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Unjust Arrest & Accusation of Ernest Vardanyan


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  • OpenArmenia Club

For US Citizens & Taxpayers

U.S. Agency for International Development

57/1, Banulescu-Bodoni Street

ASITO Building, 5th Floor

Chisinau, Moldova 2005

Tel: (+373 22) 201 800

Fax: (+373 22) 237 277

April 14, 2010

Dear Sir/Madame,

I write you as part of a collective group of U.S. citizens who are very concerned regarding the arrest of Mr. Ernest Vardanyan by the Transdniestrian security agency. Mr. Vardanyan is a 30 year old independent journalist/political analyst accused of treason, according to Article 271 of the Criminal Code of Transdniestria. The arrest occurred on April 7th, and he remains detained following a closed court proceeding by the Tiraspol City Court.

These false and unfounded allegations have placed Mr. Vardanyan at risk of being subjected to an unjust punishment for a crime he did not commit. He is merely an independent observer/reporter with no government ties, and is being oppressed by a communist regime spiting him for exercising his right to free speech.

I beseech that your organization does not remain indifferent to the injustice Ernest Vardanyan faces, and that his humanitarian rights are preserved. His arrest leaves his wife and two young children, aged 5 years and 9 months respectively, without support.

Currently, the USAID is preparing a project of technical support to aid small businesses in Transdniestria. I urge you to freeze this program pending his release. I am disturbed at the thought of our tax money being spent to support such an anti-humanitarian regime, and implore you to act against such intolerance. I will also contact your main office in Washington, DC regarding the matter. I hope that our voice will reach serious consideration, and our campaign will continue until he is set free.


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  • OpenArmenia Club


U.S. Agency for International Development

Ronald Reagan Building

Washington, D.C. 20523-1000

April 14, 2010

Dear Sir/Madame,

I write you as part of a collective group of U.S. citizens who are very concerned regarding the arrest of Mr. Ernest Vardanyan by the Transdniestrian security agency. Mr. Vardanyan is a 30 year old independent journalist/political analyst accused of treason, according to Article 271 of the Criminal Code of Transdniestria. The arrest occurred on April 7th, and he remains detained following a closed court proceeding by the Tiraspol City Court.

These false and unfounded allegations have placed Mr. Vardanyan at risk of being subjected to an unjust punishment for a crime he did not commit. He is merely an independent observer/reporter with no government ties, and is being oppressed by a communist regime spiting him for exercising his right to free speech.

I beseech that your organization does not remain indifferent to the injustice Ernest Vardanyan faces, and that his humanitarian rights are preserved. His arrest leaves his wife and two young children, aged 5 years and 9 months respectively, without support.

Currently, the USAID is preparing a project of technical support to aid small businesses in Transdniestria. I urge you to freeze this program pending his release. I am disturbed at the thought of our tax money being spent to support such an anti-humanitarian regime, and implore you to act against such intolerance. I will also contact your main office in Washington, DC regarding the matter. I hope that our voice will reach serious consideration, and our campaign will continue until he is set free.


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  • OpenArmenia Club

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For US Citizens & Residents

Embassy of the United States of America

103 Mateevici Street

Chisinau MD-2009

Republic of Moldova

Tel: (+373 22) 408 300

Fax: (+373 22) 233 044

Attn: Ambassador Asif J. Chaudhry

April 15, 2010

Dear Ambassador Chaudhry,

I write you as part of a collective group of U.S. citizens who are very concerned regarding the arrest of Mr. Ernest Vardanyan by the Transdniestrian security agency.

Recently you met with the self-proclaimed “president” of Transdniestria, Mr. Igor Smirnov, and I appreciate very much that you brought up the arrest at your meeting.

I urge you to pressure this administration to free this innocent young journalist, whose life and wellbeing are at stake for exercising his right of free speech against a criminal regime.

Additionally, the USAID is preparing a project of technical support to aid small businesses in Transdniestria. I am disturbed at the thought of our tax money being spent to support such an anti-humanitarian regime, and implore you to act against this intolerance by utilizing your influence to freeze the program until he is freed. I, in collaboration with Mr. Vardanyan’s support group, will also contact our senators, congressmen and state department regarding this issue.

We hope that as the ambassador representing our nation, you will address this matter of basic human rights, and support an individual unjustly persecuted for voicing his pro-democratic beliefs in this oppressed region.


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Dear Editor,

As a citizen of humanity, joined by others from various nations, I write you with concern regarding the arrest of 30 year old independent journalist/political analyst Ernest Vardanyan by the Transdniestrian government, who accuses him of treason. Transdnietria is the last communist regime in Europe, with tyrannical government policies and agencies.

Mr. Vardanyan advocated human rights and democracy openly in his work, taking a stance against the corrupt local government. Because of his political views and articles, however, the government arrested and charged him with this ¬¬¬¬ludicrous allegation.

If convicted, Mr. Vardanyan can face 20 years in prison. His arrest leaves his wife and two young children, aged 5 years and 9 months respectively, without support, as the Transdniestrian government seized their computer, paperwork and even personal credit cards. A support group has hired legal aid to defend Mr. Vardanyan’s rights, yet Transdniestrian officials are preventing these attorneys from even contacting him, let alone represent him.

Only a few western news agencies have addressed this. However, numerous Russian, Armenian and Moldovian news agencies and discussion groups have been following his arrest and rallying online for support.

I urge that you please add your voice to our own, in a unified effort to free Ernest Vardanyan, so that he can rejoin his family.













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Отправил по всем адресам. Внизу письма добавил строчку:


Поиск в Гугле на "Эрнест Варданян" выдает более 14 страниц, может быть редакторам поможет легче понять.

+ в македонское информационное агенство (там упоминается Эрнест): http://www.mia.com.mk/default.aspx?vId=63450819&lId=2

У каждого поступка есть два мотива, один который выглядит хорошо и другой, который в сущности настоящий.

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Ed Gannon

p: 03 9292 2942

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The Australian


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The News


Telephone: +61 2 9288 3000

Press Releases: [email protected]


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  • OpenArmenia Club

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Magnus Ringman, redaktionschef

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