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Убийство в Будапеште


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Рамиль Сафаров - жертва армянского фашизма

считают участники "круглого стола", состоявшегося по инициативе Организации освобождения Карабаха и комитета защиты прав азербайджанского офицера

Завтра в Будапеште состоится очередное судебное заседание по делу старшего лейтенанта Национальной армии Рамиля Сафарова.

Напомним, что Рамиль Сафаров обвиняется в убийстве армянского военнослужащего Гургена Маркаряна. Как стало известно, за судебным процессом будут наблюдать представители посольства Азербайджана в Венгрии в полном составе (АПА). Согласно информации, проживающие в Венгрии азербайджанцы также собираются присутствовать на процессе с целью оказания поддержки азербайджанскому офицеру.

Между тем Организация освобождения Карабаха (ООК) собирается направить обращение в суд Будапешта с целью защиты прав старшего лейтенанта Национальной армии Азербайджана Рамиля Сафарова. Об этом заявил глава ООК Акиф Наги в ходе вчерашнего "круглого стола". Наги отметил, что ООК и комитет защиты прав Рамиля Сафарова уже распространяют тексты обращения на электронных адресах различных международных организаций. "Мы серьезно обеспокоены оказанием психологического давления с армянской стороны на венгерскую общественность и судей, а также тем, что они направляют на процесс ложные документы, чтобы азербайджанский офицер был приговорен к длительному заключению", - говорится в обращении.

Авторы документа расценивают искусственное затягивание судебного процесса как результат оказания давления на судей. При этом они напоминают об армянской оккупации 20% азербайджанской территории, в ходе которой погибло свыше 20 тысяч граждан страны, разрушено или стерто с лица земли 836 населенных пунктов, в том числе и город Джебраил, где жил Сафаров и его родственники. "Все это подействовало на психику любого азербайджанца, не только на Рамиля Сафарова", - говорится в обращении. Тем не менее авторы выразили надежду, что суд примет справедливое решение в отношении Сафарова.

Впрочем, Наги считает, что Сафаров должен быть возвращен азербайджанской стороне после вынесения приговора. "Он должен вернуться в азербайджанскую армию и продолжать свою деятельность как высококвалифицированный офицер", - подчеркнул он. (видимо он не в курсе, что этот высококвалифицированный офицер по утверьдению защиты является психом) Комментарии мои

В свою очередь представитель движения интеллигенции "Амал", профессор Муршуд Мамедли считает, что армянская пропаганда активно работает в этом направлении и старается создать негативный образ Сафарова, мотивируя это тем, что Сафаров убил спящего армянского офицера. Хотя, по мнению Мамедли, это очередная выдумка армян, т.к. Сафаров перед этим разбудил Маргаряна (а профессор няверное рядом стоял тогда... так как в своих показаниях Сафаров четко говорит, что Гурген спал. Комментарии мои). При этом Мамедли отметил, что до сих пор ни один армянский оккупант не предстал перед судом за убийства ни в чем не повинных азербайджанских мирных граждан. "Поступок Сафарова можно понять с психологической точки зрения. Мы должны оградить его от подобных психологических нападок армянского лобби", - отметил он. Мамедли выразил надежду, что будапештский суд учтет то обстоятельство, что Сафаров является не прирожденным убийцей, а жертвой армянского фашизма и террора. Вместе с тем, указав, что также является сторонником возвращения Сафарова в Азербайджан, Мамедов задал вопрос присутствующим: "А у вас есть гарантия, что у себя на родине он не предстанет перед еще одним судом?"

Кстати, глава религиозной общины "Джума", правозащитник Ильгар Ибрагимоглу считает, что итог этого судебного процесса также будет влиять на дальнейшую судьбу Карабаха. Он указал, что речь идет не об обычном судебном процессе, связанном с бытовым происшествием. "Идет борьба за общественное мнение между конфликтующими сторонами - Азербайджаном и Арменией", - продолжил он. По его словам, здесь большую роль сыграют действия официальных лиц страны. При этом он посетовал на то, что за исключением ООК со стороны властей и неправительственных организаций долгое время никто не интересовался данной проблемой. Ибрагимоглу напомнил, что в первые дни после инцидента с Сафаровым, как и после убийства главного редактора журнала "Монитор" Эльмара Гусейнова был большой ажиотаж. "Все хотели принять участие в поддержке Сафарова или раскрытии убийства журналиста, однако впоследствии эти темы становились менее актуальными".




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я это и не скрывал. Считаю опенармениа таким же нормальным форумом, как и дей.аз. Забанили там, посижу у вас.

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Статья абсолютно маразматическая. Любой, в том числе и здравомыслящий азербайджанец это понимает. Лично я пытаюсь выработать в себе равнодушие к такому дерьму :) нервы дороже :)

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Интересно что скажет этот профессор если заставить его прочесть протокол первого допроса?!

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Статья абсолютно маразматическая. Любой, в том числе и здравомыслящий азербайджанец это понимает. Лично я пытаюсь выработать в себе равнодушие к такому дерьму :) нервы дороже :)
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Кстати может им послать протокол первого допроса? Интересно найдут они там упоминание про будильника-сафарова?

Протокол первого допроса Рамиля Сафарова

Дается с сокращениями, полный вариант взят отсюда


Ramil Safarov's first interrogation

Later Safarov rejected his own evidence given during the first interrogation claiming there had been a miscommunication between him and the interpreter.

The copy of text in our possession was not of a good quality and in some parts the text was not readable at all. Those parts are mentioned further as "[unclear]". Where sensitive personal data was subject to removal it was marked as "[skipped]".

Translated from Hungarian into English by Liana Badalyan.

Budapest Police Headquarters


[safarov:] For the question I would like to say that whole thing goes back to 1988 Armenian-Karabahi War, after which there was cease-fire, but nobody kept this cease-fire, but the very tragedy that I was talking about happened in 1992 February 26. At that time Armenian soldiers attacked the Karabki Hodzani* area, where were only civil citizens, particularly children and women and old people and around 8000 people were killed. This is my blood; I called them relatives in the future. Armenians occupied my place of birth for 1 year in 1993, August 25. This is also memorable as it happened on the date of my birth. I don’t know how many people were killed at that time, but even though it’s huge number. That was the time when I lost part of my close relatives as well. I applied to the army in 1991, this was a soldier secondary school, after 1 year I received further training in Turkey, where I received certificate (secondary and high education). The only motivation for me for fight against Armenians and to kill as many as possible in the fight. Me, as being azeri soldier, took weapon in order to protect my home, and there were other reasons as well, such as that after the collapse of the Soviet Union the army was destroyed and I felt that new army needs me.


In this new army every soldier is Azerbaijani. I declare that time I have not killed any other Armenian, just helped injured soldiers to get to hospital. In addition I feel sorry that I haven’t killed any Armenian. My army sent me to this training and being here I have to face the fact that two Armenian were learning with me and I have to say that because of personal effectiveness the feeling of animosity grow up in me. In the beginning we were greeting each other, rather to say they said hi to me, but I didn’t accept it and curiosity in the whole thing was that when they walked close to me they were mumbled something in Armenian and laughed at me. That was the time when I decided that I will kill these two persons, the Armenians, I will cut their head off. The reason for this is that Armenians kill Azerbaijanians in the same way. What I already mentioned – the 8000 people carnage happened this way by Armenians. I didn’t plan the murder of the two Armenian at that day, but just at Ferbuary 26, taking into consideration an anniversary, but because of that laugh at me the feeling of animosity became bigger and bigger and that’s why I decided that that day in the morning I kill both of them. That’s why yesterday, at the 18th, around 19.00 I bought an axe near to Tesco at Nepstadion. I decided next to axe, because however I had a knife, I rather though I will not use that, because if I pierce them through by the knife, they may shout, shout for help, but if I hit their head by the axe, they loose their consciousness and will not be able to shout for help. This whole thing that I commit this today was thought out yesterday in me, but as I have mentioned previously, I was planning the two persons murder on the 26th. I would like to make a remark, that I also bought a honing stone for the axe and the knife.

[interrogator:] You mentioned axe in your answers as tool of the murder that we took at the place of the murder. Could you please draw that?**

[safarov:] I will call the drawn tool as axe in the future. The handle of the axe was around 1 meter long and the iron part was red, color of the light tree. Upon this I bought a dagger[knife], whose blade could be around 20 sm, and the handle was black and plastic. The drawing of the tool, that I called axe and about the knife I gave to the inspector.

After I bough the axe, after 19.00, I returned to my accommodation at Hungaria krt. At room number 219/A I was alone, because my room mate – Ukrainian soldier traveled home, because of the death of one of his relatives. I hide axe, the knife and the honing stone under my bed case. After this I did my English homework, I closed my door with key and starter to sharp, after that I went out to the hall to have a cigarette, in the bath. I was up till 5 a.m. and I haven’t slept at all and then I grabbed the axe and I put the knife into my right pocket. The reason for choosing this early time, because according to my knowledge this is the time, when sleeping is the deepest, when they do not wake up for small noise, and I also have to be sure the place where the person that I wanted to kill was sleeping, because his room mate is the Hungarian citizenship. I didn’t want to heart him, because he is really nice guy. My aim was that I would come here first, because this was closer to my room and after I finished with him I will go back to the end of the hall. The other reason for this that the person I wanted to kill first is a muscular, more athletic person, and I decided to start with him.

[interrogator:] Do you know the names of the attacked person or the person you wanted to attack?

[safarov:] I appeared in the middle of the hall, where I was about to go, I tried to open the door, it opened, it wasn’t close. I turned on the light and I saw the following things in the room: Entering the door on the left bed the Armenian was lying facing the wall. The Hungarian was on the right hand side bed, I didn’t pay any attention the way he was lying. As I turned on the light the Armenian turned to his back, trying to open his eyes, but at that time I hit him at his forehead with the flat side of the axe. At that time Hungarian guy woke up and told me in English: ”Please, please, [unclear]"

I told him this is not your business; this is the business of Armenians and azerbaijans. After this I turned the axe to the sharp side and I afflicted to the middle of his neck, and I don’t know where else, but I hit him on his leg too.

[interrogator:] How many times did you hit with the axe?

[safarov:] Three times on his neck and if I remember right with the flat side of the axe I hit on his face, at that time if I remember well [unclear] after hit on his arm and his leg. As I remember around 6-7 or maybe 8 could be the number of hits, but I do not really remember.


[safarov:] The abusement happened in Russian. After Hungarian guy run out, I finished the hitting and left the room. When I went out then the plaintiff was still alive, but I know what I caused him is a death injury, because I almost separated his head from his body.

I went out to the hall and started to go to the other Armenian, but I didn’t know exactly where is his room. Two rooms were closed by key, on the hall there was nobody. I tried to open and checked whether it’s closed, and I knocked. One of the door, which was closed, somebody opened it, also two of my soldier mate live there. One of the Ukrainian as I know looked out form the room. I asked from him where the Armenian is sleeping, he said he swear that he don’t know. After that I started to hit the other closed door by axe, the door in front. First I hit with the flat side of the axe and [unclear].The door didn’t open, I think that they didn’t let it open form inside. I shouted to him that: “Come out, wherever you hide, I find you”, I shouted in Russian.

After this in the hall four or five students appeared. One of the Uzbek student jumped to me and said to calm down. We even lit a cigarette and then another Azerbaijani student woke up. We went out to the hall form the small place in front of the room. I hold the axe in my hand and one Albanian student mate of mine came and I started to talk to him.

When the other Azerbaijani fellow woke up he was totally in shock. He looked at the axe and he saw the blood on it and I think that was the time, when he realized what I did. He started to cry and after that the police came.

I do declare that my Azerbaijani fellow did not know anything about my plan. Even though I didn’t tell him what I wanted to do, because he has serious perspectives, aims, goals, I didn’t want to ruin his life as well. It can be imagined that if I didn’t have done this than in another time in another place I would have done the same. If there would have been more Armenians at school and if I would have the possibility I would not only try to kill two persons, but rather I would commit the crime on all. However this was the first and I didn’t have the chance to prepare more punctually to commit this action.

I’m being a soldier since 14 years now, but I cannot give an answer whether I would kill if I would be a civil person. I didn’t wondering on the question whether I would kill Armenians if I would be a civil. My job is to kill all, because until they live we will suffer. This conflict is not a new one, goes back to 100-200 years.


[interrogator:] Why did you throw the cigarette onto the body?

[safarov:] Since I hate them so much and I was prepared for the revenge for so long it was a relieve for me. As long as I didn’t care about him it didn’t mean whether I threw the cigarette onto the ground, or on his bed or into his eyes.


[interrogator:] Did the victim, who you attacked, try to protect himself in any way?

[safarov:] No, no, he didn’t do anything, since he turned from his side after turning the light on to his back.

[interrogator:] Or willingness was to kill or to cause suffer and kill him that way?

[safarov:] My willingness was that since he is an Armenian his mother would cry as much as our mother cried when they lost their child. The whole was just revenge.

[interrogator:] From the way you have done that, as you first hit with the flat side of the axe and just after that you used the sharp side of the axe, did you want to cause pain or you just wanted him to die?

[safarov:] My intention was to kill. I didn’t want to cause a big pain, I wanted to kill. The reason why I hit immediately on the head, because I have seen such film, that the victim dies from a hit. Simply I wanted to liquidate him. Although after this in front of my eyes appeared those pictures that I have seen earlier. Sawing them I continued to hit. Moreover I have to admit, when I turned on the light and I first saw the Armenian I wanted to turn back. But when he turned and wanted to open his eyes I couldn’t think about anything else. It can be that if he didn’t turn I would have hit him.

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I was up till 5 a.m. and I haven’t slept at all and then I grabbed the axe and I put the knife into my right pocket. The reason for choosing this early time, because according to my knowledge this is the time, when sleeping is the deepest, when they do not wake up for small noise, and I also have to be sure the place where the person that I wanted to kill was sleeping, because his room mate is the Hungarian citizenship. I didn’t want to heart him, because he is really nice guy.
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Общий перевод

Я не спал до 5-и утра, потом я встал взял топор, положил нож в правый карман. МОтив для выбора столь раннего времени то, что насколько я знаю в это время сон самый глубокий и в это время не просыпаются от незначительного шума, и еще я должен был быть уверенным, что тот которого я хотел убить, спит, так как его сосед по комнате венгр. Я не хотел его беспокоить, так как он хорошый парень


А представитель движения интеллигенции "Амал" профессор Муршуд Мамедли говорит о "будильнике"...

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Ардани джан за фразой "он не хотел беспокоить венгра" убийца пытается "спрятать" свою животную трусость возникающая перед жертвой. Он боялся мысли а вдруг Маркарян проснётся?? Вот чего он боялся.

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Действительно этого БОЯЛСЯ, потому как по протоколу допроса дальше он говорит, что Гургена хотел убить первым, так как он был сильнее...

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