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115 days without food


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115 days without food

We must save Razmik`s life

The life of a 20-year-old hunger striker Razmik Sargisian, who is held

in Nubarashen custody, Yerevan, Armenia continues to be in serious

danger. Despite the conviction of both independent doctors and civic

observers that Razmik is in no condition to be present at court hearings

and needs immediate hospitalization, the Judge of the Criminal and

Military court Mher Armaghanyan made a decision that he should be

present at the hearings. Moreover the court continues psychological

violations and mocking of Razmik. At the hearing on November 30, and

December 1 2005 judge Armaghanyan declared that himself a Pinochet and

that he can do whatever he wants. And so he did. He held closed hearings

and ordered all the presents out, when the defense demanded for

immediate medical help and the judge continued interrogating a nearly

dead boy totally neglecting the lawyer. The judge proved cynical enough

to announce on November 30 that during the hunger strike Razmik gained 8

kg (according t

o the

independent doctors’ November 25 statement he was 60 kg now). The

prosecutor Anahit Eghiazarian with an untypical for a woman sarcasm,

scorn and indifference dismissed any solicitation introduced by the

defense. According to the advocates, three days ago he was fed forcefully

which is prohibited by international norms. According to the Red Cross,

they have no right to feed a hunger striker against his will. «In one

word, they do whatever they want with the boy».

We ought to try to reverse the tragic developments taking place in the


Your Immediate reaction is vital.



Seda Melikyan «Spiritual Armenia», Karen Hakobian «Hope», Sona

Hovhannisyan «Mijnaberd/Citadel», Gohar Armenakyan “The Initiative

group of mothers «Committee of Soldiers' defense», Arthur Sakuts

<Helsinki Civic Assembly Vanadzor Office». Zhanna Aleksanyan journalist

“ArmeniaNow.com”, Hovsep Khurshudian «The Civic National Initiative»,

Arsen Kharatian «For the Development of Science», Harout Simonyan an

artist, Lala Aslikyan, a citizen, etc. For more information about Razmik

Sargsyan read articles on:






Please, send this message to as many people as possible all over the world

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Մամլո հաղորդա•որթյուն

Նուբարաշենի քրեակատարողական հիմնարկում 100 օրից ավել հացադուլի մեջ •տնվող Ռազմիկ Սար•սյանի առողջական վիճակը պարզելու նպատակով դեկտեմբերի 7-ին այցելեցին բժիշկներ (նախորդ օրը Ռազմիկ Սար•սյանը առանց դատապաշտպանների չէր համաձայնել ընդունել նրանց ), որոնց կարծիքները կհրապարակվեն վաղը: Նուբարաշենի քրեակատարողական հիմնարկի պետի կողմից հրավիրած բժիշկների թվում էին Երևանի բժշկական համալսարանի պրոֆեսոր, ընդհանուր թերապիայի ամբիոնի վարիչ Էդուարդ Նազարեթյանը, Դիա•նոստիկ կենտրոնի բժիշկ-ռադիոլո•(նաև դատապարտյալների հիվանդանոցի խորհրդատու) Վալերի Աբրահամյանը, Կալանավայրերի վարչության ծառայության աշխատակից Լևոն Թումասյանը, Դատապարտյալների հիվանդանոցի բուժական •ծով տեղակալ, մասնա•իտությամբ կարդիոլո• Ռաֆայել Միքայելյանը: Ռազմիկ Սար•սյանի դատապաշտպանների կողմից հրավիրված էին 8-րդ հիվանդանոցի բժիշկ-թերապևտ Հասմիկ Վարուժյանը և թիվ 1 հիվանդանոցի բաժնի վարիչ, թերապևտ Մայա Հարությունյանը: Ներկա էին նաև Արդարադատության նախարարությանը կից հասարակական դիտորդների խմբի անդամներ ՙԸնդդեմ կամայական բռնությունների՚ՀԿ նախա•ահ Միքայել Արամյանը և Հելսինկյան քաղաքացիական անսամբլեայի Վանաձորի •րասենյակի ղեկավար Արթուր Սաքունցը: Ինչպես նաև Ռ.Սար•սյանի դատապաշտպաններ Զարուհի Փոստանջյանն ու Ստեփան Ոսկանյանը:

Նույն օրը Ռազմիկին այցելել է նաև Մարդու իրավունքների պաշտպան Լարիսա Ալավերդյանը: Խմբին ուղեկցող լրա•րողների հետ զրույցում Ռազմիկ Սար•սյանը հայտնել է, որ հրաժարվել է •լյուկոզա ընդունելուց, բայց թե քանի օր` չի հիշում : Նա դարձյալ բողոքել է ցավերից: Նա լրա•րողներին փոխանցել է նաև, որ շարունակելու է հացադուլը.ՙԹող զինվորական դատախազությանը փոխեն: Գործը տան քաղաքացիական դատախազությանը և նոր քննություն սկսեն, որպեսզի ճշմարտությունն ապացուցվի և բոլորը տեսնեն, թե ինչ է կատարվել: Ոչ թե ծեծուջարդով մարդկանց բերեն նստեցնեն ու ցուցմունքներ կորզեն՚: Նա հայտնել է, որՆուբարաշենի մեկուսարանից բողոք չունի և իր բողոքը դատարանի ու զինդատախազության դեմ է.ՙԻրենք են ինձ էս օրը •ցել՚:

Ռազմիկը ասել է, որ իր պահանջը կատարելու դեպքում կդադարեցնի հացադուլը.ՙԻնձ հաճելի չի, որ ես ինքնասպանության քայլի դիմեմ՚:

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Размик пытается добиться суда вне военной поркуратуры, так как там дело расследовалось весьма концептуально. Насколько я знаю, есть свидетели того, что убийство совершил комбат, а засудили Размика и еще двоих.

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Вот, получила сегодня на мэйл. Тут поподробнее кажись

Press Release

114 without food

On the 24th of December 2003 soldiers Movses Mkrtumyan and Roman Eghiazaryan disappeared from military unit No 33651 of Mataghis in Martakert district of NKR Defense Army. In this connection the Military Prosecutor’s office initiated a criminal case with a 15 day delay on the 8th of January 2004. On the 9th of January 2004 dead bodies of Mkrtumyan and Aghiazaryan were found in Mataghis canal` with evident signs of violence.

Within the framework of the criminal case initiated by Martakert Military Prosecutor’s office an accusation of murder was brought and four soldiers were detained,&nbs! p; accusation testimony on these four is included in the case. It is recorded how Ivan Grigoryan, K.Mailyan and Baghryan committed the murder.

Later, based on the order of Military Prosecutor G. Jahangiryan the criminal case was transferred to a newly formed investigation group. Afterwards the accusation of murder against the four above mentioned persons was withdrawn and a new, false accusation was brought against soldiers Musa Serobyan (20), Razmik Sargisayn (20) and Araik Zalyan (20).

The First Instance Court of RA Syunik marz (residing in Stepanakert) sentenced the three soldiers to 15 years of prison, based on the only self confessed testimony which w! as obtained through torture, violence and beating. At First Instance court hearings Razmik Sargisyan announced that he was tortured… From 19th until 24th of April the three soldiers were interrogated as witnesses for a number of times while being detained and being deprived of their right of defense.

Currently the case is at the Criminal and Military Appeal Court of the Republic of Armenia, However the hearings were postponed for an unknown ti! me because of a drastic worsening of R. Sargsyan’s health.

On the 4th of December R. Sargisyan was brought into the courtroom in a critical condition. The defense’s solicitations to provide immediate medical assistance were dismissed first by the prosecutor Anahit Eghiazaryan and then by the judge. The court satisfied defense’s solicitation to appoint legal medical expertise, aiming to provide expertise to cover the fact that the worsening of health of Razmik Sargisyan is the result of brutal attitude of the investigators Military Prosecutor’s Office. At the session on the 4th of November judge Arghamanyan publicized the conclusion of the doctor of the prison, which! said that Razmik Sargisyan is in no condition to be present at hearings. However yesterday the same judge informed the defence that the next day he will provide a conclusion of yet another doctor, stating that Razmik Sargisyan’s health state is good enough to make his presence at the hearing possible.

Razmik Sargisyan, Musa Serobyan and Arayik Zalyan testified at first instance court and declared that they are innocent and that the real murderers are in freedom.

All the three accused are on hunger strike:

R.Sargisyan for 110 days

A.Zalyan for 90 days

M.Serobyan for 15 days

- More than 100 solicitations were brought connected with illegal detainment, torture, violence, beating, all of which were dismissed both during the criminal proceedings and court proceedings.

P.S. Case materials include the solicitation letter of NKR Defense Minister S. Ohanyan to Military Prosecutor of RA G. Jahangiryan, which in particular pleaded not to initiate a criminal case against Ivan Grigoryan taking into consideration the fact that he “is a hero of Artsakh war and is “sorry” for what he did. However it was never investigated what was the commander sorry for.

On 25th of November as a result of a civic action organized and carried out by a 20 NGOs and more than 60 citizens it became possible to take a doctor to see the hunger striker at Nubarashen prison to assess Razmik’s health condition.

Despite the conviction of both independent doctors and civic observers that Razmik is in no condition to be present at court hearings and needs immediate hospitali! zation, the Judge of the Criminal and Military court Mher Armaghanyan made a decision that he should be present at the hearings. Moreover the court continues psychological violations and mocking of Razmik. At the hearing on November 30 judge Armaghanyan declared that he is Pinochet and that he can do whatever he wants. And so he did. He held closed hearings and ordered all the presents out, when the defense demanded for immediate medical help and the judge continued interrogating a nearly dead boy totally neglecting the lawyer. The judge proved cynical enough to announce that during the hunger strike Razmik gained 8 kg. The prosecutor Anahit Eghiazarian with an untypical for a woman sarcasm, scorn and indifference dismissed any solicitation introduced by the defense.

On the 1st of December court hearings continued. During the session Razmik suddenly fell and a white liquid flew from his mouth. His mother fainted thinking that he died. All the people in the court room had the same impression and started to cry out for help crying and shouting out. All the presents were asked out and Razmik was taken away. Soon after a doctor visited him without the defense side. After that the hearing commenced again without Razmik and the court was told that Razmik is in an extremely bad health condition and that he should be immediately hospitalized. Announcing this the doctor left and the judge made a decision to postpone the hearings for an indefinite time. The situation became unbearable. The presents (representatives of NGOs, citizens, advocates, relatives) had no information of Razmik’s current state, the advocates were not let to see him, he was not being hospitalized and t! here wasn’t any information of what was going to follow. This situation continued for several hours, until MP A. Sargsyan came to the court and after that the advocates were let in to see the boy. Although an emergency was called for again the medical workers weren’t let to provide medical aid to Razmik and he was taken back to Nubarashen isolator. Currently he is held in a cell with six more people who are eating in front of him and teasing him by suggesting to join them in eating.

At this point the NGOs ! demand that the proceedings restart as the representatives of the initiative group are convinced that the announced “indefinite time” will bring with itself serious consequences.

The other demand concerns medical aid, as at this point it is vital for the life of Razmik.

The initiative group

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по всем международным конвенциям, о предотвращении пыток, справедливом суде итп к которым Армения присоединились и взяла обьязательства выполнять. какое-бы приступление человек бы не совершил, он имеет право на справедливый суд, медицинскую помощь и его не имеют права пытать. ВНЕ ЗАВИСИМОСТИ от СОСТАВА ПРИСТУПЛЕНИЯ !!!

* зная нашу армию и конкретные случаи убийств/самоубийств (мой однокурсник, например был так УБИТ) и "беспристрастие" армянских судов

я лично верю в его невиновность. Но в любом случае, буть он 3ды виноват суд не имеет права издеваться над подсудимым.

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Судя по рассказам очевидцев из зала суда, над ним судья действительно издевается... полный ацтой просто.

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