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My Art (Poems, Animations, Drawings, Stories)


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http://www.doink.com/clips/Lacrimosa/1638289/columbine-peek-a-boo <--I drew this like three weeks ago. It's an animation. So You kinda have to click if you want to see. It's based off Columbine, more information in the description. o.O

http://www.doink.com/clips/Lacrimosa/1645225/zelda <--This was for a contest. C:

http://www.doink.com/clips/Lacrimosa/1673724/angel-androgynous <--This is also an animation

http://www.doink.com/clips/Lacrimosa/1675693/cadence-falling <---Me playing around with monochrome. C:

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It all started with my friend showing off her new baby bunny. With curiosity and envy, I studied it, looking at its bright eyes and matte and white coat.

“Where did you get that?” I inquired, hoping to get one myself.

“The farmer’s market.” She replied, holding the little creature. “They are fifteen bucks each.”

I smiled, and ushered her to come to my apartment, excitement in my veins. I pounded on the door, grinning. “Mom! They are selling bunnies for fifteen dollars!” My voice traveled out of my mouth quickly, as if trying to escape silence. “Can I have one? Please?”

My mother looked a little unsure, pondering for a moment or two, just as her friend walked in.

“Hi! Can I have fifteen dollars? I want a bunny!”

Her friend stared at me uncertainly before handing me some money. I grabbed the bills and rushed out the door, my friend speed walking after me. My friend and I got to the store, only to find that all the baby bunnies were gone, and that there was only a 6 month old bunny left. His fur was un-kept, and his cage was filthy. I didn't feel like I wanted him, and my friend informed me that there was a pet store nearby.

When we got to the pet store, we realized that it was closed. I sighed, and decided that I would go back to the farmer’s market and get what I want. When we got back to the Farmer’s Market, I studied the only bunny left.

“How much?” I asked, reaching into my pockets, feeling for the money.

“Fifteen dollars.” The cashier replied, a weak smile on her face.

“I will take him.” I put the money on the counter. She reluctantly opened the cage, careful not to touch the bunny, and urged me to get him myself. I didn't see a problem with him and I picked him up and put him in a cardboard box I bought for him.

He was fairly small for a bunny that's 6 months old. He had shiny brown eyes and a shiny black coat with a white paw and a white mark on his forehead and nose. When I got home, my mother stared at the box with surprise. She picked up the bunny in awe.

“Ida, I don’t think we can keep him.” She studied his fur, staring at his white paw.“ We don’t know how to take care of a bunny.”

I pleaded with my eyes, looking up at her. “Can I keep him? Please?” My mother said nothing, but handed the bunny to me.

For a week or so, he lived in a big cardboard box in my room, however, we had to change the newspaper under him constantly, so my mother decided to let him live in our bathtub. Since we have two bathrooms, itreally wasn't a problem, and she said that he would live there until we could buy a cage.

At that time, I had decided that I would name the bunny "Link," after Link from Legend of Zelda. Then after I got over my obsession with that, and got into Three Days Grace, I decided to rename him "Adam," however, that name was rarely used. We mostly just referred to him as "Bunny." During that time period, my sister got her own fifteen dollars and bought a pregnant hamster.

Ihad a special thing I liked to do with Bunny, and that was make up a cutesy baby voice for him. I would always pretend it was him talking and my mother loved it. I would make him refer to himself as "King Bunny" or "Bunny the gweat! Wike Awexandarr da gweat but bettar!" I would make Bunny boast about how he conquered the world and about how he conquered Sparta and China and "Amewika." My mother loved it most when I would make him say: "Stooppp eeeet, woo make Bunny crwyy!" My mother, would make fun of the way "Bunny" was spelled in English, and would say"Boony." I know, that has to do with nothing, but I get nostalgic just thinking about it. Bunny was the one that made us laugh the most, especially when I talked like it was him. Bunny was the one we hugged when we were feeling down, and was the one we kissed on his little head when we were happy.

What Bunny loved to do was take baths. We would fill the bathtub up to his chest with warm water and then watch him play and splash about, then after he was done, I would wrap him in a towel and hold him like a baby. I just get tears in my eyes thinking about it. I miss him so much.

We also took him to walks with us, and people would stare with astonishment at the little creature in my arms. They would sometimes confuse him for a dog, and would often ask for permission to pet him. We took him to Seaport Village (a tourist attraction in San-Diego) a lot andlet him run in the grass wherever he pleased. Surprisingly, he would always come back to us. Little kids would point and pet him and we would just smile proudly. "Yes, that is my bunny." I would say and bring him over for people on picnic blankets to look at.

Did I mention Bunny loved to eat meat? We didn't give it him often, but once he stole my mother's beef and ate it. He also stole a piece of my pop tart, and loved chewing gum. We didn't feed it to him much, but he loved it and it would be a special treat. Otherwise we would feed him lots of veggies, which he loved and he was overall a healthy, and happy bunny. His coat was silky, his eyes were shiny, and he loved to play about.

Once he got sick, and by that, I mean constipated. He wouldn't eat, only drink and my mother was desperately looking for a solution and decided on an enema. It worked and he was back to being happy and healthy.

Then we got our cat, Pepper (Oh yes, she has quite a story too). By then, all of our hamsters died of old age, so we felt that we can adopt a cat now. At first, Bunny was scared of Pepper, and would tap his hind foot on the table, but it seemed that Pepper was more scared of Bunny than he was of her! Eventually, they started to play together and it was very cute watching them! They would run around in circles, and when Pepper just decided to sit on the floor, Bunny would put his head in her stomach, and she would smack him on his butt. It was very cute, and I really miss watching all that.

In March, 2011, the same month that we got Bunny 4 years ago, he seemed constipated again, and we thought it might have been because he has been eating cat litter. He has been for quite a while when we weren't watching. (Also, he actually used the cat's litter-box....but we didn't train him to or anything! He was an amazing bunny...) My mother decided it was because of the lack of calcium, so she gave him some milk and he felt better, but he was still sick.

My mother took him out of his cage and moved him in the bathroom (without the cage) so that Bunny had more space to move about while she looked for a solution.

I woke up the next morning. My roommate's birthday, unfortunately, this wasn't a very happy awakening. I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth, only to find my bunny just sitting there, barely moving. I picked him up and kissed him and held him and asked my mother what was wrong. She said that he has gotten sick and that we have to take him to the vet.

We never have taken any of our pets to the vet before, mostly because they never had problems and because the vet is costly, but we were determined to save Bunny. My mother took out her carrier bag, and I put him inside, telling him that it was going to be okay, trying to put a smile on my face. My mother's boyfriend and I walked down to the car and my mother followed us. Bunny sat in the front seat with my mother, while I sat in the back, listening to music and just hoping and praying to "God" (which didn't help at all, by the way) that he will be okay.

When we got to the vet, I filled out the form for him and then the lady behind the counter took him away... and that was the last time I saw my bunny....alive.

We waited quite a while, trying to crack jokes and half heatedly laughing. The vet called us in and told us that Bunny or "Adam" as she called him, was very cold, and that they were trying to warm him up. She said that it is a rare occurrence that bunnies survive this, and that there is a mass in his abdomen. My mother and I listened to every word, nodding solemnly and just begging with our eyes that they save him. The vet's voice sounded very melancholy and sorry. Then we went back to the waiting room after the vet said they were going to run more tests.

We sat out there for a few minutes when another lady came in to talk about the "costs" of this visit. We decided that we were going to save him no matter what, but she warned us saying, "You could spend a thousand dollars and put him in the hospital, but there is no guarantee that he'll live." My mother nodded, and said "Thanks for saying that." Then proceeded to say how she wanted him to be saved, and the lady suggested that we either put him to sleep or give him medicine to make his blood flow better. My mother took the medicine option, for we were not giving up just yet.

A few minutes later the vet came in and said that Bunny's breathing was very shallow, and his heartbeat was too slow. That's when my mother and I burst into tears, and the vet left to let us mourn in peace. I have never seen my mother cry so hard before. Not even on my grandfather's funeral. Not even when she was informed that her mother died. This may sound cruel, but I haven't cried at those events either...however now we were crying like babies over losing a beloved pet. My mother's friend stood awkwardly in the doorway, I could see a little tear form in his eyes and he mostly looked at the ground, mumbling, "Let's just put him to sleep now."

My mother and I were clinging to each other sobbing, and I am getting tears in my eyes just thinking about it. The vet came in saying that they could not detect a heartbeat and they were doing chest compression. My mother decided that we should let him rest in peace. I told my mother that I wanted to see him, and my mother informed the vet of this.

A few minutes later, another lady brought him in a towel, and my mother and I kissed him goodbye. His eyes were open, as if he were looking at us with sorrow, and my mother and I decided that there would be no regrets.

After we pet and kissed him goodbye, the lady took him away, and the lady with the "costs" came in and said that they can either "group cremate" him or do a separate cremation. I wanted to do a separate one, but that one would've cost $118. My mother decided on the group cremation, because then, they would scatter all those ashes at sea. I thought about it and decided that it was best.

We spent as much money as we could trying to save him... but I believe that he is right now, running around at the rainbow bridge. He is sheltered and loved, and is waiting for me... to walk across that bridge with him. ♥

I wrote this about a year ago, a few months after his death. RIP, Bunny.

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