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Dear Friends,

A help is needed to this little girl!

Her mother left her alone since the birth! Currently, she lives in an orphan home. In addition, she needs an operation and not only one! We need to collect money for the operation and she will also need a 24-hour nurse to take care of her during the whole post operational recovery period. She is now 4.5 years old and if we don't manage to help her with the operation before she turns 5, she will be transferred to the disabled persons home, which we shouldn't allow to happen!

The wonderful girl Karina lives in an orphan home. Karina is an amazingly beautiful girl with big brown eyes, downy eyelashes and dark curly hair. She is a clever cheerful child, who is making a remarkable progress. She isn't capricious, but she is very communicative. Her nature is wonderful - she affectionately cares about babies from her group and at the same time she is brave and patient in adversity.

Immediately after the birth, Karina underwent a surgery on the removal of herniated disk. As the result she started experiencing serious problems with motor development. Immediately after the operation, her mother rejected the child. Karina's lonely agony has started from that point. It is very difficult even for adults to stand such difficulties, not talking about a child, who sees other kids running and playing, while she is a prisoner to wheelchair.

For a long time, the doctors had thought that Karina would never walk again, but the baby really wanted to learn walking.

Half a year ago she suddenly walked! Notably, she did it by herself! She is an amazing girl!

OUR PRIMARY GOAL: Find a good specialist in child orthopedics (specializing in hip joint), who will consult and then operate Karina.

Medical Conclusions For Karine Petrosyan (A year ago)

1. Innate operated myelocele

2. Arnold-Chiari malformation

3. Flail legs

4. Malfunction of pelvic organs

5. Unstable hip

6. Incomplete dislocation of left hip

7. Unspecialized urinary bladder

8. Disfunction of neurogenic bladder


Computed magnetic resonance tomography of lumbosacral part of spinal column and head. Conclusions and images can be provided where 3 operations are shown:

- On spinal cord: second stage

- On hip joint: first stage

- On ankles

The most important present that Karina is waiting for is a loving mother, who will come and take Karina home. Karina is in an urgent need of patient, loving mother who can devote herself to the child. We really want this little, brave and very tender girl to be happy!

If you cannot adopt Karina, then we will appreciate any help, be it physical or material, for further rehabilitation of the child.

Dear Everyone!

If you have any opportunities to help Karina, please, contact us by telephone +7 (926) 438-99-28 Ter Grigor Grigoryan

If you would like to donate, please, use the following bank details for the payment:

Bank account number: 40820840800310007862

Bank account holder: Grigoryan Gor

If donating in Euros use the following details:

Raiffeisen Zentralbank AG, Vienna, Austria


Am Stadtpark 9, A-1030 Vienna, Austria

in favour Uniastrum Bank, Moscow,


Acc. No. 55 058 911

If donating in Dollars use the following details:

Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas

SWIFT: BKTRUS33, ABA021001033, CHIPS 0103

60 Wall Str., New York, NY, 10005-2558 USA.

in favour Uniastrum Bank, Moscow, RU


Acc. No. 04429090

For both, Dollar and Euro accounts, the bank account number is the same (i.e. 40820840800310007862) and the bank account holder is Gor Grigoryan

Paypal e-mail address: [email protected]

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