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прошу вас уделить время чтоб прочесть важную информацию по поводу разрушения хачкаров.

можно чтото в этом роде если знаете фалимию к кому посылается

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Antranig Bedrossian (President) E-mail: [email protected]

Albert Messerkhanian (Secretary) E-mail: [email protected]

Ohannes Gedjakouchian (Treasurer)

Khatoune Temisjian (Counsellor) E-mail: [email protected]

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Appel des représentants de l'opinion publique arménienne au sujet des actes de destruction de l'héritage culturel arménien en Azerbaïdjan.

Les représentants de l'opinion publique arménienne, constatent avec indignation et profonde douleur, la destruction des derniers khatchkars (croix sculptées dans la pierre) dans la région du Vieux Djugha au Nakhichevan. Quelques dizaines de soldats azerbaïdjanais armés de marteaux, de pelles et d’autres instruments s’acharnent à détruire les khatchkars médiévaux, monuments arméniens uniques, les épitaphes et autres stèles restant dans cette province de l'Arménie historique. Les khatchkars de Djugha (Djulfa) appartiennent non seulement à la culture arménienne, mais aussi et surtout à la civilisation universelle, sous la protection de L'UNESCO. Nous appelons l'opinion publique internationale à réagir à cet acte de vandalisme à l’encontre du patrimoine mondial.

Pendant que la communauté internationale entreprend des efforts pour la réconciliation des peuples arménien et azéri, le saccage, approuvé par les officiels de Bakou, prouve encore une fois les intentions réelles des autorités azerbaïdjanaises – achever le nettoyage ethnique de la population arménienne du Nakhichevan, par le génocide culturel et la disparition des vestiges de la civilisation arménienne dans cette région de l’Arménie historique. L'Azerbaïdjan a perpétré des actes analogues de vandalisme et d’arménophobie au cours des 70 ans de l’époque soviétique, en détruisant méthodiquement les khatchkars arméniens. Depuis son accession à l'indépendance, l'Azerbaïdjan s’évertue de plus belle à effacer les traces de la culture arménienne dans cette région. En 2002, les efforts conjugués de l'Arménie et de l'UNESCO ont empêché la destruction définitive des khatchkars de Djugha (Djulfa). Malgré cela, l'Azerbaïdjan continue la politique du génocide culturel, en violant les engagement pris auprès de l'UNESCO et de la communauté internationale. Notre inquiétude est d’autant plus grande qu’en Azerbaïdjan aucune association ni mouvement d’intellectuels, n’a condamné publiquement ces actions des autorités. Le cynisme et l’apathie de l'opinion publique azerbaïdjanaise envers ces faits nous choquent. Dans ces conditions - aveuglement et haine envers la culture arménienne – nous ne pouvons accorder notre confiance au pouvoir azerbaïdjanais.

Ce communiqué s’adresse aux organisations internationales, aux intellectuels, aux personnes de bonne volonté de toutes nationalités, en les appelant à condamner publiquement le vandalisme des autorités azerbaïdjanaises envers le cimetière médiéval arménien de Djugha (Djulfa) à Nakhichevan. Nous demandons à l'UNESCO et aux autres organisations internationales d'aider à exporter les khatchkars restant en Arménie, où ils seront protégés des mains des profanateurs. Nous appelons aussi les démocrates azerbaïdjanais à condamner ces actes inqualifiables et exigeons du Gouvernement qu’il prenne des mesures d’urgence, afin de stopper cette perte irréparable.

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К акции присоединились...

December 22, 2005

The Honorable Hafiz M. Pashayev


Embassy of Azerbaijan

2741 34th Street, NW

Washington, DC 20008

Dear Ambassador Pashayev,

As Co-Chairs of the Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues, we are writing to express our grave concern and indignation regarding the reported destruction of the historically and architecturally significant Armenian monuments in the medieval cemetery of Julfa, Nakhichevan of the Azerbaijan Republic.

The eyewitness reports and documents brought to our attention indicate that on December 15, 2005 some 100 Azerbaijani soldiers, armed with heavy equipment, broke into the Old Jugha (Julfa) Cemetery, and engaged in barbaric destruction of its centuries-old Armenian khachkars (headstones).

The old Cemetery of Julfa is known to specialists to have housed as many as 10,000 of these intricately carved khachkar headstones, up to 2,000 of which were still intact after an earlier outbreak of vandalism on the same site in 2002. Eyewitness accounts of the ongoing demolition indicate at the organized nature of the operation, qualifying it as cleansing.

Azerbaijan, as a member of the international community, has national responsibilities within the United Nations, the OSCE, the Council of Europe and other relevant international frameworks to preserve the cultural and historical heritage in its custody. Persistent vandalism in Azerbaijan against monuments representing our common cultural heritage advises us and the international community concerned on your Government’s deliberate ignorance of its responsibilities in that regard. Such practice runs against the basic norms of civilized conduct of nations, and undermines the US and international efforts toward achieving greater stability and security in the region.

We therefore urge your Government to halt the ongoing vandalism in Julfa’s Old Cemetery immediately. We further urge the preparation and presentation of a documented report on the damage caused to the architectural ensemble as a result of the latest violence, to lead to measures in remedy of the situation. We also call upon your Government to cooperate with the international and expert community toward developing a program of action that would enhance the protection and preservation of this endangered treasure of world cultural heritage, and prevent the occurrence of any further violence.

We look forward to reviewing progress in this regard on a periodic basis.


Joe Knollenberg

Frank Pallone, Jr.


NR# 2005-123

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Уважаемые все,

давайте я буду выслать на все италоговоряшие адреса, включая МинКульта... Согласны??? Я это сделаю сегодня вечером, маленкими группами, чтобы не блокировали... Могу добавлять что-то в роде "Уважаемые Господа, позвольте привлекать Ваше внимание на жестокое разрушение части всемирного культурного наследия..."??

Если все согласны, пож, отвечайте мне здесь или в личное, только без кириллицов :blush: Вечером буду проверять...

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Уважаемые все,

давайте я буду выслать на все италоговоряшие адреса, включая МинКульта... Согласны??? Я это сделаю сегодня вечером, маленкими группами, чтобы не блокировали... Могу добавлять что-то в роде "Уважаемые Господа, позвольте привлекать Ваше внимание на жестокое разрушение части всемирного культурного наследия..."??

Если все согласны, пож, отвечайте мне здесь или в личное, только без кириллицов  :blush:  Вечером буду проверять...

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Cultural Vandalism or Raping History?

Where is the civilized Europe? Where is UNESCO? Why does no one intervene?

This movie clip, dated December 14-16, 2005, shows how Azerbaijani soldiers, with heavy machinery, destroy the last evidence of Armenian presence in Nakhichevan, the historical Armenian province which together with Nagorno Karabakh was given away to the neighbouring Azerbaijani Republic. As a result of the implemented Soviet policy, Nakhichevan was at last depleted of its entire Armenian population. The clip confirms firmly the fact that the organiser of this cultural genocide is none other than the Azerbaijani government. Obviously, Azerbaijan is firmly determined to prevent “another Karabakh” by erasing the slightest indication of Armenian existence in Nakhichevan. The living Armenians have since long time ago forced to leave the region, but apparently there is also a fear of the dead and buried Armenians and their cries beyond the grave.

Nakhichevan is an exclave which belongs to Azerbaijan but Armenia’s territory separates them apart. Nakhichevan borders, however, on Armenia, Turkey, and Iran. It was from this area that the Persian King Shah Abbas, during the Persian-Ottoman war, forcibly relocated about 150,000 Armenians year 1620 and resettled them in the outskirts of his capital, Isfahan.

The place for this barbarian action caught on tape is a cemetery with thousands of Khatchkars, “Cross stones”, invaluable historical and cultural monuments from the period between 15th and 16th centuries.

Several Armenian organisations and authorities, among other the Foreign Ministry, have handed in official protests to UNESCO and other international organisation, but also to the US embassy in Azerbaijan.

This action makes one to recall the recent desecrations of Jewish cemeteries in different European cities. But unlike the immediate media coverage and attention given to these criminal acts it seems that no one bothers to care about this last act of cleansing the last evidence of Armenians in Nakhichevan.

Will the world and Europe just stand by and watch while this rape of history takes place?

Visit http://www.armenica.org to viwe the photos.

Best regards,

Vahagn Avedian


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