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"Турецкий геноцид"

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Значить д0шнаки это те что с крестами. Нажрались, паимаиш, и пошли вешать имама. Апосля чего стали гасить все что движется с обрезанием .

Гагаши которые с менструальной простыней на голове играют роль анти-д0шнаков.

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Сей фестиваль толерастости проходит каждый март под патронажем местного муниципалитета (через забор от нас) в Aşkale, район Эрзрума аж с 1938 года.


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Зато уже есть офицальная реакция из мэрии Aşkale.

Aşkale mayor dismisses ‘hate’ claims

Thursday, March 6, 2008

ERZURUM – Anatolia News Agency

A staged event depicting the massacre of Turks by Armenians 90 years ago was not intended to promote hate toward any group, said the mayor of Aşkale, who organized the event, yesterday.

The event held in Erzurum's Aşkale region Monday was criticized by newspapers, which noted that children watching the play were shocked to see a barber who played the imam being hung and a doll in a crib being bayoneted by municipality workers who were acting as Armenian militia.

Ahmet Yaptırmış said the event was being held since 1938, arguing that the play just aimed to depict the massacres Turkish people were faced with in the past. “The event just depicts a historical incident. However some tried to link it with some current incidents, insinuating we had ill intentions.”

Physiologists argued that it was not surprising some children watching such plays grow up to be exploited by others to shoot people like Armenian Turkish journalist Hrant Dink or priest Andrea Santoro.

The mayor said they condemned such claims, arguing that plays that depicted past crimes did not psychologically affect children.


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Mehmet Ali Birand ведет персональную колонку в расчитанной на белокожего читателя Тurkish Daily News.

Mehmet Ali Birand, кстати, однажды приезжал в Ереван брать интервью у Р.К.

Mehmet Ali Birand возмущен турецким примитивизмом.


The mentality that killed Hrant Dink

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Mehmet Ali Birand

I could not believe my eyes. It seems that they were celebrating the liberation of Aşkale. This has got to be the height of primitivism.

Supposedly, they had put on a representative play to prevent the young from forgetting the past. Eyes wide-opened in fear, small kids were watching drunk “Armenian militia” attack everybody, stab babies with bayonets and hanging the imam in punishment.

This must have been the worst-ever representative “reminder of history.” What is more, it was repeated year after year despite all objections. This year must have hit the zenith of bad taste. Once more supposedly, the objective is to raise some nationalist generations and to remind others of the bitter pages of the past

I ask you, can you stomach such a “reminder?” No, this is totally unacceptable. This mentality has nothing to do with nationalism or patriotism or Atatürk, not even remotely.

All it does is to indoctrinate young generations with grudges and to teach them to view Armenians as the enemy to be punished on sight.This is the mentality that led to the murders of Hrant Dink, priest Santoro and the three people at the publishing house in Malatya. We will never be able to save our young from the gangs that provide them with guns and incite them to murder as long as we continue to instill hostility in our youngsters. There is no use in catching murderers and instigators and putting them in jail. Tomorrow, there will be others, for we infect those poor young brains with these primitive and inhumane ideas. The prime minister may talk of “brotherhood” as much as he wants to. Nothing will change as long as he overlooks such primitivism and does nothing to prevent it. He may be unaware of the fact that this is the very attitude that will gradually divide Turkey. The same youth that we now turn against Armenians will some day view all foreigners with hostility and will act out of the conviction that every “enemy” must be killed.

In other words, we are actually raising murderers. What is more, this nonsense is repeated every year despite all the negative criticism.

It is also weird that neither the rulers in Ankara nor the prosecutors, who have been hunting intellectuals for belittling Turkey under Article 301, and not even the sane people in our country wake up to what is going on out there. They all shrug and say, “It just represents regional sensitivity.” Friends, such practice represents the greatest treason to Turkey… It is a great insult to this country… It is the worst harm that can be done to the youth of this country. Wake up already… Stop this primitivism… Prevent the repetition of “Hırant Dink” murders…


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Street theater scares children, shocks nation

Celebrations in Aşkale, Erzurum, include workers dressed up as Armenians acting out hanging an imam and murdering a family before being killed themselves by high school students playing the Turkish militia. While the mayor defends the event as educational, experts, commentators and newspapers call for an end to such displays of animosity

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

ANKARA – TDN with wire dispatches

The 90th anniversary of the liberation of the eastern province of Erzurum's Aşkale region was celebrated there Monday, with municipality workers –in a staged event –dressed as members of an Armenian gang sending the imam to the gallows, torching the mosque and bayoneting a doll in a crib, to the alarm of many locals.

The daily Sabah described the story as “shocking” on its front page yesterday, and Hürriyet's headline read, “The mentality in this day and age.”

The daily Radikal's front page headline was, “This disgrace should end.”

The celebrations began with town administrator (kaymakam) Zeyit Şener, Mayor Ahmet Yaptırmış and Regional Commander Captain Ertuğrul Yavuz laying a wreath at the Atatürk statue in the town square.

Just like in previous years, celebrations continued with municipality workers dressing up as Armenians and playing out a massacre committed by Armenians over 90 years ago. The workers first sat around a table and drank alcohol –actually cold tea –before acting out torching the local mosque. Murat Billur, a barber who played the imam in the play, was hung from the makeshift gallows in the town square as he recited the call to prayer.

The workers then acted out the murder of a family and bayoneted a doll in a crib to screams from the town's children.

The play ended with Aşkale High School students, who played the Turkish militia that freed the town from occupation, attacking and “killing” the workers.

Yaptırmış, of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP), defended the play. They repeat the event every year, he said, so children will always remember what happened. “Keeping these sentiments alive will give us an honorable future,” he said.

“There are no bans. I don't think children will be affected adversely,” he said.

"We are ashamed"

Municipality workers who played the Armenians said the mayor issued orders and they obeyed.

One worker, Celal Akar, said his family, friends and neighbors criticized him for playing an Armenian. “Sometimes they even make fun of us. We don't want to be part of the play, but when the mayor says it we can't object. We have been doing this for at least 20 years,” he said.

The municipality is responsible for the organizing the event, but Şener was upset when he saw the play. “Next year's celebrations will be without Armenians,” he said.

Media, experts criticize the event

Burning and stabbing people in front of children is very harmful for young and impressionable kids, said psychologist Alanur Özalp, speaking to Hürriyet. “We all saw teenagers being exploited in the murder of Hrant Dink and priest (Andrea) Santoro. When asked, these teenage murderers said, ‘He was Turkey's enemy. They told me to go and kill him.' SUCH SCENES SHOULD NOT BE REPEATED WHEN WE ARE TRYING TO RID OURSELVES OF THE IMAGE OF BARBARIAN TURKS, she said.

Celebrations portraying Turkey's neighbors as enemies have ended in many regions in Turkey, said Erdun Babahan, editor-in-chief at Sabah, in his column yesterday. “As long as your children grow up watching things like this, it will never be hard to find teenage triggermen to do bad jobs,” Babahan said.

There is a difference between teaching history to children and becoming ugly and rude while doing so, said Hürriyet's Oktay Ekşi in his column yesterday. “Isn't there a more civilized way of teaching history to children? Which is right? Teaching civilization and peace, or animosity to future generations?”

Ekşi asked how teachers and parents could make their children, who were obviously shocked and scared, watch such scenes. “Now do you see how those who murdered Dink and Santoro grow up? Now do you understand what Rakel Dink meant when she said, ‘Nothing can be done without questioning how a baby can become a murderer,'” he said.


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Ceremony of hatred

During a ceremony held for the independence Erzurum Aşkale yesterday, Armenian gangs executed an Imam and then Turks killed the Armenians in a theatrical play. Some of the actors swore as children watched the production in shock.

The theatrical show was held in front of the district governorship office. The production began with an Armenian gang sitting at a table with wine. Then, supposedly, the Armenian gang, represented by actors, raided houses and stabbed babies one by one. The Armenian gang leader, hearing the sounds of the Muslim call for prayer, had an imam executed. The theatrical show, intended to represent the events of the past, ended with Turkish soldiers coming to rescue the village and killing the Armenian gang.


Execution is a production; while the shock is real

During the ceremony held yesterday, for the independence of Erzurum Aşkale, Armenian gangs executed an Imam followed by Turks killing them in revenge, in a theatrical play. The children watching the show were shocked.

During the celebration of the 90th anniversary of Erzurum Aşkale's gaining independence from Armenian gangs, a theatrical show was part of the production. In the theatrical play, Armenians executed an Imam and Turks killed the Armenians. Governorship employees acted as Armenian gang members. An Armenian gang of actors raided houses and stabbed babies one by one. Then, the Armenian gang leader, hearing the sounds of the Muslim call for prayer, had the Imam executed. The theatrical show, intended to depict events of the past, ended with Turkish soldiers coming to rescue the village. The kids watching the celebrations were shocked as the execution of the Imam was so real and it lasted for about five minutes. The specialists warned about the event: "such execution scenes leave marks on a child's consciousness."


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Как видете про популярность в Турции разыгрывания сценок из пьесы Здесь-прошли-д0шнаки их пресса не врет.


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