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Перестрелка возле консульства США в Стамбуле: убиты шесть человек

Сегодня, 12:59

Корреспондент.net Украина


В ходе перестрелки у генконсульства

США в Стамбуле погибли 6 человек Число погибших в результате нападения на полицейский наряд у генерального консульства США в Стамбуле возросло до шести человек.

Ранее сообщалось о четырех погибших.

Как заявил губернатор Стамбула Муаммер Гюлер, в результате нападения погибли трое полицейских, пятеро получили ранения, три экстремиста убиты.

Инцидент, как отмечается, произошел около 11:00 местного времени.

Как сообщил очевидец ЧП, трое неизвестных подъехали к генконсульству на белой автомашине и, выйдя из нее, открыли огонь из пистолетов по полицейскому наряду.

Район, где расположено американское генконсульство, блокирован полицией. Туда направлены машины скорой помощи.

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Three policemen killed in attack at U.S. Consulate in Istanbul

ISTANBUL - TDN with wire dispatches


Gunmen opened fire on police in front of the U.S. Consulate in Istanbul Wednesday and three police officers and three attackers were killed in the shootout.

Two people, a policeman and a civilian, were lightly injured in the attack and were evacuated to a hospital, Istanbul chief prosecutor Aykut Cengiz Engin told reporters in front of the consulate. ``The way that the incident was carried out and the type of the attack indicate it was a terrorist attack,'' Engin said.

"Three policemen were martyred and three attackers were killed," Gov. Muammer Güler told reporters at the scene, adding that authorities were pressing to identify the attackers and any group to which they belonged.

"At about 11 a.m., at least one assailant opened fire on the Turkish police guardpost area near the main entrance to the consulate," a U.S. embassy spokeswoman told the Associated Press, speaking anonymously due to the sensitivity of the matter.

"We're cooperating with the police and taking the appropriate measures," she said.

Engin said the attack began when a car drove up to the consulate and three men aged between 25 and 30 exited and opened fire on police. The officers returned fire killing the three. A fourth person in the car escaped, he said. Güler said two of the attackers were Turks, NTV television reported.

Turkey and the United States condemned the attack for which no one has yet claimed responsibility.

"It is enough to say they are terrorists who carried out a dastardly and cowardly attack," U.S. Ambassador Ross Wilson told a news conference in Ankara.

"Our countries stand together in the fight against international terrorism. This was an attack on a diplomatic establishment here," he said.

Mutlu Güneş, a 13-year-old eyewitness, said he was on his way to a mosque when he spotted several men preparing guns and placing them inside a Ford Focus car, before driving a short distance to the modern consulate complex.

"The three of them got out of the car. One of them shot a policeman in the chest and I saw one terrorist killing himself after being shot by police. Then I hid under a car," Güneş told reporters.

"I curse strongly these kinds of terror attacks. Turkey will struggle to the end with those who organize these (attacks) and the mentality behind them," President Abdullah Gül said.


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Турция. По подозрению в нападении на генконсульство США в Стамбуле задержаны четыре человека

Четверо человек задержаны по подозрению в причастности к нападению на генеральное консульство США в Стамбуле. С таким заявлением выступил министр внутренних дел Турции Бешир Аталай, передает «Интерфакс».

Напомним, что жертвами нападения, совершенного накануне, стали трое полицейских и трое нападавших. Один нападавший скрылся. Есть ли он в числе задержанных, пока не сообщается.

10.07.2008 16:55

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  • OpenArmenia Club
Three policemen killed in attack at U.S. Consulate in Istanbul

ISTANBUL - TDN with wire dispatches

Три полицейских убиты в нападении в американском Консульстве в Стамбуле

СТАМБУЛ - TDN с проводными отправками

пользователь отправил изображение

Бандиты открыли огонь в полицию перед американским Консульством в Стамбуле в среду и тремя полицейскими, и три нападавших были убиты в перестрелке.

Два человека, полицейский и гражданское лицо, были слегка ранены в нападении и были эвакуированы в больницу, Стамбул, который главный обвинитель Aykut Cengiz Engin сказал репортерам перед консульством. "Способ, которым инцидент был выполнен и тип нападения, указывает, что это было террористическое нападение," сказал Engin.

"Три полицейских мучились, и три нападавших были убиты," сказал губернатор Muammer Güler репортерам в сцене, добавляя, что власти нажимали, чтобы опознать нападавших и любую группу, которой они принадлежали.

"В около 11:00, по крайней мере один противник открыл огонь в турецкую полицию guardpost область около главного входа в консульство," американская представительница посольства сказала Ассошиэйтед Пресс, говоря анонимно из-за чувствительности вопроса.

"Мы сотрудничаем с полицией и принимаем соответствующие меры," сказала она.

Engin сказал, что нападение началось, когда автомобиль двигался до консульства и трех мужчин в возрасте между 25 и 30 из которых выходят и открытыми огнями в полицию. Чиновники ответили огнем, убивая три. Четвертый человек в автомобиле убежал, сказал он. Güler сказал, что два из нападавших были Турками, телевидение NTV сообщило.

Турция и Соединенные Штаты осудили нападение, за которое никто еще не взял на себя ответственность.

"Это достаточно, чтобы сказать, что они - террористы, которые выполнили трусливое и трусливое нападение," американский Посол Ross Wilson сказал пресс-конференцию в Анкаре.

"Наши страны стоят вместе в борьбе против международного терроризма. Это было нападением на дипломатическое учреждение здесь," сказал он.

Mutlu Güne ş, 13-летний свидетель, сказал, что он был на пути к мечети, когда он разыскивал несколько мужчин, готовящих оружие и размещающих их в автомобиле Ford Focus, прежде, чем вести короткое расстояние к современному комплексу консульства.

"Три из них вышли из автомобиля. Один из них стрелял в полицейского в грудь, и я видел, что один террорист убил себя, будучи застреленным полицией. Тогда я скрылся под автомобилем," сказал Güne ş репортерам.

"Я проклинаю настоятельно эти виды террористических нападений. Турция будет бороться до конца с теми, кто организовывает эти (нападения) и менталитет позади них," сказал Президент Abdullah Gül.

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Attackers of US Consulate in Turkey shared a bleak background

Their profiles are similar to those of young men involved in Al Qaeda-inspired attacks: uneducated, poor, not known to be devout until they met a charismatic 'elder brother.'

July 12, 2008

ISTANBUL, TURKEY — The electronic buzzer sounded, and the gaggle of gangly 14- and 15-year-old boys jumped up, scattering pumpkin seeds they'd been cracking between their teeth. Their brief break was over; now they had to hurry back to their jobs in the textile factory.

In the impoverished enclave of Kucukcekmece, on the far fringes of Istanbul, the three young attackers who died trying to storm the U.S. Consulate on Wednesday lived within a few blocks of one another in ramshackle, illegally constructed homes known by the evocative Turkish term gecekondu -- built overnight.

Two of the three attackers had worked in a textile factory similar to this one, in keeping with the neighborhood pattern of school dropouts trying to help support large families that have relocated from the countryside. Their labor provides a short-term economic boost but leaves them without education or prospects.

The drab, run-down district where the attackers lived is a world apart from the deep-blue Bosporus, the chic cafes, the minarets and monuments of tourist Istanbul, though the city center is only a 40-minute drive away. Tens of thousands of economic migrants from Turkey's poorest corners have come here to seek better lives. Often, they find only greater hardship.

Neighbors and relatives of the assailants said they did not understand why the three did what they did.

But the backgrounds and profiles provided in official accounts appeared strikingly similar to those of young men involved in previous Al Qaeda-inspired attacks in Turkey: largely uneducated, poor, not known to be religiously devout until they found themselves in contact with a charismatic "elder brother."

One of them, 23-year-old Bulent Cinar, was a former goat herder with only a grade school education, police said.

None of those spoken to in the neighborhood questioned the official account, confirmed by witnesses and security cameras, of the three men leaping from a vehicle late Wednesday morning and spraying bullets at Turkish police guarding the fortresslike U.S. complex.

Three police officers died; the attackers were swiftly gunned down as well. Turkish authorities said that by late Friday, 10 people had been arrested and that more arrests were likely.

Those being held included the alleged driver of the getaway vehicle, who reportedly told police he was merely hired to drive and did not know of the men's plans until the shooting erupted, when he sped away.

Another man was arrested in southeastern Turkey. Authorities said he had been in frequent cellphone contact with the assailants until shortly before the attack.

Two mainstream Turkish newspapers, Hurriyet and Milliyet, said detainees included members of a second group that had been planning a separate attack in coming days.

One of the three consulate attackers, Erkan Kargin, was thought to have traveled to Afghanistan for training. One possible motive raised in Turkish press reports was the death of a fellow trainee from Kargin's home province in an air attack by coalition troops in Afghanistan.

Authorities were also looking for links to a raid in January near the Anatolian city of Gazientep, which targeted a radical group suspected of having ties to or drawing inspiration from Al Qaeda. Five people were killed in the operation.

The crude pistol-and-shotgun attack on the consulate, which stood little chance of penetrating security at the complex, was described by analysts as lacking Al Qaeda's sophistication. Turkish officials said that suggested the group might have had only the loosest links to the network, drawing primarily on its ideology.

Turkish authorities have worked particularly hard to keep tabs on homegrown militant groups since 2003, when Al Qaeda-linked militants killed more than 60 people in an assault on the British Consulate, a bank and two synagogues in central Istanbul.

Officials said they were looking at the possibility that Kargin, 26, the oldest of the three attackers, had recruited the younger two and organized the assault. But his distraught family said they doubted he had been the ringleader.

"He was mentally unbalanced -- he was having treatment at the mental health clinic," said a man who answered the door at the family home. He identified himself as an older brother but did not want his name used. "I don't believe he was responsible for planning this."

Istanbul's governor, Muammer Guler, on Friday called the consulate assault a "suicide attack," suggesting that the gunmen knew there was no possible escape once they opened fire.

Kucukcekmece residents painted a portrait of a neighborhood blighted by deprivation, discrimination and neglect, its young people trapped in a grinding, dead-end cycle of itinerant labor and factory work.

"I can't even read!" said Melek Sincanli, a 65-year-old widow with deep-carved wrinkles. She took a pen from a journalist's hand and made a childlike squiggle -- her signature, as taught to her by her husband. "That's all I know," she said.

Relatives described assailant Raif Topcil, who was to enter the Turkish army this summer, as a young man more interested in computer games than religion. He and Cinar worked at one point in the same textile workshop in what were described as sweatshop conditions.

"He was tricked, he was fooled," said an aunt, Ayse Sevin. "He was a decent boy, calm. We know he did not set out to do something like this."

The attack galvanized anti-American sentiment that is never far from the surface here. One of the police officers wounded in the attack, Osman Dagli, said he tried to take shelter in the consulate after he was hit, but the doors were not opened to him.

The U.S. ambassador, Ross Wilson, said American security staff did aid the injured policemen. But the consulate goes into a state of automatic lockdown at the first sign of attack, and no consulate guards came outside during the gunfight.

Dagli, who killed two of the attackers before running out of bullets, told Turkish newspapers that consular officials sent him flowers in the hospital but that he refused to accept them.


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