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CEPNYC. насчет артиклей ничего не скажу, с этим у меня слабо и я их не трогал, но фраза /Because of the "courtesy" of .../

звучит очен плоxо, поставьте xоть запятую после courtesy

а то оно принимает значение "thanks to ..." (имея перед собой "because of")

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Ты прав!


As a consequence of the "constructive compromises" and "diplomatic maneuvers" by then Armenian government, Kars, Igdyr, the holy Mount Ararat and the ancient capital Ani were surrendered without firing a single shot. And as a result tens of thousands lives had perished in vain.


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We strongly believe that any attempts at political gambling or speculations to surrender the liberated territories by no means provide a sensible solution to the Karabakh conflict. On the contrary, they represent a mortal threat not only to the future of Artsakh but also to the integrity of the Armenian statehood. Trapped in a swamp of "constructive negotiations" Armenian politicians do nothing but endanger the very existence of the Armenian nation and make us involuntary witnesses to what can be described as a modern "Munich Agreement" which could leave us in a strategic deadlock and most surely contribute to an unleashing of new aggressions against both the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic and the Republic of Armenia.

Today, on May 28th, when Armenians all over the world proudly celebrate the creation of the first Armenian Republic of 1918, we would also like to remind of the disgraceful end of that very same republic in 1920. As a consequence of the so-called "constructive compromises" and "diplomatic maneuvers" by then Armenian government, Kars, Igdyr, the holy Mount Ararat and the ancient capital of Ani were surrendered without firing a single shot. And as a result tens of thousands lives had perished in vain.

We demand and urge the current government and political leaders call an immediate halt to any discussions or negotiations regarding the possible surrender of the liberated regions of Artsakh. We also insist on complete declassification of the information for the ongoing negotiations in view of the fact that concealments of any information vital for the future of the Armenian nation are utterly unacceptable.

Any politician or public officer, regardless of his/her previous honors for serving the nation, who should openly declare or demonstrate a willingness to surrender Armenian lands, will be regarded a national traitor and a blatant enemy of the state.

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В этом варианте (никого не хочу обижать) много пропушенных артиклей и других лексических ошибок.

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Господа, пора уже прийти к финальной версии - что мы мусолим два параграфа уже второй день. И я не понял, почему берется какая-то из верхних версий и начинается редактирование, когда есть более свежие версии внизу.

Значит давайте так (я не беру на себя почетную менеджерскую функцию, просто для порядка) - давайте наконец остановимся на финальном варианте. Цепник, извини, из-за time difference мне придется выложить последнюю версию самому.

Огромное спасибо всем:

Фиделю Каспарову, Цепнику, Раш, Зверобою, Тико, Доктору, кого ещё забыл? Спасибо всем не за английский, а за вашу готовность помогать Армении.

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Остановимся на этом.


We strongly believe that any attempts at political gambling or speculations to surrender the liberated territories by no means provide a sensible solution to the Karabakh conflict. On the contrary, they represent a mortal threat not only to the future of Artsakh but also to the integrity of the Armenian statehood. Trapped in a swamp of "constructive negotiations" Armenian politicians do nothing but endanger the very existence of the Armenian nation and make us involuntary witnesses to what can be described as a modern "Munich Agreement" which could leave us in a strategic deadlock and most surely contribute to an unleashing of new aggressions against both the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic and the Republic of Armenia.

Today, on May 28th, when Armenians all over the world proudly celebrate the creation of the first Armenian Republic of 1918, we would also like to remind of the disgraceful end of that very same republic in 1920. As a consequence of the so-called "constructive compromises" and "diplomatic maneuvers" by then Armenian government, Kars, Igdyr, the holy Mount Ararat and the ancient capital of Ani were surrendered without firing a single shot. And as a result tens of thousands lives had perished in vain.

We demand and urge the current government and political leaders call an immediate halt to any discussions or negotiations regarding the possible surrender of the liberated regions of Artsakh. We also insist on complete declassification of the information for the ongoing negotiations in view of the fact that concealment of any information vital for the future of the Armenian nation is utterly unacceptable.

Any politician or public officer, regardless of his/her previous honors for serving the nation, who should openly declare or demonstrate a willingness to surrender Armenian lands, will be regarded a national traitor and a blatant enemy of the state.

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Остановимся на этом.


We strongly believe that any attempts at political gambling or speculations to surrender the liberated territories by no means provide a sensible solution to the Karabakh conflict. On the contrary, they represent a mortal threat not only to the future of Artsakh but also to the integrity of the Armenian statehood. Trapped in a swamp of "constructive negotiations" Armenian politicians do nothing but endanger the very existence of the Armenian nation and make us involuntary witnesses to what can be described as a modern "Munich Agreement" which could leave us in a strategic deadlock and most surely contribute to an unleashing of new aggressions against both the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic and the Republic of Armenia.

Today, on May 28th, when Armenians all over the world proudly celebrate the creation of the first Armenian Republic of 1918, we would also like to remind of the disgraceful end of that very same republic in 1920. As a consequence of the so-called "constructive compromises" and "diplomatic maneuvers" by then Armenian government, Kars, Igdyr, the holy Mount Ararat and the ancient capital of Ani were surrendered without firing a single shot. And as a result tens of thousands lives had perished in vain.

We demand and urge the current government and political leaders call an immediate halt to any discussions or negotiations regarding the possible surrender of the liberated regions of Artsakh. We also insist on complete declassification of the information for the ongoing negotiations in view of the fact that concealment of any information vital for the future of the Armenian nation is utterly unacceptable.

Any politician or public officer, regardless of his/her previous honors for serving the nation, who should openly declare or demonstrate a willingness to surrender Armenian lands, will be regarded a national traitor and a blatant enemy of the state.

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US spelling in manoeuvres (if that matters) and article "the" is missing. Both highlighted.

Today, on May 28th, when Armenians all over the world proudly celebrate the creation of the first Armenian Republic of 1918, we would also like to remind of the disgraceful end of that very same republic in 1920. As a consequence of the so-called "constructive compromises" and "diplomatic manoeuvres" by the then Armenian government, Kars, Igdyr, the holy Mount Ararat and the ancient capital of Ani were surrendered without firing a single shot. And as a result tens of thousands lives had perished in vain.

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Народ, тормозим с доработками. Дело не в шлифивке. Я согласен, что the then правильнее. Но мы были ограничены по времени - слава богу что текст такой, какой есть. Вполне грамотно написано. Американская молодежь пишет порой хуже нашего.

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Posting here French with corrections as this theme deals with translations:


Nous croyons fortement que toutes les tentatives de spéculations politiques pour rendre le territoire arménien libéré ne fournissent AUCUNE solution sensible au conflit de Karabakh. Au contraire, ils représentent une menace mortelle non seulement pour le futur d'Artsakh mais également pour l'intégrité de la souveraineté arménienne. Embourbes dans le marais des « négociations constructives », les politiciens arméniens ne font que mettre en danger l'existence même de la nation arménienne. Ils font de nous les témoins involontaires d’un « accord de Munich » moderne qui pourrait nous laisser dans une impasse stratégique et qui contribuerait sûrement à déclencher de nouvelles agressions contre la République de Nagorno-Karabakh et la République d'Arménie.

Aujourd'hui, le 28 mai, alors que les Arméniens du monde entier célèbrent fièrement la naissance de la première République arménienne de 1918, nous voudrions également rappeler la fin honteuse de la même république en 1920. A la suite des « compromis constructifs » et des « manœuvres diplomatiques » du gouvernement arménien d’alors, Kars, Igdyr, la montagne sacrée d’Ararat et l’ancienne capitale d’Ani furent rendues sans tirer un seul coup de feu et en sacrifiant en vain des dizaines de milliers de jeunes vies. Tout cela à cause de la “politesse”, des “compromis constructifs” et des “manœuvres politiques” de notre gouvernement d’alors.

Nous exigeons et demandons du gouvernement actuel et des chefs politiques qu’ils arrêtent immédiatement toute discussion ou négociation concernant la remise possible des régions libérées d'Artsakh. Nous insistons également pour qu’une information complète concernant les négociations en cours soit donnée, car le camouflage de quelque information que ce soit est tout à fait inacceptable pour le futur de la nation arménienne

N'importe quel dirigeant ou fonctionnaire, indépendamment de ses mérites passes au service de la nation, qui déclare ou montre ouvertement une volonté de rendre les terres arméniennes, sera considéré traître de la nation et ennemi avere de l'état.

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