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водопад перед трофеным забором..... красота

думаю всем ясно кто орел а кто змея...... B)

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снимал все это прошлым летом!!!!! (какая рифма, во мне умер поэт.. :D )

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  • 2 недели спустя...

На третьей фотографии с низу, если его увеличить, виден памятник орла убивающего змею.., в нижнем правом углу....... :hi:

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и лев на страже ..... и так будет со всеми кто сунеться к нам со злыми намерениями....... :victory:

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  • 2 года спустя...


Алексей Аверьянов 02.09.2005 - 14:23:41

Гандзасарский монастырь, Гандзасар — действующий монастырь Армянской Апостольской Церкви, расположен на левом берегу реки Хаченагет, близ деревни Ванк, на территории современного Нагорного Карабаха, в северо-западной его части.

Гандзасар впервые упоминается армянским католикосом Ананием Мокаци в середине X века. Новый, известный в настоящее время храм, построен князем Гасан Джалаляном на месте старого, упоминаемого в Х веке, и торжественно освящен 22 июля 1240. Согласно преданию, в усыпальнице храма захоронена отрубленная Иродом голова Иоанна Крестителя, принесенная сюда из Киликийской Армении во время одного из крестовых походов, из-за чего храм получил название св. Ованеса Мкртыча (Иоанна Крестителя).

Строительство храма велось с 1216 по 1238, о чем сообщается на могильной плите Гасана Джалала. Об этом свидетельствует также надпись, сохранившаяся внутри монастыря над купелью.

Гандзасар служил резиденцией и семейной гробницей княжеского рода Гасан — Джалалянов, правителей Хаченского княжества. В ХIV веке стал резиденцией Агванского Католикосата Армянской Церкви и сохранил этот статус до 1815, когда по распоряжению российских властей Агванский Католикосат был преобразован в митрополию, а затем (с 1857) разделен на две епархии: Карабахскую и Шамахинскую.

Из Гандзасара в 1701 Петру Первому были отправлены знаменитые обращения восточных армян с просьбой о принятии российского подданства и военной помощи в освобождении от персидско-турецкого ига (ХVIII век). Значительную в этом деле роль сыграл, в частности, католикос Есаи Гасан-Джалалян.

Монастырь сильно пострадал в период военного конфликта в 1991—1994 в результате действия азербайджанской дальнобойной артиллерии и военной авиации. 20 января 1993 монастырь был подвергнут ракетным ударам с воздуха, в результате чего был серьезно поврежден главный храм комплекса. В настоящее время восстановительные работы закончены.

Interesni sait.

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ХАи ктонибудь может перевести на русски.Статья очень интересная.


Restoring' Azerbaijan's Christian History--Without the ArmeniansBy Felix CorleyBAKU, Azerbaijan--"Many Azerbaijanis believe that Jesus was Russian orArmenian," one Baku Protestant--an ethnic Azeri--tells me. "The problemhas been that there has been no information."Azerbaijan's Christian converts have to be careful. Constantly brandedas "traitors" by the media and the more nationalist and Islamist fringeof the political spectrum, they frequently also--and potentially moredangerously--face charges of being Armenian agents. Any evidence thatthey have had even the slightest contact with Armenians immediatelyputs them on the danger list.During a police raid several years back on an unregistered Baptistchurch near Baku, an Armenian children's Bible was discovered. TheBaptists told me it had been sent from abroad years ago and had lainunused in a storeroom because there were no Armenians left to give itto. But this was enough to dredge up charges that they were Armenianagents. Christians from another church in Baku had studied in a Biblecollege in America. When the press discovered that some Armenians hadalso studied in the same college, all hell broke loose. The churchspent a long time countering ridiculous claims that they were in thepay of the Armenian secret services.As part of their fight back, convert Christians are reconstructing aChristian history of Azerbaijan that ruthlessly excludes the Armenians.Building on the work of Azerbaijani nationalist historians like ZiyaBuniyatov (who was assassinated in 1997) and Rashid Geyushev (who diedin 1999), these church historians champion the thesis that theCaucasian Albanians were the ancestors of today's Azerbaijanis and thatall the Christian shrines in Azerbaijan, which the Armenians claim astheir own, were built by the Caucasian Albanians before the Armeniansstole them.This thesis, developed since the 1960s, now pervades Azerbaijanihistoriography. Even a quick glance at the titles in Baku's book storesturns up a plethora of works expounding this view. "Monuments of theCaucasian Albanians in Nagorno Karabagh" catches the eye, with a fineline drawing of the Gandzasar monastery adorning the cover. Amongcurrent Azerbaijani historians promoting this approach is ProfessorFarida Mamedova."There is no true information about Christianity here in Azerbaijan," achurch historian tells me in his small office in a Protestant churchcollege in central Baku. "We don't have the information on the truehistory--neither we in our church nor people in the outside world. ManyAzerbaijanis don't know anything about the Christian background ofAzerbaijan."The church historian tells me that there were three main Christiantrends in Azerbaijan--the Monophysites, the Nestorians, and theDuophysites. "The Monophysites adopted Armenian Christianity, whilesome of the Duophysites adopted Georgian Christianity. The rest adoptedIslam."The church of the Udin ethnic group in the Gebele region survived, hereports. But tragedy struck in the nineteenth century, he believes,when the Russian Orthodox Synod--on orders from the imperialgovernment--ordered the destruction of the Udin Church synod andsubordinated it to the Armenian Church. "The church was completelyArmenianized," he notes sadly. "This was a church that had survivedIslam and the Mongol invasion. Only one old building remains."At the beginning of this century, he tells me, the Russian Orthodoxsynod ordered the destruction of all records that testified to theexistence of any independent church in Azerbaijan. "The materials weredestroyed in 1909-1910." He intends to travel to St Petersburg, theformer Russian imperial capital, to study records from the period inthe National State Historical Archive.The church historian is enthusiastic about his current project: toproduce a book on the two millennia of Christian history in Azerbaijan.The project entails not just research in archives in Azerbaijan andRussia, but field trips to Christian monuments across Azerbaijan. Withno possibility of visiting Nagorno Karabagh, the church historiansinvolved in the project plan to buy copies of video records of"Albanian Christian architecture situated in Karabagh" from theAzerbaijani State Archive. "I hope that after we have finished ourresearch we will have books on Azerbaijan's Christian past and a Website. Many people now know that Azerbaijanis have become Christians."Azerbaijani church historians are also looking for parallels in churchhistory in other countries to what they claim was the forcedsubjugation of a local expression of Christianity to outsiders. "I amvery interested in Celtic Christianity," the church historian tells me."It was very close to the Albanian church. It also disappeared whenLatin Christianity arrived and destroyed it. The history of theAzerbaijani church is very similar. If Islam had existed in Ireland,many of the Celts would have adopted Islam, just as many Azerbaijanisdid when their own church was suppressed."In a bid to spread this message of Azerbaijan's Christian roots to amore popular market, some Christians have produced a small booklet"Christianity in Azerbaijan" in both Azeri and Russian. When the formerKGB found out, it was furious, believing the publication was part of aplot to lead Azeris to betray their traditional faith. Theyinterrogated many Christians to try to uncover the anonymous author orauthors. The booklet mentions Russian religious groups exiled toAzerbaijan, such as the Dukhobors and Molokans, as well as the growingProtestant movement in the 19th and 20th centuries, including Baptists,Pentecostals, and Adventists, but the Armenians are not mentioned once.Gandzasar--which the authors say is located in the town of Gyanja--isdescribed as the center of the Caucasian Albanian church.A foreign pastor who used to lead a Baku Protestant church defends thework of these church historians. He tells me that any Christians havethe right to recover their Christian heritage. "I have been to Armeniamany times and you get distorted history there, except that it is fromthe other side," he notes. "And what happened to the Azerbaijanichurches that existed before the Azerbaijanis became Muslims?"While bitterness against the Armenians still runs deep, it isunderstandable that Azerbaijani Christians are seeking to presentthemselves as an authentic national movement untainted by connectionsto Armenia. Many Azeri Christians stressed to me their completeidentification with their country and state, perhaps mindful of thefrequent charges of treachery. But a history of Christianity in what isnow Azerbaijan that cannot bring itself to mention the Armenians isstrange--especially coming from members of a faith that sets such greatstore on Truth.
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  • 1 год спустя...

Кто был в Гандзасаре, расскажите чем там занимаются монахи сегодня и вообще что делается в монастыре?

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По-моему там расположена резиденция архиепископа арцахского Паргева. Может я ошибаюсь? Раньше вроде там сидел.

Ну а так... это ведь ещё и образовательный центр. Точнее, центр религиозного образования. Там готовят молодых монахов. Соответственно, есть библиотека, кельи, комнаты для занятий... Вроде так.

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По-моему там расположена резиденция архиепископа арцахского Паргева. Может я ошибаюсь? Раньше вроде там сидел.

Ну а так... это ведь ещё и образовательный центр. Точнее, центр религиозного образования. Там готовят молодых монахов. Соответственно, есть библиотека, кельи, комнаты для занятий... Вроде так.

Кайваз, а разве монахов готовят? насколько я знаю ими становятся уходя от мирской жизни принимая постриг. И есть ли инфа о количестве монахов и отшельников, я слышал, что их почти нет.

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