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Буквоед Вы, батенька и проигрывать достойно не умеете. Поймите, обещание крупнoй страxовой фирмы Америки это не xуxры-муxры, и какая-либо дополнительная информация появится только в случае невыполнения ею сего обещания. Если же не верите, позвоните в эту фирму, убедитесь сами. :*

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February 25, 2005

Gary Gartner (415) 533-2003 cell

Norman Williams (916) 492-3566

Insurance Commissioner John Garamendi and attorney Mark Geragos help distribute settlement MONEY TO ARMENIAN ORGANIZATIONS FROM $20 MILLION CLASS ACTION SUit

Monday morning in pasadena

Nine Armenian charitable organizations receive $3 million on behalf of descendants of the 1915 Armenian Genocide

WHO: California State Insurance Commissioner John Garamendi

Martin Marootian, 89 year old lead plaintiff in the class action suit against New York Life

Attorneys Mark J. Geragos, Brian S. Kabateck, Vartkes Yeghiayan and William Shernoff

Bill Werfelman, New York Life Insurance

Representatives from Armenian charity organizations

WHAT: Ceremony in which three California Armenian charities will receive $333,000 each from a $20 million class action settlement between New York Life and descendants of the 1915 Armenian Genocide.

WHEN: Monday, February 28, 2005 10:00 a.m.

WHERE: Brian Kabateck Residence

215 South Grand Avenue


Directions: 134 Freeway North, Exit and turn Right on Orange Grove Blvd.; Right on West Green Street; Left on South Grand Ave.


Before 1915, New York Life sold life insurance policies to thousands of Armenians living in the Ottoman Empire. New York Life policyholders were among the 1.5 million Armenians massacred during the Armenian Genocide at that time.

California State Insurance Commissioner John Garamendi helped negotiate the final agreement for the distribution of the $20 million settlement. "During the late 1800s and early 1900s New York Life sold thousands of life insurance policies to ethnic Armenians in the Turkish Ottoman Empire. Many of those who bought the policies were killed during a deliberate, systematic and government-controlled genocide that began in April 1915.

Many of the survivors of these policyholders live in California and I am gratified that due to the parties' hard work in this matter, justice will finally be served," Garamendi said.

In the ensuing chaos, many of the rightful policy heirs were unable to obtain insurance proceeds while others were unaware that they were entitled to benefits. During litigation, New York Life acknowledged its records indicated an estimated 2,400 policies sold to Armenians before the Genocide may remain unpaid. The class includes Armenians living in the United States and abroad who are descendants and heirs of policyholders. They will share the bulk of the settlement.

Legal Significance:

The class action is the oldest resolved case in U.S. history-90 years have passed between the original events and the settlement. It is also the first recorded case addressing issues involving the Armenian Genocide. The United States and Turkish governments have never officially acknowledged the Armenian Genocide despite overwhelming evidence and eyewitness accounts. In direct contrast, a private company (New York Life) acknowledged the tragedy and fulfilled its obligation to the victims.

The class action was originally filed in November 1999 in Federal District Court in Los Angeles (Martin Marootian, et al. v. New York Life Insurance Company). Class co-counsel includes California attorneys Brian S. Kabateck, Kabateck Brown Kellner LLP, Vartkes Yeghiayan, Yeghiayan & Associates, Mark J. Geragos, Geragos & Geragos and William Shernoff, Shernoff, Bidart & Darras.

During the course of litigation, New York Life acknowledged its records indicated an estimated 2,400 policies sold to Armenians before the Genocide may remain unpaid. The class includes Armenians living in the United States and abroad who are descendants and heirs of policyholders. They will share the bulk of the multi-million dollar settlement.

Three Armenian organizations in California will receive $333,333 including the Armenian Church of North America Western Diocese (Burbank), Western Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church (Los Angeles), Armenian Educational Foundation (Glendale). The Armenian Relief Society, United States Chapter of Watertown, Massachusetts will also receive an equal portion of the proceeds at the ceremony on Monday.

In a ceremony in New York City on January 26, 2005 five additional organizations received $333,333 each. They include the Armenian Church of North America Eastern Diocese (New York), Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church Eastern U.S. and Canada (New York), Armenian Apostolic Catholic Exarchate for Armenian Catholics in the U.S. and Canada (New York), Armenian Missionary Association of America, Inc. (Paramus, New Jersey) and the Armenian General Benevolent Union (New York).

Descendants have until March 15, 2005 to make a claim for a portion of the settlement.

Details of the settlement and the New York Life policies involved are available at www.ArmenianInsuranceSettlement.com

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Genocide families get $17M payout

*As part of settlement deal for unpaid life insurance after genocide.

By Vince Lovato, News-Press and Leader

LOS ANGELES -- Descendants of victims of the 1915 Armenian Genocide, many of whom are Glendale residents, will share $17 million in restitution as part of the settlement of a federal class-action case announced Wednesday. The claim was brought forth by seven Armenian Americans, some of whom live in Glendale, said Mark Geragos, the attorney who filed the claim.

The settlement was reached with French insurance company AXA Group for unpaid life insurance policies, said Geragos, whose grandparents and great-grandparents came to the United States to flee the genocide.


The settlement must be approved at a hearing in a Los Angeles federal court Nov. 14, Geragos said.

If the settlement is approved, the attorneys will advertise for class-action members who will have a chance to prove their damages, he said.

"I cannot guestimate how big this class will be but the amount of money per person would appear to be outstanding for a class-action suit," Geragos said.

An estimated 1.5 million Armenians perished at the hands of the Ottoman Turks during the genocide of 1915.

It is the oldest case in terms of the date of damages to the date of settlement, Geragos said.

Under terms of the settlement, AXA will donate a minimum of $3 million dollars to France-based Armenian charitable organizations and contribute $11 million toward a fund designed to pay restitution for valid claims of heirs of policyholders issued by AXA Group subsidiaries that did business in the Turkish Ottoman Empire prior to 1915, Geragos said.

Some of these policyholders and beneficiaries were among the 1.5 million Armenians who perished and were unable to obtain their insurance proceeds in the ensuing chaos, he said.

The case could be filed in the U.S. because French-based AXA does business in the United States through various subsidiaries, Geragos said.

While the restitution is significant, recognition of the genocide is important to many Armenian Americans.

"This is yet another step in the pursuit of justice toward the restitution for victims of the Armenian Genocide," said Zanku Armenian, a board member of the Western Region of the Armenian National Committee based in Glendale. "Second, the settlement has to be approved by a federal court, which means it recognizes the events of 1915 and that it was a genocide."

Geragos and Armenia also support a resolution in the U.S. House of Representatives that would recognize the events of 1915 as a genocide.

There are still some living survivors but most in the class are descendants, Armenian said.

"The real point of all this is to show there is some level of restitution and justice delivered to the victims or their descendants," Armenian said. "With each one of these steps the Turkish government has to come to terms with its past."

About 40% of Glendale's population is of Armenian descent, which is the highest concentration anywhere outside of the Republic of Armenia, Armenian said.

Geragos and fellow attorneys Vartkes Yeghiayan, and Brian S. Kabateck -- all of Armenian descent -- represented Armenian descendants in a separate class action in which New York Life agreed to pay $20 million to descendants of Armenian policyholders killed during the genocide.

About 3,000 claimants came forward, not all of whom will be accepted as part of the class action, Geragos said.

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Буквоед Вы, батенька и проигрывать достойно не умеете. Поймите, обещание крупнoй страxовой фирмы Америки это не xуxры-муxры, и какая-либо дополнительная информация появится только в случае невыполнения ею сего обещания. Если же не верите, позвоните в эту фирму, убедитесь сами. :*
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Александр, если Вы умеете читать по-английски, потрудитесь прочесть запиненную информацию. Скорее всего Вы найдете еще какой-нибудь повод придраться, но кто знает....

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Александр, если Вы умеете читать по-английски, потрудитесь прочесть запиненную информацию. Скорее всего Вы найдете еще какой-нибудь повод придраться, но кто знает....
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Ув. Родригес, Вы просили ссылки, я иx Вам привел. Если Вас английский язык не устраивает, очень жаль, поскольку на русский язык они не переведены. Кстати никакиx слов я Вам не давал, так что и держать мне нечего. Люди, умеющие читать на английском, мою правоту в этом вопросе подтвердят, а если Вы им не доверяете, то вряд ли станете доверять какой-либо ссылке вообще. Звоните, пишите письма.

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Ув. Родригес, Вы просили ссылки, я иx Вам привел. Если Вас английский язык не устраивает, очень жаль, поскольку на русский язык они не переведены. Кстати никакиx слов я Вам не давал, так что и держать мне нечего. Люди, умеющие читать на английском, мою правоту в этом вопросе подтвердят, а если Вы им не доверяете, то вряд ли станете доверять какой-либо ссылке вообще. Звоните, пишите письма.
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Одним из оффициальных языков форума является- английский. Поэтому Картезиусу ничего переводить не придется.

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Одним из оффициальных языков форума является- английский. Поэтому Кортезиусу ничего переводить не придется.

Быстро исправь орф. ошибки, Бендер, а то сейчас Родригес придет, начнет буквоедничать! :wow:

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Одним из оффициальных языков форума является- английский. Поэтому Картезиусу ничего переводить не придется.
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Послезавтра можете смело все валить на Ундину, потому что ей будет все равно :P

А пока воздержитесь от того, чтобы склонять мой ник. :angel:

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