midnight Express screenplay.

Other personal experiences went into other films. Scarface, Brian De Palma's epic about Cuban drugdealing in Miami, was written by Stone, whose love of drugs is well documented -- he was last arrested for possession of an illegal substance in 2005, and back in the early 1980s he had an enormous cocaine habit.

"Ah, that was a dangerous drug," he says now. "I did go ... off shore there. Those were the days I got coked-up to do the research. To talk to these people, you have to be on it, know their world." So he'd gone down to Bimini in the Bahamas and checked into a hotel. Late one night he was "researching" with three "mid-management heavies", he says, "and, uh, I said something that made them think I was an undercover, so they froze. They went into the bathroom for three or four minutes; I thought I was a dead man, because these guys KILL undercovers.

Actually, they don't kill! You know what they do? They cut their throats out. They used to do the Colombian necktie, hearda that? Cut your throat, take your tongue and pull it through the neck!" Was he concerned? "Yeah, I was concerned! My wife was there."

In the event he escaped unscathed, but "I didn't sleep very well. I was scared. The chainsaw scene came out of that", he says, referring to Scarface's iconic scene when a man is hacked to pieces in a shower with a chainsaw.

I find it interesting that Stone can at once take the moral high ground and glamorise controversial issues such as drugs, killing and money, the subject of Wall Street. "Yeah, money is glamorous," he says, "but I'm not making a judgment. I'm living inside the character. Some people said I made Bush sympathetic.

No, I was empathetic. I got in his shoes. I do it from inside."

He constantly researches, thinks, reads: at one point he even asks me if I can do him a favour and help with the "Israelis and the bomb", after a recent conversation he had with Ken Livingstone in which the former London mayor suggested that the British knew that Israel had the bomb "as early as the 1950s". "Could you go into the archive at

The Sunday Times and see if you can find anything about the British being involved with a shipment of heavy water ..." he says, dropping his voice. Sure, I say.

His next task, the leviathan Secret History of America, tackles received versions of events in the last century, an extension, perhaps, of what he did in 1991's JFK, when he suggested that the president's assassination was in fact a highlevel conspiracy. The 10-part documentary will address Stalin and Hitler "in context", he says.

"Hitler was a Frankenstein but there was also a Dr rankenstein.

German industrialists, the Americans and the British. He had a lot of support."

He also seeks to put his atrocities in proportion: "Hitler did far more damage to the Russians than the Jewish people, 25 or 30m."

Why such a focus on the Holocaust then? "The Jewish domination of the media," he says. "There's a major lobby in the United States. They are hard workers. They stay on top of every comment, the most powerful lobby in Washington. Israel has f***** up United States foreign policy for years."

I notice that Tara is listening intently. Does she always agree with her father? She has managed to say, "Yes, I do," before her father shouts, "You shouldn't! You should look at the other side!" "I know," she sighs. "But I've been, like, sooo brainwashed."

'' I thought I was a dead man. These guys cut your throat, take your tongue and pull it through the neck



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Хренассе. Давайте тада не писать о фильмах, музыке и книгах, сделанных евреями.игнорировать новости из близкого нам региона, где живет полно армян. Давайте Библию перестанем упоминать. И чтоб при написании слов еврей, Израиль, кошер автоматически включалось премодерирование.

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Я ровно отношусь к этой теме, но стеснение в высказываниях мне не по характеру, - тем более, если ты сам стараешься себя сдерживать. Но когда что-то стОит упомининаия или замечания - почему этого не сделать.....

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in before the lock

Польские власти выдали Германии предполагаемого агента «Моссада» Ури Бродского (Uri Brodsky). Как сообщает в четверг, 12 августа, агентство Associated Press, подозреваемый в причастности к убийству одного из лидеров движения ХАМАС Махмуда аль-Мабуха (Mahmud al-Mabhuh) был передан немецкой полиции в международном аэропорту Варшавы.

Журналисты агентства видели в аэропорту некого мужчину в сопровождении сотрудников спецслужб. Лицо этого человека было скрыто капюшоном. Предположительно, это и был Бродский.

В пятницу, 13 августа, Ури Бродский должен предстать перед судом в Германии. Ожидается, что в этот день будет принято решение о том, будет ли он помещен под арест до возможного суда.

Убийство Махмуда аль-Мабуха было совершено в январе 2010 года в Дубае. Движение ХАМАС обвинило в ликвидации одного из своих лидеров израильские спецслужбы, однако израильская сторона отвергла эти обвинения.

В ходе расследования убийства в розыск были объявлены несколько десятков предполагаемых агентов, которые могли прибыть в Дубай по поддельным паспортам стран Евросоюза. Ури Бродского подозревают в том, что он помог одному из агентов (по некоторым данным — непосредственному исполнителю задания) получить фальшивый документ. Бродский был арестован в июне, а решение о его экстрадиции польский суд принял в начале июля.

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and another one

BOSTON—The United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Wednesday upheld a lower court ruling that prevented the insertion of literature denying the Armenian Genocide into the state school curriculum.

The unanimous opinion written by retired Supreme Court Justice David Souter, sitting on a three judge panel that included Michael Boudin and Jeffery R. Howard of Appeals Court dismissed the Griswold v. Driscoll case, in which plaintiffs were arguing for the inclusion of literature that denied the Armenian Genocide in the Massachusetts state human rights curriculum.

The appeals court said that the Guide on Armenian Genocide instruction “fit into the curriculum classification … [and] that law would not allow the genocide denial actions that the plaintiffs sought.”

“We welcome the Court’s landmark decision rejecting profoundly hateful and misguided pressure on educators to teach Armenian Genocide denial in America’s public schools,” said ANCA Executive Director Aram Hamparian. “We are deeply gratified to have played a meaningful role, along with our partners in the Armenian Bar Association, Irish Immigration Center, Jewish Alliance for Law and Social Action, the Genocide Education Project, and the Zoryan Institute, in this major legal victory. We also want to especially thank Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr for their representation to ensure that America’s schoolchildren learn the truth about the Armenian Genocide and all instance of man’s inhumanity to man.”

The Assembly of Turkish American Associations and its supporters initially filed the suit in 2005 as a First Amendment case to thwart the teaching of the Armenian Genocide in public schools by insisting on the inclusion of denialist literature in the commonwealth’s mandated curriculum.

ATAA partnered with the Turkish-American Legal Defense Fund on this case. The spokesperson for the latter is the infamous genocide denialist Bruce Fein, who has often presented testimony to Congress and elsewhere in support of Turkey and against the Armenian Genocide.


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Откровенно достали со своими евреями и холокостом.Шагу не ступить на форуме натыкаешься на очередную тему.

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А ты не читай. Меня например достали темы про Евровидение и всяческие мугамы на тему "азербайджанцы - казлы".

Давайте тогда выясним какой юзер тут из какой страны и запретим писать об этих странах и народах, чтоб ненароком не задеть ничьих повторно-патриотических чуйств.

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я так и не поняла , чем все таки Стоун оскорбил Холокост, сказав , что Гитлер убил больше русских, чем евреев.Да, больше русских, чем евреев. Больше русских, чем итальянцев или румын.

Совсем уже о*уели.

И типа они еще посмотрят, насколько извинения были искренни. Это уже вообще анекдот. :)))) 

а не хотят ли эти обижники перед русскими извиниться, все таки равенство/неравенство 25___6 даже ученику младшей школы под силу.

К чему мы катимся, даже не умаляя Холокоста, признавая жертвы еврейского народа, человек еще и виноват.

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      Уверен, найдете очень много интересного.
      Edward Abrahamian, "History of Modern Iran". 
      "В XIX веке европейцы часто описывали Каджарских шахов как типичных "восточных деспотов". Однако на самом деле их деспотизм существовал лишь в виртуальной реальности. 
      Власть шаха была крайне ограниченной из-за отсутствия государственной бюрократии и регулярной армии. Его реальная власть не простиралась далее столицы. Более того, его авторитет практически ничего не значил на местном уровне, пока не получал поддержку региональных вельмож
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