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Teseq um em gtel.......

Кто угадает название песни, альбом и группу, тому........приз зрительских симпатий. А вообще hzor gorc a.

High noon, oh I'd sell my soul for water

Nine years worth of breakin' my back

There's no sun in the shadow of the wizard

See how he glides, why he's lighter than air?

Oh I see his face!

Where is your star?

Is it far, is it far, is it far?

When do we leave?

I believe, yes, I believe

In the heat and the rain

With the whips and chains

To see him fly

So many die

We built a tower of stone

With our flesh and bone

Just to see him fly

But don't know why

Now where do we go?

Hot wind, moving fast across the desert

We feel that our time has arrived

The world spins, while we put his dream together

A tower of stone to take him straight to the sky

Oh I see his face!

Where is your star?

Is it far, is it far, is it far?

When do we leave?

Hey, I believe, I believe

In the heat and the rain

With the whips and chains

Just to see him fly

Too many die

We built a tower of stone

With our flesh and bone

To see him fly

But we don't know why

Ooh, now where do we go

All eyes see the figure of the wizard

As he climbs to the top of the world

No sound, as he falls instead of rising

Time standing still, then there's blood on the sand

Oh I see his face!

Where was your star?

Was it far, was it far

When did we leave?

We believed, we believed, we believed

In heat and rain

With the whips and chains

To see him fly

So many died

We built a tower of stone

With our flesh and bone

To see him fly

But why

In all the rain

With all the chains

Did so many die

Just to see him fly

Look at my flesh and bone

Now, look, look, look, look, Look at the tower of stone

I see your rainbow rising

Look there, on the horizonoh no, who's rising

And I'm coming home, I'm coming home, I'm coming home

Time is standing still

You, give back my will

Ooh ooh ooh ooh

Going home I'm going home

My eyes are bleeding

And my heart is lead ahead

But it's not home

But it's not home


Take me back

You, give me back my will

Ooh ooh ooh ooh

Going home

I'm going home

My eyes are bleeding

And my heart is lead ahead

But it's not home

But it's not home

Take me back, take me back

Back to my home ooh, ooh, ooh

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Ну вот приз зрительских симпатий наглым образом, ночью, без предупреждения, подкравшись сзади стащил Корнелий (подпольная кличка Сэм).... :respect:

Посему специально для него звучит песня того же ансабля, но с другого альбома:

The Temple Of The King

One day in the year of the fox

Came a time remembered well

When the strong young man of the rising sun

Heard the tolling of the great black bell

One day in the year of the fox

When the bell began to ring

Meant the time had cometh

For one to go

To the temple of the king

There in the middle of the circle he stands

Searching, seeking

With just one touch of his trembling hand

The answer will be found

Daylight waits while the old man sings

Heaven help me

And then like the rush of a thousand wings

It shines upon the one

And the day had just begun

One day in the year of the fox

Came a time remembered well

When the strong young man of the rising sun

Heard the tolling of the great black bell

One day in the year of the fox

When the bell began to sing

It meant the time had cometh

For one to go

To the temple of the king

There in the middle of the people

He stands

Seeing, feeling

With just a wave of a strong right hand

He's gone

To the temple of the king

Far from the circle at the edge of the world

He's hoping, wondering

Thinking back from the stories he's heard

Of what he's going to see

There in middle of the circle it lies

Heaven help me

Then all could see by the shine in his eyes

The answer had been found

Back with the people in the circle

He stands

Giving, feeling

With just one touch of a strong right hand

They know

Of the temple and the king

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А я кстати согласен......в каком-то смысле....но нельзя же все огульно отрицать. :brows:

Раинбоу....да конечно кому он нужен по большемус счету, всякие там "Дам между глаз" (82 год) и прочие "Сдаемсюююю" (песня кажется с того же альбома)....


За Stargazer буду грудью стоять. Не отдам БАМ вам. :gun:


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Далеко не все :)...Только "Deep Purple" до "Led Zeppelin", как Тане Булановой до Аллы Пугачевой. Насчет "Звездочета" ничего обидного не скажу :)

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A che ay cavt tanem - stex menq qo het axperner enq и кто не с нами тот против нас. Эт воооооообШэ harc chi аххххперс. Zepn ur, Puprple ur...Es Zeppi cavy tanem. :shljapa:

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Ну раз пошла такая пьянка... :shljapa:

Респект любителям Зеппа!!! :up:

Сэмюэль, принимай старых друзей в лоно прогрессивоманов... :girlkiss:

А это моя любимая веЩь!!! :diana:

Led Zeppelin : Presence : 1976

Tea For One

How come twenty four hours

Baby sometimes seem to slip into days

Oh twenty-four hours

Baby sometimes seem to slip into days

When a minute seems like a lifetime

Ooh baby when I feel this way

Sittin, lookin at the clock

Oh time moves so slow

I've been watchin for the hands to move

Until I just can't look no more

How come twenty four hours

Baby sometimes seems to slip into days

A minute seems like a lifetime

Baby when I feel this way

To sing a song for you

I recall you used to say

"Oh baby this one's for we too"

Which in the end is you anyway

How come twenty four hours

Baby sometimes slip into days

A minute seems like a lifetime

Oh baby when I feel this way

There was a time that I stood tall

In the eyes of other men

But by my own choice I left you woman

And now I can't get back again

How come twenty-four hours

Sometimes slip into days

Well well well

A minute seems like a lifetime

Baby when I feel this way

A minute seems like a lifetime

Oh baby

When I feel this way...I feel this way

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Ой, а можно еще одну любимую... :hehe:

Только на этот раз Кримзоновскую... :diana:

King Crimson : In the Wake of Poseidon : 1970

Peace - An End

Peace is a word

Of the sea and the wind.

Peace is a bird who sings

As you smile.

Peace is the love

Of a foe as a friend;

Peace is the love you bring

To a child

Searching for me

You look everywhere,

Except beside you.

Searching for you

You look everywhere,

But not inside you.

Peace is a stream

From the heart of a man;

Peace is a man, whose breadth

Is the dawn.

Peace is a dawn

On a day without end;

Peace is the end, like death

Of the war.

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