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Պարույր Սևակ


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Arthur Utmazian - Tzaeranum enk Baruir Sevak

Ankexc Asac


Պատահաբար են պատահում կյանքում

Hravirum em

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Պարույր Սևակ ( Paruyr Sevak )

One of the best poets of Armenian Literature was Paruyr (Sevak) Ghazaryan. He was born in 1924, January 24, at the village of Vedi, Armenia. Paruyr Sevak's father, Rafael Ghazari Soghomonyan (1892-1982) was an educated farmer married to Anahit Gaspari Soghomonyan, who was the mother Paruyr Sevak. She was illiterate, village woman, who was very kind, hard working and religious housewife helping her husband with the fieldwork.

Their original family epitet contained the prepositional name, "Ter" which meant: lord or spiritual father and made a reference to the family's religious origin. The forefathers of those families who had that prepositional name have been known to be very educated people, who got their education at the Gevorgyan Seminary of Echmiadzin (the world headquarter of Armenian church).

Therefore, people who knew Paruyr Sevak's family were expecting him to have preserved the trait of a "prophet", which he have later evolved in a literary sense of the word, becoming a prophetic spokesperson of Armenian people in their struggle for preserving their ancient history and very rich cultural heritage. Universal humanism and passion toward his native culture bounded his poems.

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We are few but we are called Armenians,

We do not put ourselves above anyone,

Simply we also admit that we, only we have Mount Ararat,

And that it is right here, on the clear Sevan, that the sky could make its exact duplicate,

Simply David has indeed fought right here,

Simply the Narek was written right here,

Simply we know how to build from the rock, a monastery,

How to make fish from stone, how to make man from clay,

To learn to become the student of the beautiful, the kind, the noble, and the good.

We are few, but we are called Armenians,

We do not put ourselves above anyone,

Simply our fortune has just been so different,

Simply we have just shed too much blood,

Simply in our lives of centuries long,

When we were many, and when we were strong,

Even then, we did not oppress any nation,

See, centuries have come, and centuries have passed,

Yet, over no one have we become tyrants,

If we have enslaved, only with our eyes,

And, if we have ruled, only with our books,

If we have prevailed, only with our talents,

And if we have ever oppressed, it has only been with our wounds,

Simply with us, death had fallen in love,

Yet, we willingly did not give ourselves,

And when we were forced to leave our own land,

Where ever we reached, where ever we went,

Everywhere we left indelible trace,

We have joined efforts for everyone, always,

We plowed everywhere, we built bridges, we tied arches,

We plowed everywhere, and we brought forth crops,

We gave everyone mind, proverbs, and songs,

Another words we defended them from spiritual coldness,

Every where we left our eyes reflection,

A peace of our soul, and a sacrament from the heart itself.

We are few, truly, but we are Armenians,

And by being few, we do not succumb,

Because it is better to be few in life, then to control life by being many,

Because it is better rather to be few, then to be masters by being many,

Because it is better to be few, then to be swindlers.

We are few, yes, but we are Armenians,

And we know how to sigh from yet unhealed wounds,

But with a new juice we rejoice and we cheer,

We know how to thrust into the foe's side,

And how to lend a helping hand to our friend,

How to repay goodness which was done to us by compensating for each one by ten,

And the benefit of it just in the sun,

We vote with our lives, not only with our hands,

Yet if they desire to rule us with force,

We know how to smoke and how to quench their fire,

And if it is needed to disperse darkness we can turn into ashes like burning candles,

And we know as well how to make love with lust,

And we do this always by respecting others,

See we do not put ourselves above anyone, but we know ourselves,

We are called Armenians,

And why should we not feel pride about that,

We are, We shall be, and become many.

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