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Millionaire Waltz

Bring out the charge of the love brigade

There is spring in the air once again

Drink to the sound of the song parade

There is music and love everywhere

Give a little love to me

Take a little love from me,

I want to share it with you

I feel like a millionaire

Once we were mad, we were happy

We spent all our days holding hands together

Do you remember, my love

How we danced and played

In the rain we laid

Could stay there, forever and ever

Now I am sad

You are so far away

I sit counting the hours day by day

Come back to me, how I long for your love

Come back to me - be happy like

we used to be Come back to me, oh my love

How I long for your love - won't you come back to me, yeah

My fine friend - take me with you and love me forever -

My fine friend - forever - ever


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Jethro Tull

"Black Satin Dancer"

Come, let me play with you, black satin dancer.

In all your giving, given is the answer.

Tearing life from limb and looking sweeter than the

brightest flower in my garden.

Begging your pardon --- shedding right unreason.

Over sensation fly the fleeting seasons.

Thin wind whispering on broken mandolin.

Bending the minutes --- the hours ever turning on that

old gold story of mercy.

Desperate breathing. Tongue nipple-teasing.

Your fast river flowing --- your northern fire fed.

Come, black satin dancer, come softly to bed.

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Dumbarton Oaks


Gaudeamus igitur

Juvenes dum sumus

Post jucundum juventutem

Post molestam senectutem

Nos habebit humus.

Ubi sunt qui ante nos

In mundo fuere?

Vadite ad superos

Transite in inferos

Hos si vis videre.

Vita nostra brevis est

Brevi finietur.

Venit mors velociter

Rapit nos atrociter

Nemini parcetur.

Vivat academia

Vivant professores

Vivat membrum quodlibet

Vivat membra quaelibet

Semper sint in flore.

Vivant omnes virgines

Faciles, formosae.

Vivant et mulieres

Tenerae amabiles

Bonae laboriosae.

Vivant et republica

et qui illam regit.

Vivat nostra civitas,

Maecenatum caritas

Quae nos hic protegit.

Pereat tristitia,

Pereant osores.

Pereat diabolus,

Quivis antiburschius

Atque irrisores.

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  • 4 месяца спустя...


Wading In The Velvet Sea

I took a moment from my day

wrapped it up in things you say

mailed it off to your address

you'll get it pretty soon unless

the packaging begins to break

and all the points I tried to make

are tossed with thoughts into a bin

time leaks out my life leaks in

you won't find moments in a box

and someone else will set your clocks

I took a moment from my day

wrapped it up in things you say

and mailed it off to you

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Gentle Giant

The Advent of Panurge

There coming over Charaton Bridge

Look do you see the man who is poor but rich.

What do you wish; and where do you go;

Who are you; where are you from:

will you tell me your name?

Rest awhile; call me your friend.

Please stay with me I'd like to help.

Then he said,

How can I speak when I'm dry and my

throat is burning. So bring me aid

and I'll answer your doubts.

Friend in need I'd like your help

Please take me home I'll stay with you.

Then said he fair Pantagruel

My name is Panurge and I have come from Hell.

Look at my friend

Look all around you

Look at my friend

Take all round you.

Hey, Friend

So brotherhood was made as their bond

Carried him home and provide for his needs

and his shelter; this day was done

as no other the like.

Faithfully their vow was made and from

that day they were as one.

Then said he fair Pantagruel

My name is Panurge and I have come from Hell.

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The Doors

The celebration of the Lizard

lions in the street and roaming

Dogs in heat, rabid, foaming

A beast caged in the heart of a city

The body of his mother

Rotting in the summer ground

He fled the town

He went down South and crossed the border

Left the chaos and disorder

Back there over his shoulder

One morning he awoke in a green hotel

With a strange creature groaning beside him

Sweat oozed from its shiny skin

Is everybody in?

The ceremony is about to begin

Wake up!

You can't remember where it was

Had this dream stopped?

The snake was pale gold

Glazed and shrunken

We were afraid to touch it

The sheets were hot dead prisons

Now, run to the mirror in the bathroom


I can't live thru each slow century of her moving

I let my cheek slide down

The cool smooth tile

Feel the good cold stinging blood

The smooth hissing snakes of rain . . .

Once I had, a little game

I liked to crawl back into my brain

I think you know the game I mean

I mean the game called 'go insane'

Now you should try this little game

Just close your eyes forget your name

Forget the world forget the people

And we'll erect a different steeple

This little game is fun to do

Just close your eyes no way to lose

And I'm right there I'm going too

Release control we're breaking thru

Way back deep into the brain

Back where there's never any pain

And the rain falls gently on the town

And in the labyrinth of streams

Beneath, the quiet unearthly presence of

Nervous hill dwellers in the gentle hills around

Reptiles abounding

Fossils, caves, cool air heights

Each house repeats a mold

Windows rolled

Beast car locked in against morning

All now sleeping

Rugs silent, mirrors vacant

Dust blind under the beds of lawful couples

Wound in sheets

And daughters, smug

With semen eyes in their nipples


There's been a slaughter here

(Don't stop to speak or look around

Your gloves and fan are on the ground

We're getting out of town

We're going on the run

And you're the one I want to come)

Not to touch the earth

Not to see the sun

Nothing left to do, but

Run, run, run

Let's run

House upon the hill

Moon is lying still

Shadows of the trees

Witnessing the wild breeze

C'mon baby run with me

Let's run

Run with me

Run with me

Run with me

Let's run

The mansion is warm, at the top of the hill

Rich are the rooms and the comforts there

Red are the arms of luxuriant chairs

And you won't know a thing till you get inside

Dead president's corpse in the driver's car

The engine runs on glue and tar

C'mon along, we're not going very far

To the East to meet the Czar

Some outlaws lived by the side of the lake

The minister's daughter's in love with the snake

Who lives in a well by the side of the road

Wake up, girl! We're almost home

Sun, sun, sun

Burn, burn, burn

Soon, soon, soon

Moon, moon, moon

I will get you




Let the carnival bells ring

Let the serpent sing

Let everything

We came down

The rivers and highways

We came down from

Forests and falls

We came down from

Carson and Springfield

We came down from

Phoenix enthralled

And I can tell you

The names of the Kingdom

I can tell you

The things that you know

Listening for a fistful of silence

Climbing valleys into the shade

'I am the Lizard King

I can do anything

I can make the earth stop in its tracks

I made the blue cars go away

For seven years I dwelt

In the loose palace of exile

Playing strange games

With the girls of the island

Now I have come again

To the land of the fair, and the strong, and the wise

Brothers and sisters of the pale forest

O Children of Night

Who among you will run with the hunt?

Now Night arrives with her purple legion

Retire now to your tents and to your dreams

Tomorrow we enter the town of my birth

I want to be ready'

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Gentle Giant

Pantagruel's nativity

How can I laugh or cry

When my mind is sorely torn?

Badabec had to die

Fair Pantagruel is born

Shall I weep, yes, for why?

Then laugh and show my scorn

Born with a strength untold

Foreseen to have great age

Set in Gargantuan mould,

Joyful laugh, yet quick to rage

Princely wisdom, habits bold;

Power, glory, lauded sage

Pantagruel born -- the earth was dry and burning

In Paradise dear Badabec prays for him

Pantagruel born -- the earth was dry and burning

In Paradise dear Badabec prays for him.

Pantagruel born -- the earth was dry and burning

In Paradise dear Badabec prays for him

How can I laugh or cry

When my mind is sorely torn?

Badabec had to die;

Fair Pantagruel is born

Shall I weep, yes, for why?

Then laugh and show my scorn.

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Гость Книксен

Раз пошла такая пьянка, нате вам моя любимая: :rolleyes:

Yes - "I've Seen All Good People i Your Move"

(Андерсон) :wub:

I've seen all good people turn their heads each day

So satisfied I'm on my way.

I've seen all good people turn their heads each day

So satisfied I'm on my way.

Take a straight and stronger course to the corner of your life.

Make the white queen run so fast she hasn't got time to make you wise.

'Cause it's time, it's time in time with your time and its news is captured

For the queen to use.

Move me on to any black square,

Use me any time you want,

Just remember that the gold

'Sfor us to capture all we want, anywhere,

Yea, yea, yea.

Don't surround yourself with yourself,

Move on back two squares,

Send an instant comment to me,

Initial it with loving care

Don't surround


'Cause it's time, it's time in time with your time and its news is captured

For the queen to use.

Diddit diddit diddit diddit diddit diddit diddit didda.

Diddit diddit diddit diddit diddit diddit diddit Don't surround

Didda. Yourself with yourself.

Don't surround yourself with yourself, Don't surround yourself.

Move on back two squares,

Send an instant comment to me, Send an instant


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Гость Книксен

Yes - "And you, and i" :flower:

A man conceived a moment's answers to the dream,

Staying the flowers daily, sensing all the themes.

As a foundation left to create the spiral aim,

A movement regained and regarded both the same,

All complete in the sight of seeds of life with you.

Changed only for a sight of sound, the space agreed.

Between the picture of time behind the face of need,

Coming quickly to terms of all expression laid,

Emotion revealed as the ocean maid,

All complete in the sight of seeds of life with you.

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