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Вот, только на англ- у меня пресс-релиз. Название по мне тоже глупое и двуссмысленное

San Francisco, CA - A new teaching kit about the Armenian Genocide is now available through The Genocide Education Project. The Genocide Education Project

has teamed up with Facing History and Ourselves to provide teaching guides, lesson plans, and audio/visual aids together as one comprehensive kit for

teachers seeking to include the Armenian Genocide in their classrooms. The kit includes a resource book, step-by-step lesson plans, five large posters,

and a television news video for $59.00 + S/H. Educators interested in incorporating the Armenian Genocide into their curriculum can purchase this

teacher-tested resource kit online at www.TeachGenocide.org.

Below are brief descriptions of the resources in this kit.


Facing History and Ourselves' new resource book, "Crimes Against Humanity and Civilization: The Genocide of the Armenians," combines the latest

scholarship on the Armenian Genocide with an interdisciplinary approach to history, enabling students and teachers to make the essential connections

between history and their own lives. By concentrating on the choices that individuals, groups, and nations made before, during, and after the genocide,

readers have the opportunity to consider the dilemmas faced by the international community in the face of massive human rights violations.


"Human Rights and Genocide: A Case Study of the First Genocide of the 20th Century" was developed by The Genocide Education Project and the San Francisco

Unified School District. Using the History-Social Science Framework for California Public Schools as its foundation, this comprehensive teachers' manual

focuses on the Armenian Genocide of 1915, during which 1.5 million Armenians, half of the Armenian population, were systematically annihilated. It includes

a One Day, Two Day, and Ten Day unit, with all the materials teachers will need, including more than two dozen overheads, interactive classroom exercises

and more.

The lesson plans also approach the Armenian Genocide in the context of WWI and the international political-social upheavals of the time, and also

considers the links between the Armenian Genocide and the Holocaust. Other major human rights violations such as the Transatlantic Slave Trade, the Rape

of Nanking, and the Cambodian and Rwandan genocides are also used in the lessons to draw parallels and engender contemplation and discussion about the

phenomenon of genocide and human rights abuses.


"The Century: The Forgotten Genocide" is a 5-minute news program produced by ABC News for the news broadcast World News Tonight with Peter Jennings.

Beginning with a comparison by Jennings of the scene of death marches during the Armenian Genocide at the beginning of the 20th century with lines of

refugees leaving Bosnia at the end of the 20th century, the piece includes survivor interviews, historians, and archival footage to give a brief synopsis

of the century's first genocide. The video can be used as a good introductory visual aid, and is available in DVD and VHS formats along with a transcript

through The Genocide Education Project


Designed for classroom use, teacher workshops, exhibits, and displays, this set of 5 theme-oriented instructional posters tell the story of the Armenian

Genocide, providing a visual overview of key events related to the genocide, its prelude, methodology, and aftermath. Each illustrated poster measures 19"

x 25" and includes photographs, text, graphics and a chronology, allowing teachers and students to easily grasp essential facts related to each theme. The

posters also provide teachers with a template for further instruction, exploration and study. These educational are available through The Genocide

Education Project.

For more information about the efforts of The Genocide Education Project please visit their Web site at www.GenocideEducation.org.

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