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вчера не смог зайти на форум поэтому сегодня хочу сказать - браво, Кримзон!!!!! :up: :up: :up:

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Одно письмо, а скорее статья на тему, уже написана, например:


Being unable to find any traces of revolutionary moods in Armenia, an American reporter came to a conclusion that there is no future in Armenia.

On November 4, 2004, an announcement appeared in one of the Armenian internet-forums, stating: “A journalist from New York Times has arrived to Armenia and wants to talk to Armenian youth. The meeting spot is the Red Bull Bar, the time of meeting is tomorrow, Friday, at 8 p.m. Welcome.”

One of the forum members, asked about what the American needed. “She simply wants to talk, and find out how Armenian youth lives”—was the answer. According to the person in charge for organizing the meeting, “she just wishes to communicate in a natural environment”.

Lets put aside the logical question of how correct it is to state that bars are the ‘natural environment’ of young Armenians. Lets move on to the second, rather unpleasant part of this story.

The meeting took place on the next day, as planned. The participants met with the journalist, talked about different issues and forgot about her rather soon. The peace was broken on 9th of December, when the Thursday issue of New York Times came out with the article by Susan Sachs, under, softly speaking, rather a depressing title, For Young Armenians, A Promised Land Without Promise. The article has also been reprinted in the International Herald Tribune under a title Young Armenians puzzled over their homeland.

The first impression one gets after reading is that the article has been written by an amateurish intern, however the second impression is that the article is a strong anti-Armenian PR. Otherwise it is hard to imagine that a professional journalist could have published such a biased and inaccurate article.

A small biographic research excludes the version of un-professionalism: Susan Sachs is the chief of the New York Times Istanbul Bureau. Before that she used to work in Moscow, and earlier, after the coalition forces entered Iraq, she led the NY Times office in Baghdad. She is one of the authors of the World Security Network foundation – the organization, which declared goal is to ‘attract attention towards the potential conflicts in the world’. Despite a quite formulation, it is possible to draw conclusions about the activities of the foundation judging by the names of the people involved into its work: high-rank diplomats, political scientists, as well as such people as the former president of Poland Lech Valensa, James Thompson, the chairman of RAND Corporation, and Chechen “human rights advocate” Akhmed Zakaev. To cut it short, Susan Sachs can be suspected in anything but the lack of experience.

Generously spreading dark colors, Sachs draws a picture of totally desperate Armenian youth ready to seek its future anywhere but in Armenia. “We are cheap labor force”, - says Viktor Aghababov, 22-year-old programmer, one of the participants of the meeting in Red Bull bar. The journalist adds that Viktor is going to leave for Moscow in search of better luck. After which, as a confirmation of her words, she reveals the amount of Viktor's monthly salary — $650.

To an average American who has no idea about the cost of life in Armenia, such a figure can really seem depressing. But alas! Since when $650 has become a scanty salary in Armenia? Six hundred fifty bucks per month are more than enough to maintain relatively high standards of life especially for a twenty-two years old (given that he does not hang out in casinos and fancy restaurants all the time). Furthermore Miss Sachs would be rather surprised to learn, that the “unsatisfied” with his Armenian perspectives Mr. Aghababov is actually a Russian citizen and can leave for “affluent” Russia whenever he wishes. However, he prefers to stay in Armenia, and several days before the publication of the notorious article he had been hired by another company for even a higher salary. No future for youth in Armenia, huh?

The article by Ms. Sachs can give an impression that Armenia is totally ruined, that the students from Yerevan are “relatively more sophisticated” than those from Gyumri and that’s only because they have more chances to communicate with English-speaking people via internet chat-rooms and forums or read news from the internet. Since when the involvement in internet chit-chatting has become a criteria for measuring person’s sophistication? The mood of the Times’ article is that the Armenians are ready to leave for abroad with the nearest possible chance. And this is being written now, when for the first time after we gained independence there is a clearly visible tendency towards the repatriation among those Armenians who have left their country in search of warmth and food during the worst years of 1991–1994.

The participants of the meeting have reacted to the article in different ways. One of them, for example, states that the words of other interviewees have been ascribed to another person quoted in the article, Zara Amatuni. Some phrases has been taken out of the context and presented in different coloring. To check this particular claim appeared to be impossible: after I told Ms. Amatuni I was preparing material about the Sachs’ article, she sharply refused to meet with me. A suggestion to write a letter to New York Times has also been left without support.

Nevertheless, both Zara and other ‘heroes’ of the publication shared some details of their conversation with the American journalist at the very forum, where the initial announcement about the meeting had been published. For instance, here is a very characteristic episode: “The most interesting thing is that the topics that we discussed in more detail than the others, have not been mentioned in the article at all. For example, when she asked what we thought about the situation in Georgia and whether it was time to organize the same in Armenia, we answered that we did not like what happened in Georgia and had no wish to repeat the same, as it would not solve our problems. I also remember Sachs said, that it was such an exciting example, when the people fought for their rights and achieved it, moreover – so elegantly, with a rose. I answered, that it only looked beautiful, and she probably did not like it, otherwise she would mention it somehow ... She has not misinterpreted our words but took them out of the context. Left out all the positive things [about Armenia] that had been said and left only what she was interested in. For example she has not published my answer to her questions, whether I would stay in Armenia, to which I replied that I would do my best to stay and live here, because despite all the difficulties, it is my country, where there have already been many changes for the better... but she took less important things which we said and focused on them”.

A good explanation to this unpleasant situation was given by the person who organized the trip from the Armenian-side (she asked not to reveal her name). She said that could never imagine what a seemingly innocent talk could turn into: “you cannot find explicit faults but you understand that the person has just turned everything [said] into her own course… she came, knowing beforehand what she was going to write, and in Armenia she was just collecting opinions to support her position”.

The article could be summed up with the moralizing lecture as to why one should always weigh his or her own words, especially while talking to journalists, in order not to complain later on that he or she has been used in an unethical manner. I could also bring dozens of opinions by young men and women, who are confident in their future under the Armenian sky. But I wish to call the readers’ attention to another more important aspect of the whole story.

This is not the only article of such kind about Armenia published recently. There is an indication that New York Times and some other Western newspapers are actively digging for dramatic plots, trying to show the world that Armenia has no future. It was just on November 13th when in Times (of London) an article by Jeremy Page was published titled “Abandoned Armenia faces extinction”, and earlier on, in July, the Washington Post delivered an article: “Exodus Is New Chapter of Loss in Armenia’s Sad Story”.

Who’s behind this campaign? Who is disturbed by the fact that Armenians finally started to return and settle down in their homeland? Who is desperate in his expectations to witness Armenia in the chaos of orange and rose riots.

Karen Vrtanesyan

Armenian electronic library


Yerevan, Armenia

Emil Sanamyan, Research & Information Associate, Washington DC contributed to this article.

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Господи, неужели мы никогда не разберемся с нашим прошлым и оставим его расхлебывать нашим деткам и внукам???
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эта одна статья стоит намного больше чем все эти наши форумовские разборки - на двух форумах - с бредовой критикой в адрес ребят и обвинениями в их адрес в "измене родине".

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На меня наводит ужас и приводит в уныние новая тема в ДК.

Господи, неужели мы никогда не разберемся с нашим прошлым и оставим его расхлебывать нашим деткам и внукам??? :wallbash: :cry:

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...Susan Sachs is the chief of the New York Times Istanbul Bureau

Вот вам и "какая-то там журналистка, мало ли пишут всякие..."

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русский вариант этой статьи будет завтра опубликован в Голосе Армении, насколько я знаю
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Кримсон ты конечно многое правильно (точнее корректно и рассудительно) написал.

НО, общаясь с разными людьми имеющими отношение к политике, молодыми активистами, и т.д. до меня постоянно доносятся сулхи, о том что многие подумывают (читай многих надоумевают) о Бархатной революции, по образу и подобию того, что осуществили в Грузии год назад..

При чем среди слухов и такие, что как и откуда достать деньги (угадайте с трех раз чьи) мы знаем, осталось лишь собрать подоходящих для этого дела людей, и начать подготовку..

После вышесказанного не начинаете видеть эту статью под иным ракурсом?

В довершение: если читали топик в АКБ, Сакс спрашивала как раз таки о примере Грузии, но услышав что подобное тут устраивать никто нехочет, почему то умолчала об этом в статье..

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Ну и для тех кто все еще считает, что Сакс объективная независимая журналистка которая просто чуток ошиблась :D :yes:


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вот что я нашел в New York Times:

Opportunity in Armenia

Published: December 16, 2004

To the Editor:

"Young Armenians, a Promised Land Without Promise" (Yerevan Journal, Dec. 9) leaves the impression that young professionals in Armenia are getting ready to pack up and jump ship because of a sinking economy and a lack of opportunities.

In fact, after significant economic liberalization, Armenia's gross domestic product grew by 13 percent in 2002 and 15 percent last year. Armenia has one of the most vibrant and fastest growing economies among the states of the former Soviet Union.

Armenia has the only fully accredited American university in the former Soviet Union - the American University of Armenia, which has the academic backing of the University of California system; the most sophisticated high-tech base in the region; and for good or ill, the highest growth in commercial and residential real estate.

Ross Vartian

Executive Director

Armenian Assembly of America

Washington, Dec. 14, 2004

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Извини конечно, но какая именно тема? И потом...

насколько я понимаю, все (кроме нашего правительства) стараются не перекладывать свои проблемы на плечи потомков.. А ты предлагаешь наоборот...

Хотя каждый имеет право на точку зрения...

Тема о Нахичевани. Насколько я понял, многие и в самом деле думают, что решив вопрос Карабаxа в свою пользу, мы начнем требовать Наxичевань а потом и территории Западной Армении. Планы настолько же далеки от реальности как и требования создания армянского государства в конце 19 века на территории Османской Империи... :wallbash:

Как раз правительство старается эти вопросы решать не радикально а путем долговременной интеллигентной дипломатии. Например Кочарян предложил недавно установить дипломатические отношения с Турцией вне зависимости от признания ею Геноцида. Пора понять, что основным приоритетом армян, и в первую очередь граждан Армении это не восстановление исторической справедливости, компенсация, материальная или моральная и т.д., а создание самостоятельного независимого государства, что в настоящее время наxодится постоянно под угрозой полного уничтожения при наличии враждебных отношений почти со всеми соседними государствами, значительно богаче и сильнее армянского. Наивно полагать, что Турции настолько важно вступление в Ес, что на ради этого пожертвует шансом еще раз решить "армянский вопрос", на этото раз окончательно. А будет ли Россия всегда гарантом нашей безопасности, это бабушка надвое сказала, если там начнется гражданская война, России будет не до Армении и вообще ни до кого... :bye:

Не xочу, чтобы об Армении вспоминали как сейчас о Трое, даже если речь и идет о чем-то большем чем самая красивая женщина в мире. :cry:

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