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My Poems


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* * *

I’m lost in dire straits of love,

There’s only darkness all around.

My heart and soul, they’re killed and both

Are buried deep under the ground.

And there will be no passage out

Of this dark forest of lost dreams.

The silence screams – its voice is loud –

It says my light is getting dimmed.

But there’s a thing that can dispel

The pain, by which my life is captured:

When I’m not able more to dwell,

And when my spirit is just fractured,

And when I am no more the same,

And when I am too weak and brittle –

Will you remember then my name,

Will you then care for me a little?

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* * *

Into blind and sinister devotion,

Like in swirling vortex I precipitate.

Deeply stuck in world of my emotions,

I find no thing I could appreciate.

And so lonely, desolate, detested,

I am thrown to vulture that is love.

And my heart – a place wherein it rested –

Is devoured, consumed for evermore.

Love is but a simple freak of nature,

Just an amazing, fabulous illusion.

It is to make our feeble hearts be fractured,

It only adds some sense to our lone seclusion.

But even though we know how much of us love takes,

We’re always sad when love our lonely hearts forsakes.

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вай спасибо :tik:

вот еще :blush:

* * *

Love was a game, I was compelled to play,

When my cruel fate wished to play tricks on me.

It seized my soul and then just slipped away,

Making me love the one, that loved not me.

It left me thrilled, stuck in a gay confusion,

. . . how much I wish through nights to Her to fly. . .

But I am lost, still lost in Love’s illusion,

It’ll always beckon me and it will never die.

Well, such a life one day will make the Death

Become the welcome and desired friend.

I pray to God for giving me the strength

For being able then to suffer to the end...

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* * *

There is nothing left to inspire my brain

To rhyme a couple of words for you.

My heart and my soul are entangled with pain,

Till the end of my life they're devoted to you.

I search for my dreams in the darkness of night,

I know, I will find them all shattered.

I fought for you long, but in vain was my fight,

To you my love never has mattered.

And now, all alone, I still sit in my room

And wait for a chance this pain to dispel.

No longer my love can stay in its bloom,

But always I will be ready to tell:

For'er you'll remain the one in the world

Whom honestly once those three words I have told.

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* * *

Love is a thing, I wanted to escape,

Though so seductive and so glamorous it is.

But deep within my heart your image took its shape

And now you are the one whom I’m compelled to miss.

So lonely, demolished and lost, I’m staring at the sky,

How blurred and dimmed and dark it is, just like my broken life.

And all night long I dream of you, I call your name and cry,

And to my grief I realize - my love will always thrive.

I’m scattering my soul over the ground

And winter then will cover it with snow.

I try to rid myself of love that once I found,

But deep inside my brain there is a thing I know –

When first snowdrops from under snow appear,

My love will be reborn – still young and still so clear!

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* * *

My love to you will never fade away,

Though now it is going through ordeal.

And though my heart is falling to decay,

This love of mine forever will be real.

My soul is burnt by love’s consuming fire,

And there’s no way this storm to pacify.

Forever you will be the only my desire,

And I will love you till the day I die.

And though you do not see my love’s infinity,

And cannot hear my heart's ecstatic scream –

Remember, that my love is for eternity,

Forever you will be my only dream.

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The Love Is Dead

I count the falling tears,

They never stop to fall.

Seems like for thousand years

I'm waiting for your call.

It seems – in every place

I hear your voice again,

Again I see your face –

Again I feel the pain.

And now my dirge is sung,

My burial rite is read.

Bell of my life has rung

And love of mine lies dead.

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* * *

How feeble must my spirit be

Not to resist this sweet temptation:

To love thee and be loved by thee,

By thee, who's always bound to be

In mid of my imagination.

And all is gone – my joy and mirth –

Just from the moment of thy birth

Thou art the one for me on earth.

And I recall the day we talked,

Thy rigid answer and thy glance,

And all those words, that I have told,

When I've been longing for a chance

To be with thee and prove my love…

But now it's gone, it's gone above,

Where angels live – their wings they wave –

With them my love's forever safe.

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The Queen of Broken Dreams

My turn to go – I have to die,

Because I have no love.

Like those, who many nights before

Have gone, have gone above.

My heart, my lonely heart is filled,

Is filled with awful screams,

Because of you, my fairy queen,

The queen of broken dreams.

Still I'm not gone and still I'm here,

And nothing yet is changed.

I'm waiting just for you, my dear,

To come and take my hand,

To lead me to the land of light,

Into the space of love,

To take me out of this night,

To promise me, that up above

The queen of broken dreams will be

The one, the only one for me.

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* * *

Life of mine is full of sadness – you are not with me,

I am trapped now in the darkness, in obscurity.

And here is no transgression – just believe and understand –

Now this is my confession, read it closely to the end.

Never thought, that one could make me feel the love so close,

And I never knew, that stranger would invade my thoughts.

In my sweetest dreams I never dreamt to meet a girl like you –

Love of mine now is forever – I will give it all to you.

Overwhelming pain and sorrow make me sore – they make me blind,

Vainly wait I for tomorrow, vainly hope to meet your smile.

End of day, the night's beginning – no difference for me –

You're the one I want to be with, you're the one I long to see.

Oracular is every thing and every word in life,

Under words you'll find some meaning, read first letters of each line.

© 2001 год

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Useless Memories

There is no use to ruffle those sweet memories

Of the past love, that in your heart once thrived.

And there’s no need to weep upon the grave

Of your poor soul, that suddenly once died.

Do not recall the days when you were happy,

Remember not the treasure, you disclosed.

Forget those eyes, you loved so tenderly,

Try to forget the one, whom once you lost.

But how terrible it is to lie in bed at night,

So lonely, sleepless, staring at the ceiling.

And, gathering the pieces of your broken heart,

So vainly try to smother that sweet feeling.

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