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Syriacs, Nestorians and Chaldeans, being the first Christians and the oldest residents of Mesopotamia, cradle of civilizations, seem to be faced with a terrible scenario prepared by the Kurdish political movement, as they had been in the past.

According to the "Kurdish Thesis of History", which is espoused by all the Kurdish organizations and ideologues, including the terrorist Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), all the people and nations that had lived in Eastern Anatolia and Mesopotamia throughout history are defined as "Kurds", and all the historical works, as well as languages, cultures and civilizations exclusive to the region are identified as "Kurdish".65

There are evidences indicating that there already exist intentions aiming at the "Kurdization" of Syriac, Nestorian and Chaldean Christians. The most evident proof to the denial of the identities of Syriacs, Nestorians and Chaldeans, is the usage of terms such as "Syriac Kurds", "Nestorian Kurds", "Christian Kurds", etc. by some Kurdish writers when referring to those people.66

Another evidence of the same intentions is the fact that territories of Mesopotamia, on which Syriac, Nestorian and Chaldean people have been living throughout history, are shown as a part of "Kurdistan" on the imaginary maps drawn by Kurds.

The so-called "Kurdish Parliament in Exile" (KPE), which was declared on April 12, 1995 in Den Haag/Holland, has chosen the map of "Kurdistan" as its emblem. In that map, besides the territories of Syriacs, Nestorians, and Chaldeans, the territories inhabited by local people of Arab, Zaza, Armenian, Azeri, Turkmen, etc. origin are also shown within the boundaries of Kurdistan. All the ethnic elements in the region are referred to as "people of Kurdistan", "Kurdistanis", or "Kurds". In the "Bulletin of Preparatory Commission for the Kurdistan Parliament in Exile" , the same expression was used for the above-mentioned people.67

On the other hand, the decision taken by the KPE to the effect that "the official language of the KPE is Kurdish", and also the KPE’s campaign of "In Kurdistan, Speak in Kurdish! Think in Kurdish! Write in Kurdish!", obviously intend to dissolve the people in the region other than Kurds in the pot of "Kurdism" in order to convert them into Kurds.

It is a matter of concern that some Christian "parliamentarians" of the KPE, like George Aryo, Musa Caklo, Petros Karatay and Samoev Merabi, are playing the "representatives" of Syriac, Nestorian and Chaldean people in the KPE. It is obvious that these individuals are not elected by the people they claim to be representing, but they accepted to be members of the KPE just for getting personal benefits. There is no need to say that the PKK-member Kurds, who intend to get support from the Christian World for the Kurdish political movement, exploit the existence of Christian members within the KPE and act as if they are the "protector of Christians".

"Christian" members of the KPE should realize this truth. They should keep in mind that the Kurds, who, throughout history conducted genocides against Syriacs, Nestorians and Chaldeans, are now preparing a new scenario and that the known character of Kurds shall never change.

We can not understand how the four Christians that joined the KPE are still unaware of the terrible plan prepared by the Kurdish chauvinists, who aspire to darken the future of Syriac, Nestorian and Chaldean peoples, to make them deprived of their sovereignty rights, and even to terminate their very existence. It is impossible to understand why these Christians are supporting the Kurdish political movement, which is certainly aiming their destruction.

The KPE, which was established through the efforts of the PKK, implies in its above-mentioned "Bulletin" what kind of a future it is preparing for the Christian people in the writings having the signature of two of the PKK’s subsidiaries, which are namely the "Kurdistan Islamist Movement", and the "Kurdistan Alevi Union". We wonder what the four Christian members of the KPE are thinking about the the future of Syriacs, Nestorians and Chaldeans under a regime dominated by fanatic and chauvinist Kurds, and how these people will then preserve their existence, identities, characteristics, and churches.

There is no need to be a fortune-teller in order to know that the establishment of a "Kurdistan" as fervently aspired by the Kurds, would mean the total eradication of Christians from Mesopotamia.

The genocides implemented at different times in history by the Kurdish tribal leaders against Christian Syriacs, Nestorians, Chaldeans and Armenians are remembered very well. Therefore, it can not be asserted that the Kurds will give up oppressions and atrocities they conducted in the past, once a Kurdish state under definite control of Kurds would be established in the region. The character of Kurds is very well known by the Christians of Mesopotamia.

It is also known that the PKK, which has started initiatives aiming to dissolve the Syriac, Nestorian and Chaldean communities in the pot of "Kurdism", and to that effect, it has already started to employ methods intended to liquidate those communities. The PKK, which since 1984 has been also targeting the Christians living in Southeast Anatolia, has killed many Christians and forced many Christian families to migrate from that region. These assaults have not targeted only the Christians living in Southeast Anatolia, but also the ones living in Northern Iraq. The PKK, without getting satisfied with these attacks, is abducting the Syriac, Nestorian and Chaldean youth in order to use them in terrorist attacks, and in that way intends to serve more than one of its purposes at the same time.

On February 10, 1997, Christians living in Northern Iraq / Shaqlawa have been the target of a brutal attack conducted by the Kurds. During the incident, two Assyrian (Nestorian) Christians were killed on the street by Kurds. The Assyrians have brought the matter to European platforms and in order to protest the incident, they have distributed a press release under the heading of "A New Display of the Kurdish Justice in Northern Iraq" and undersigned by the Assyrian Democratic Organization, an organization which is active in Europe.

On March 06, 1997 in Brussels, during a conference held in the European Parliament building by the Kurdish Institute of Brussels, an organization which is controlled by the PKK, a dispute arose between a group of Assyrians (Nestorians) distributing hand-bills to protest the Shaqlawa incident and Kurds trying to prevent them. The news about that dispute and mutual criticisms of both parties also appeared in Turkish press.68

In the hand-bills distributed by the Assyrian Democratic Organization, following points were emphasized :

"On February 10, 1997, two Assyrians, Lazar Matta and his son Haval, were attacked by hundreds of Kurds, and were brutally murdered in Shaqlawa.

Similar incidents have increased in number during the recent years. A small Assyrian girl named Ahlam Petros Nissan was kidnapped on September 10, 1996 by a group of armed PKK militants from Baz village, located in the Barwari-Bala region of Northern Iraq. Still, no news could be received regarding the fate of that small girl.

Until now, no judicial investigation was started regarding the murder of two Assyrians. "Kurdish authorities", as they are always doing, seem to be paying no effort to implement the laws and justice, and trying to appease the Assyrians by showing the murder of these two individuals as ordinary trivial incidents.

Resumption of attacks are eroding Assyrians’ trust in Kurds, and besides, they are proving that all these tragic incidents are resulting from a planned policy of Kurds, who intend to eradicate the Christians in Northern Iraq".

On the other hand, following the operation launched by the Turkish armed forces on May 14, 1997 against the PKK in Northern Iraq, the KDP (Kurdistan Democratic Party) forces, taking that opportunity, started attacks against Syriac, Nestorian and Chaldean Christians living in various settlement centers, like Duhoq, Zaho, Rewanduz, Shaqlawa, and Arbil.

During these attacks, 18 Christian villages were evacuated, thousands of hectars cultivated lands, vineyards and orchards were burnt down, hundreds of people were detained and tortured, and tens of individuals were brutally murdered.

Particularly on the day of May 16, 1997 and afterwards, KDP Peshmergas, raiding and plundering the houses in Christian-inhabited Ankawa District of Arbil, brutally killed many innocent and defenseless people by shooting.

Those inhumane oppressions and atrocities conducted by the KDP against Mesopotamian Christians were protested through various marches and demonstrations organized in Germany, Belgium, Holland, Sweden and France by Syriac, Nestorian and Chaldean organizations in Europe.

A demonstration of protest was held on June 28, 1997, before United Nations building in Geneva. The demonstrators conveyed a file documenting the KDP’s oppressions and atrocities on Syriacs, Nestorians and Chaldeans to the officials of United Nations High Commission for Human Rights and urged them to make the necessary initiatives on this issue.

At the same time, the Syriac, Nestorian, and Chaldean organizations called the Christian world, the Pope, General Secretariat of United Nations, and international NGOs to pay joint efforts in order to prevent the KDP’s policy intending to eradicate the Christians.


It is a fact that Kurds bear the full responsibility for the miseries of Syriac, Nestorian and Chaldean Christians, who were forced to leave their homelands and live in various countries of the world with immigrant status. Every Syriac, Nestorian and Chaldean should always bear this fact in mind.

When we approach the matter from an objective point of view, we see that there is no difference between the oppressions conducted by the Kurds against Syriac, Nestorian, Chaldean and Armenian communities in the past, and the inhumane attacks of the PKK and other Kurdish organizations targeting the same communities today.

The efforts of both the PKK and other Kurdish political organizations and ideologues to assimilate and "making Kurd" all the ethnic groups living in the region, makes the situation even further alarming.

In that context, we hope that particularly in European countries, those Syriacs, Nestorians, Chaldeans and Armenians, who knowingly or unknowingly have gone under the control of PKK or other Kurdish organizations, will review their status once more so that they will not be used as tools for the dirty tricks of the Kurdish organizations.

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Курды сами себе мину заложили - браво. Сейчас они говорят о курдах-христианах. А завтра мы скажем о курдах-христианах армянского происхождения. И пусть их корчит и корёжет в страшных исламских ломках :wow:

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