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Русско-английский словарь по деловой переписке:

1) Господи, это опять вы.... - Thank you very much for your email.

2) Если до завтра не предоставите документы, пеняйте на себя. Тут вам не детский сад.- We will do our best to proceed with your request however for the best result the documents should reach us not later than tomorrow.

3) Вы читать умеете? - You can find this information below.

4) Сколько можно напоминать!- Kind reminder

5) Неужели так сложно подписать документ там, где нужно - Please sign in the place marked with yellow sticker

6) Что у тебя в школе было по математике? - Let's reconfirm the figures.

7) Мы лучше сделаем это сами.- Thank you for your kind assistance.

8) Я уже сто раз вам это присылал. - Kindly find attached.

9) Ага, сейчас все брошу и побегу разбираться. - I’ll look into it and revert soonest.

10) Да поймите же вы наконец - Please kindly review the matter again.

11) Надеюсь, что теперь вы перестанете надоедать своими вопросами - I hope this helps, otherwise please do not hesitate to contact me anytime.

12) Какой же вы зануда... - Thank you for your patience

13) Даже и не надейтесь, что мы откроем вам счет - We will let you know in due course.

14) У нас не те масштабы, чтобы возиться с вашей мелочью - We would be happy to offer you the most favourable conditions on the case-to-case basis.

15) Вот когда подрастете, тогда и приходите.- So if you have eventually some needs from your clientele, it can have a real added-value.

16) Ой-ой, напугал! - We regret to know that you are not satisfied with our services.

17) Ну и пожалуйста. Не очень-то и хотелось. - We look forward to hearing from you.

18) Хотя бы в пятницу отстаньте уже. - good to hear from you and have a nice weekend

19) Услуги будут оплачены. Может быть. - Thanks a lot in advance

20) Да идите вы знаете куда...- We consider the matter settled and close our files.

21) Ха-ха (три раза) - Very best regards

Ты не можешь разбудить человека, который притворяется, что спит.

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Why is everyone suddenly listening to this taxi driver?

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YouTube screenshot of a1plus interview with taxi driver Arman Galstyan

Hundreds of thousands have watched YouTube videos of Armenian taxi driver Arman Galstyan

A taxi driver is being hailed as a hero online after his televised rant struck a chord with people across Armenia.

In many places around the world, taxi drivers are seen as founts of common sense - as grafting small businessmen who meet folks from all walks of life and are somehow uniquely qualified to pontificate on the issues of the day. In fact, it's such a common trope that quoting a taxi driver to gauge the mood of the public has become a certified journalistic cliché.

Well, an extreme version of that view has catapulted a previously anonymous Armenian taxi driver into fame and considerable influence. Arman Galstyan was attending a protest earlier this month in the Armenian capital of Yerevan against new taxi licensing rules which, the cabbies thought, included unfair fees. Television channels at the scene interviewed Galstyan who gave an impassioned monologue about the problems he and his colleagues faced and suggested practical solutions - proposing lower taxes and standard rules for all taxi drivers.

Transport regulation is not a subject that would seem to have wide appeal. But when the videos were posted on YouTube they were viewed more than 300,000 times - a huge hit in a country with a population of about 3m. Galstyan became an online sensation and when he appeared on a popular talk show that interview also became a viral phenomenon. In the interview, Galstyan urged the officials to take off their suits and come on a drive with him to see the reality of the taxi business in Yerevan. "Let's shift from virtual to real life and speak the people's language," he said.

So why has this bearded young man with sharp opinions and a pair of tinted glasses captured the Armenian imagination? The public empathise with Galstyan about the difficulty of dealing with city authorities and many feel that laws are selectively implemented, says BBC Monitoring's Tigran Zakaryan. "His language was colloquial but his tone conveyed a very clear message. People in Armenia look at him as a bold guy who stays positive."

Aram Shahinyan, an art director in Yerevan, tweeted that Galstyan was a "local hero." And thousands have joined fan pages set up for Galstyan on Facebook.

"There is an old joke: it is such a pity that people who clearly know how to develop the country are all working as taxi drivers. Petros Ghazaryan's interview yesterday showed it was not merely a joke," commented blogger Samvel Martirosyan. Another commented: "You are 100,000 times more intelligent and bright than [President Serzh Sargsyan] or any minister in the government."

YouTube screenshot of Kentron TV interview with taxi driver Arman Galstyan

Fan pages have been set up for Galstyan

While Galstyan has repeatedly said he does not want the issues to be clouded by politics, his popularity has led to a meeting with the transport minister. Not everyone thinks the attention is deserved though.

"Ok, he speaks impressively, but I want to understand what is his point? What do they want to change in the law?" asked the leader of an NGO. Television presenter Petros Ghazaryan commented: "I have interviewed many people who were victims of greater injustice than this taxi driver and his colleagues. But this time the public reaction is unprecedented. I can assume most people are more interested in scandals and sensations, rather than justice."

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Boy: do you have a boyfriend?

Girl: No. I do not want a boyfriend.

Boy: Genesis 2:18 And the LORD had said is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit him.

Girl: But I do not love you.

Boys: 1 John 4: 8 "Whoever does not love does not know God, for God is love."

Girl: How do I know what you mean by these words?

Boy: Matthew 12:34 b "Because of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks."

Girl: But how can I be sure that you are faithful and honest?

Boy: Mark 13:31 "Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words shall not pass away."

Girl: But why me? There are many girls out there.

Boy: Proverbs 31:29 "Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou surpass them all!"

Girl: But what is in me that you love?

Boy: Song of Solomon 4:07 " You are altogether beautiful, my love; There is no flaw in you."

Girl: But I'm not quite beautiful ... You're exaggerating.

Boy: Proverbs 31:30 "Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain: the woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised."

Girl: What happens if I say yes?

Boy: Genesis 2:24 "Therefore shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh."

Girl: How is it that you know many scriptures?

Boy: Joshua 1: 8 " This book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth; you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to act in accordance with all that is written in it. For then you shall make your way prosperous, and then you shall be successful..."

Girl: wooow, I see that you really love God.

Boy: Psalm 34: 8 "Drip and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who trusts in Him!"

Girl: Hmmm. Ok please give me time to think about it.

Boy: Philippians 4:08 "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honourable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever things are of good approval , anything is excellent or praiseworthy, is the object of your thoughts. "

Girl: I love you already owwww

Boy: Apocalypse 22: 21b "Amen"

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  • 1 месяц спустя...


Американцы и англичане часто используют такие сокращения в переписке по SMS или Mail:

- 10Q--thank you (спасибо)

- 143--I love you (я тебя люблю)

- A/S/L/P--Age/Sex/Location/Picture (какой у тебя возраст/пол/откуда ты/скинь фото)

- A3--Anyplace, Anywhere, Anytime (в любом месте, где угодно, когда угодно)

- ADR--Address (адрес)

- AEAP--As Early As Possible (как можно раньше)

- AFK--Away From Keyboard (отошел от компьютера)

- ASAP--As Soon As Possible (как можно скорее)

- Aight--All right (все в порядке)

- AITR--Adult In The Room (взрослый в комнате)

- ALAP--As Late As Possible (как можно позже)

- ALTG--Act Locally, Think Globally (действуй локально, мысли глобально)

- ASL--Age/Sex/Location (возраст / пол / место жительства)

- B&F--Back and Forth (назад и вперед)

- B/C--Because (потому что)

- B4--Before (до)

- B4N--Bye For Now (пока)

- B4U--Before You (после тебя)

- BI5--Back In Five (вернусь через 5 минут)

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 B4U--Before You (после тебя)

так ведь перевод before "ДО (раньше) тебя"

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  • 2 недели спустя...

"The man that hath no music in himself,
Nor is not moved with concord of sweet sounds,
Is fit for treasons, stategems, and spoils.
The motions of his spirit are dull as night,
And his affections dark as Erebus."

--Lorenzo from "The Merchant of Venice" (V.i.82–86)

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  • 3 недели спустя...

When You See What These Kids Said, You'll Want To Run.


1. When she was about 3 we had a cat that had still born kittens. She asked if we could make crosses for them, which I did. As I was making them she asked:

"Aren’t those too small?"

Me: "What do you mean?"

Her: "aren't we going to nail them to them?"

Me: (after several moments silence) "we're not going to do that"

Her: "oh"

2. I was tucking in my two year old. He said "Good bye dad." I said, "No, we say good night." He said "I know. But this time it’s good bye."

3. "Go back to sleep, there isn't anything under your bed".

"He’s behind you now."

4. My 3 year old daughter stood next to her new born brother and looked at him for a while then turned and looked at me and said, "Daddy it’s a monster...we should bury it."

5. I was sound asleep, and at around 6am I was woken up by my 4 year old daughters face inches from mine. She looked right into my eyes and whispered, "I want to peel all your skin off".

6. My toddler went through a phase where she would just constantly say 'hi' to things. "Hi hi hi hi hi hi"

One day, it came out sounding more like "Die die die die die"

So I say to her "What's that you're saying?"

And she turns to face me and just whispers


7. My kid's catholic school is over 100 years old. There is a basement under the gym that's used for storage. I was subbing once and during recess one of the kick balls goes down the stairs. A little girl was standing at the top of the stairs yelling "just throw it up to me". I went over and asked who she was talking to and she replied "that big man down the stairs" I went down and there was nobody down there and it was the only way in.

I asked some of the other kids if they have seen the man before and they said "yes, but sister told us not to talk to him". I asked them to describe "sister" and they described a nun and there haven't been nuns at the school in 40 years.

8. "Mommy look what I learned!"

inserts tongue into mom’s mouth during good night kiss

"I learned it from a movie! It means you love someone!"

Mom calmly gets up without saying a word and walks to her room

9. I was on a bus recently and we were stopped outside a walk-in clinic. A little girl in the seat in front of me turned to her dad and said, "Death is the poor man's doctor." And that was that.

10. Why are you crying?

"Bad man."

What bad man?

"There." Points behind me at a dark corner of the room

Lamp on bookshelf next to said darkened corner falls off as soon as I turn to look.

She slept in our bed that night.

11. "So I shouldn't throw him in the fire?"

3 year old daughter holding her baby brother for the first time.

12. Yesterday my 3 year old son told me "today's [sister's] birthday!"

I went into labor last night.

13. My niece was sitting on the couch with a weird look on her face. Her mom asked her what she was thinking about, and she said, "I'm imagining the waves of blood rushing over me."

Turned out they had been at a local science museum with an exhibit on the circulatory system. One of the features was a walk among some giant fake blood vessels, and she was remembering that.

14. Not to me, but to his grandmother.

He was cuddling with her and being very sweet (he was about 3 at the time). He takes her face in his hands, and brings his face close to hers, then tells her that she's very old, and will die soon.

Then he makes a point of looking at the clock.

15. My youngest (around 5 at the time) once drew a picture of a black monster, looked up at me, and said "He told me to draw this. He's coming for you. You better hide."

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