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В 1927г. в известном британском научном издании «The Geographical Journal», Vol. 69, No. 5. (May, 1927), pp. 430-441, вышла статья W. E. D. Allen-а, озаглавленная «New Political Boundaries in the Caucasus», к статье прикреплена карта на котором границы бывшего НКАО наглядно отличаются от известных границ до начала 1990-х годов.

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Mountain Qarabagh Alctonomous Province (administrative centre Khankend, now Stepanakert) has been constituted to give local selfgovernment to the Armenian majority which inhabits parts of the former Districts of Jevanshir, Shusha, Qarayaz and Kubatli. A minor autonomous division has been formed within this in order to give representation to groups of Kurdish villages in the western parts of Jevanshir and Shusha, and northern Kubatli. These Qarabagh Armenians are a particularly fine type, renowned throughout the Caucasus, and indeed in Russia, for their military qualities. Until the middle of the eighteenth century they maintained their independence under their own Meliks, who took part in the Trans-Caucasian Campaign of Peter the Great (1722). Qarabagh has given many famous leaders to the Russian army, including Lazarev, Loris-Melikov and Tergukhasov. The famous partizan leaders of the late war, Murad and Nazarbekian, came from the Qarabagh. Hanoyan, the present Chairman of the Central Executive Committee of the T.S.F.S.R., comes from Qarabagh, and also General GaYsh, one of the best-known Soviet cavalry leaders. The region is rich in historical remains, which are at the present time being investigated by a Russian Scientific Expedition.

Nakhichevan Territory is a political curiosity. It forms a triangular " enclave " within Armenia S.S.R., and adjoins the Persian Araxes frontier. The population contains a substantial Tatar majority, and for this reason it has been excluded from Armenia S.S.R. and placed under the protectorate of Azerbaijan S.S.R. It covers the territory of the former District of Nakhichevan, and contains the towns of Nakhichevan, Julfa, Ordubad, and Rash-Nurashen. It is of some strategic importance, since Julfa forms the terminus of the Caucasian railway system, and controls communications with Tabriz and Persian Azerbaijan. Julfa will also form the junction of the proposed new line which will link Baku direct with Tabriz and Erivan.

ARMENIA S.S.R. (capital Erivan) includes the former Government of Erivan, with the exception of the Districts of Surmali (Turkish) and of Nakhichevan. It includes also, from the former Government of Elisavetpol (Ganja), the District of Zangezur, and part of the District of Kazakh, formed by the Region of Delijan. The Lori Region, formerly part of the Government of Tiflis, is also included in Armenia. Armenia has suffered a reduction of approximately half her extent as a result of the political developments of 1920-21. She has lost the whole of the old Government of Kars, besides outlying districts. Her two chief centres of population-Erivan and Alexandropol (now Leninakan) are within gunshot of the Turkish frontier. The sacred mountain of Ararat is once more in Turkish hands, as are also the ruins of the royal city of Ani. Finally, the Armenians have had to abandon all prospect of acquiring the rich plain of Alashkert, where they might have settled the thousands of their refugees. The new Armeno-Turkish frontier-the old Russc-Turkish frontier of 1877-runs in a south-easterly direction from the junction of the Georgo-Turkish frontier round Uch-Tapalyar. It follows the small but historic stream of the Arpa Chai (the Barley river) to its junction with the Araxes. The Araxes continues to form the frontier between the Soviet Union and Turkey, to the convergence of the three frontiers northeast of Mount Ararat. The boundary of Armenia S.S.R., enclosing the Nakhichevan Territory, touches the Araxes again a few miles below Ordubad.

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Арцив, а когда в Азербайджане переделали карту?

У меня есть разные карты за период 1910-1928. Но когда НКАО приняла современные границы и чье это было решение?

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Arciv, I think the problem is in quality and accuracy in which that map is prepared. Check the boundaris of North Osetia, for example. You will see that they, too, are rather strange on that map…

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