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В Польше издана книга про Геноцид армян - "Первый холокост 20-го века"

В начале ноября текущего года варшавское издательство "Фронда" издало монографию польского историка, доктора Познанского университета Гжегожа Кухарчика "Первый холокост 20-го века" (Pierwszy Holocaust XX wieku).

Это первый широкообъемный (220 страниц) труд про Геноцид армян на польском языке. Книга состоит из трех частей: армяне в Османской империи до младотурецкой революции 1908 года, Геноцид армян в Турции 1915-1916 гг., последующие репрессии и отрицание истины.

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France, Great Britain, and Russia, Joint Declaration

Telegram Sent

Department of State, Washington

May 29, 1915

Amembassy [American Embassy], Constantinople.

French Foreign Office requests following notice be given Turkish Government. Quote. May 24th

For about a month the Kurd and Turkish populations of Armenia has been massacring Armenians with the connivance and often assistance of Ottoman authorities. Such massacres took place in middle April (new style) at Erzerum, Dertchun, Eguine, Akn, Bitlis, Mush, Sassun, Zeitun, and throughout Cilicia. Inhabitants of about one hundred villages near Van were all murdered. In that city Armenian quarter is besieged by Kurds. At the same time in Constantinople Ottoman Government ill-treats inoffensive Armenian population. In view of those new crimes of Turkey against humanity and civilization, the Allied governments announce publicly to the Sublime-Porte that they will hold personally responsible [for] these crimes all members of the Ottoman government and those of their agents who are implicated in such massacres.


R.G. 59, 867.4016/67

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U.S., Senate, Concurrent Resolution 12

64th Congress

1st Session

S. CON. RES. 12 [senate Concurrent Resolution 12]

[Report No. 837.]

In the House of Representatives.

February 10, 1916.

Referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs.

June 21, 1916

Referred to the House Calendar and ordered to be printed.

Concurrent Resolution

Whereas in countries now engaged in war there are several hundreds of thousands of Armenians in need of food, clothing, and shelter; and

Whereas great numbers of them have been required by conditions growing out of the state of war to leave their homes and their property, deprived of an opportunity to make provision for their most elementary wants, causing starvation, disease, and untold suffering; and

Whereas the people of the United States of America have learned with sorrow of this terrible plight of great numbers of human beings and have most generously responded to the cry for help whenever such an appeal has reached them: Therefore be it

Resolved by the Senate (the House of Representatives concurring), That, in view of the misery, wretchedness, and hardships which these people are suffering, the President of the United States be respectfully asked to designate a day on which the citizens of this country may give expression to their sympathy by contributing to the funds now being raised for the relief of the Armenians in the belligerent countries.

Passed the Senate February 9, 1916.

Attest: James M. Baker, Secretary.

64th Congress

1st Session

House of Representatives

Report No. 837.

Relief of Armenians.

June 21, 1916. — Referred to the House Calendar and ordered to be printed.

Mr. Flood, from the Committee on Foreign Affairs, submitted the following Report.

[To accompany S. Con. Res. 12.]

The Committee on Foreign Affairs, to which was referred the resolution S. Con. Res. 12, having had the same under consideration, reports the said resolution back without amendment and with the recommendation that the same be passed.

The committee deems it unnecessary to give reasons for its action, as the desperate condition and the urgent need of relief for the Armenians are so widely known. The purpose of the resolution is to give an impetus to the untiring efforts of the generous people of this country who have been responding to the call of humanity and to the relief of these suffering people. Our ambassador to Turkey has authorized the American Committee for Armenian Relief to publish a letter, from which the quotation following is taken:

I again want to urge upon your committee the great necessity of securing additional funds to enable us to render further assistance to the Armenian sufferers.

If you could only bring home to the public the large amount of good done by the expenditure of the funds already sent us and the number of people we were able to save from dire distress, I feel convinced that there would be a generous and prompt response.

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U.S., Congress, An Act to Incorporate Near East Relief


August 6, 1919.

[s. 180.]

[Public No. 25]

District of Columbia, Near East Relief incorporated.

CHAP. 32. – An Act To incorporate Near East Relief

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following persons, namely, James L. Barton, Cleveland H. Dodge, Henry Morgenthau, Edwin M. Bulkley, Alexander J. Hemphill, Charles R. Crane, William Howard Taft, Charles Evans Hughes, Elihu Root, Abram I. Elkus, Charles W. Eliot, Harry Pratt Judson, Charles E. Beury, Arthur J. Brown, John B. Calvert, William I. Chamberlain, Robert J. Cuddihy, Cleveland E. Dodge, William T. Ellis, James Cardinal Gibbons, David H. Greer, Harold A. Hatch, William I. Haven, Myron T. Herrick, Hamilton Holt, Frank W. Jackson, Arthur Curtiss James, Frederick Lynch, Vance C. McCormick, Charles S. Macfarland, Henry B.F. Macfarland, William B. Millar, John R. Mott, Frank Mason North, George A. Plimpton, Philip Rhinelander, William Jay Schieffelin, George T. Scott, Albert Shaw, William Sloane, Edward Lincoln Smith, Robert Eliot Speer, James M. Speers, Oscar S. Straus, Charles V. Vickrey Harry A. Wheeler, Stanley White, Ray Lyman Wilbur, Talcott Williams, and Stephen S. Wise, their associates and successors duly chosen, are hereby incorporated and declared to be a body corporate of the District of Columbia by the name of Near East Relief and by that name shall be known and have perpetual succession, with the powers, limitations, and restrictions herein contained.

SEC. 2. That the object for which said corporation is incorporated shall be to provide relief and to assist in the repatriation, rehabilitation, and reestablishment of suffering and dependent people of the Near East and adjacent areas; to provide for the care of orphans and widows and to promote the social, economic, and industrial welfare of those who have been rendered destitute, or dependent directly or indirectly, by the vicissitudes of war, the cruelties of men, or other causes beyond their control.

SEC. 3. That the direction and management of the affairs of the corporation, and the control of its property and funds, shall be vested in a board of trustees, to be composed of the following individuals: James L. Barton, Cleveland H. Dodge, Henry Morgenthau, Edwin M. Bulkley, Alexander J. Hemphill, Charles R. Crane, William Howard Taft, Charles Evans Hughes, Elihu Root, Abram I. Elkus, Charles W. Eliot, Harry Pratt Judson, Charles E. Beury, Arhtur J. Brown, John B. Calvert, William I. Chamberlain, Robert J. Cuddihy, Cleveland E. Dodge, William T. Ellis, James Cardinal Gibbons, David H. Greer, Harold A. Hatch, William I. Haven, Myron T. Herrick, Hamilton Holt, Frank W. Jackson, Arthur Curtiss James, Frederick Lynch, Vance C. McCormick Charles S. Macfarland, Henry B.F. Macfarland, William B. Millar, John R. Mott, Frank Mason North, George A. Plimpton, Philip Rhinelander, William Jay Schieffelin, George T. Scott, Albert Shaw, William Sloane, Edward Lincoln Smith, Robert Eliot Speer, James M. Speers, Oscar S. Straus, Charles V. Vickrey, Harry A. Wheeler, Stanley White, Ray Myman Wilbur, Talcott Williams, and Stephen S. Wise, who shall constitute the first board of trustees and constitute the members of the corporation. Vacancies occurring by death, resignation, or otherwise shall be filled by the remaining trustees in such manner as the by-laws shall prescribe, and the persons so elected shall thereupon become trustees and also members of the corporation.

SEC. 4. That the principal office of the corporation shall be located in the District of Columbia, but offices may be maintained and meetings of the corporation or of the trustees and committees may be held in other places, such as the by-laws may from time to time fix.

SEC. 5. That the said trustees shall be entitled to take, hold, and administer any securities, funds, or property which may be transferred to them for the purposes and objects hereinbefore enumerated by the existing and unincorporated American Committee for Armenian and Syrian Relief, and such other funds or property as may be necessary to secure the safe and convenient transaction of the business of the corporation.

SEC. 6. That as soon as may be possible after the passage of this Act a meeting of the trustees hereinbefore named shall be called by Cleveland H. Dodge, Henry Morgenthau, Abram I. Elkus, Edwin M. Bulkley, Alexander J. Hemphill, William B. Millar, George T. Scott, James L. Barton, and Charles V. Vickrey, or any six of them, at the borough of Manhattan, in the city of New York, by notice serviced in person or by mail, addressed to each trustee at his place of residence; and the said trustees named herein, or a majority thereof, being assembled, shall organize and proceed to adopt by-laws, to elect officers, and generally to organize the said corporation.

SEC. 7. That a meeting of the incorporators, their associates, or successors, shall be held once in every year after the year of incorporation at such time and place as shall be prescribed in by the by-laws, when the annual reports of the officers and executive boards shall be presented and members of the executive board elected for the ensuing year. Special meetings of the corporation may be called upon such notice as may be prescribed.

SEC. 8. That a copy of the constitution and by-laws and of all amendments thereto shall be filed with the Congress when adopted, and on or before the 1st day of April each year said corporation shall make and transmit to the Congress a report of its proceedings for the year ending December 31 preceding, including in such report the names and residences of its officers, and a full and itemized account of all receipts and expenditures.

SEC. 9. That the corporation shall have no power to issue certificates of stock or declare or pay any dividends, or otherwise distribute to its members any of its property, or the proceeds therefrom, or from its operations. On dissolution of the corporation otherwise than by Act of congress the property shall escheat to the United States.

SEC. 10. That all members and officers of the corporations and of its governing body may reside in or be citizens of any place within the United States.

SEC. 11. That the franchise herein granted shall terminate at the expiration of twenty-five years from the date of the approval of the Act; and that Congress reserves the right to repeal, alter, or amend this act at any time.

Approved, August 6, 1919.

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U.S., Senate, Resolution 359

66th Congress

2nd Session

S. RES. 359. [senate Resolution 359]

In the Senate of the United States.

May 11, 1920

Mr. Harding, from the Committee on Foreign Relations, reported the following resolution; which was ordered to be placed on the calendar.

May 11 (calendar day, May 13), 1920.

Considered and agreed to.


Whereas the testimony adduced at the hearings conducted by the subcommittee of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations have clearly established the truth of the reported massacres and other atrocities from which the Armenian people have suffered; and

Whereas the people of the United States are deeply impressed by the deplorable conditions of insecurity, starvation, and misery now prevalent in Armenia; and

Whereas the independence of the Republic of Armenia has been duly recognized by the supreme council of the peace conference and by the Government of the United States of America: Therefore be it

Resolved, That a sincere congratulations of the Senate of the United States are hereby extended to the people of Armenia on the recognition of the independence of the Republic of Armenia, without prejudice respecting the territorial boundaries involved; and be it further

Resolved, That the Senate of the United States hereby expresses the hope that stable government, proper protection of individual liberties and rights, and the full realization of nationalistic aspirations may soon be attained by the Armenian people; and be it further

Resolved, That in order to afford necessary protection for the lives and property of citizens of the United States at the port of Batum and along the line of the railroad leading to Baku, the President is hereby requested, if not incompatible with the public interest, to cause a United States warship and a force of marines to be dispatched to such port with instructions to such marines to disembark and to protect American lives and property.

May 11 (calendar day, May 13), 1920. — Considered and agreed to.

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Словакия признала Геноцид армян в Османской Турции 1915 года

Национальное Собрание Словакии 30-го ноября 70 голосами "за" признало историческим фактом Геноцид армян в Турции в 1915 г.

Как сообщил в эфире Общественного телевидения Армении руководитель местной армянской диаспоры Словакии Ашот Григорян, парламент принял решение в пользу исторической справедливости несмотря на настоятельные призывы правительства Словакии проявить осторожность в данном вопросе.

Глава армянской общины также проинформировал, что председатель парламента Словакии Павел Рушовски, готовит речь против членства Турции в ЕС. Также предполагается, что словакский парламент обратится ко всем законодательным органам Европы с предложением потребовать от Турции в виде предусловия принять осуждающий Геноцид резолюцию.


Результаты голосования с оффициального сайта.

Sch?dza ?. 33 30. 11. 2004 17:29:06 hlasovanie ?. 19

N?vrh stanoviska Slovenskej republiky k za?atiu pr?stupov?ch rokovan? Eur?pskej ?nie s Tureckou republikou (tla? 962). Hlasovanie o n?vrhu uznesenia NR SR podanom posl. Miklo?kom ku genoc?de Arm?nov v Osmanskej r??i v roku 1915.


Pr?tomn?: 128

Hlasuj?cich: 121

[Z] Za hlasovalo: 70

[P] Proti hlasovalo: 0

[?] Zdr?alo sa hlasovania: 51

[N] Nehlasovalo: 7

[0] Nepr?tomn?: 22

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U.S., Congress, An Act to Incorporate Near East Relief

August 6, 1919

"to provide for the care of orphans and widows and to promote the social, economic, and industrial welfare of those who have been rendered destitute, or dependent directly or indirectly, by the vicissitudes of war, the cruelties of men, or other causes beyond their control."



August 6, 1919.

[s. 180.]

[Public No. 25]

District of Columbia, Near East Relief incorporated.

CHAP. 32. – An Act To incorporate Near East Relief

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following persons, namely, James L. Barton, Cleveland H. Dodge, Henry Morgenthau, Edwin M. Bulkley, Alexander J. Hemphill, Charles R. Crane, William Howard Taft, Charles Evans Hughes, Elihu Root, Abram I. Elkus, Charles W. Eliot, Harry Pratt Judson, Charles E. Beury, Arthur J. Brown, John B. Calvert, William I. Chamberlain, Robert J. Cuddihy, Cleveland E. Dodge, William T. Ellis, James Cardinal Gibbons, David H. Greer, Harold A. Hatch, William I. Haven, Myron T. Herrick, Hamilton Holt, Frank W. Jackson, Arthur Curtiss James, Frederick Lynch, Vance C. McCormick, Charles S. Macfarland, Henry B.F. Macfarland, William B. Millar, John R. Mott, Frank Mason North, George A. Plimpton, Philip Rhinelander, William Jay Schieffelin, George T. Scott, Albert Shaw, William Sloane, Edward Lincoln Smith, Robert Eliot Speer, James M. Speers, Oscar S. Straus, Charles V. Vickrey Harry A. Wheeler, Stanley White, Ray Lyman Wilbur, Talcott Williams, and Stephen S. Wise, their associates and successors duly chosen, are hereby incorporated and declared to be a body corporate of the District of Columbia by the name of Near East Relief and by that name shall be known and have perpetual succession, with the powers, limitations, and restrictions herein contained.

SEC. 2. That the object for which said corporation is incorporated shall be to provide relief and to assist in the repatriation, rehabilitation, and reestablishment of suffering and dependent people of the Near East and adjacent areas; to provide for the care of orphans and widows and to promote the social, economic, and industrial welfare of those who have been rendered destitute, or dependent directly or indirectly, by the vicissitudes of war, the cruelties of men, or other causes beyond their control.

SEC. 3. That the direction and management of the affairs of the corporation, and the control of its property and funds, shall be vested in a board of trustees, to be composed of the following individuals: James L. Barton, Cleveland H. Dodge, Henry Morgenthau, Edwin M. Bulkley, Alexander J. Hemphill, Charles R. Crane, William Howard Taft, Charles Evans Hughes, Elihu Root, Abram I. Elkus, Charles W. Eliot, Harry Pratt Judson, Charles E. Beury, Arhtur J. Brown, John B. Calvert, William I. Chamberlain, Robert J. Cuddihy, Cleveland E. Dodge, William T. Ellis, James Cardinal Gibbons, David H. Greer, Harold A. Hatch, William I. Haven, Myron T. Herrick, Hamilton Holt, Frank W. Jackson, Arthur Curtiss James, Frederick Lynch, Vance C. McCormick Charles S. Macfarland, Henry B.F. Macfarland, William B. Millar, John R. Mott, Frank Mason North, George A. Plimpton, Philip Rhinelander, William Jay Schieffelin, George T. Scott, Albert Shaw, William Sloane, Edward Lincoln Smith, Robert Eliot Speer, James M. Speers, Oscar S. Straus, Charles V. Vickrey, Harry A. Wheeler, Stanley White, Ray Myman Wilbur, Talcott Williams, and Stephen S. Wise, who shall constitute the first board of trustees and constitute the members of the corporation. Vacancies occurring by death, resignation, or otherwise shall be filled by the remaining trustees in such manner as the by-laws shall prescribe, and the persons so elected shall thereupon become trustees and also members of the corporation.

SEC. 4. That the principal office of the corporation shall be located in the District of Columbia, but offices may be maintained and meetings of the corporation or of the trustees and committees may be held in other places, such as the by-laws may from time to time fix.

SEC. 5. That the said trustees shall be entitled to take, hold, and administer any securities, funds, or property which may be transferred to them for the purposes and objects hereinbefore enumerated by the existing and unincorporated American Committee for Armenian and Syrian Relief, and such other funds or property as may be necessary to secure the safe and convenient transaction of the business of the corporation.

SEC. 6. That as soon as may be possible after the passage of this Act a meeting of the trustees hereinbefore named shall be called by Cleveland H. Dodge, Henry Morgenthau, Abram I. Elkus, Edwin M. Bulkley, Alexander J. Hemphill, William B. Millar, George T. Scott, James L. Barton, and Charles V. Vickrey, or any six of them, at the borough of Manhattan, in the city of New York, by notice serviced in person or by mail, addressed to each trustee at his place of residence; and the said trustees named herein, or a majority thereof, being assembled, shall organize and proceed to adopt by-laws, to elect officers, and generally to organize the said corporation.

SEC. 7. That a meeting of the incorporators, their associates, or successors, shall be held once in every year after the year of incorporation at such time and place as shall be prescribed in by the by-laws, when the annual reports of the officers and executive boards shall be presented and members of the executive board elected for the ensuing year. Special meetings of the corporation may be called upon such notice as may be prescribed.

SEC. 8. That a copy of the constitution and by-laws and of all amendments thereto shall be filed with the Congress when adopted, and on or before the 1st day of April each year said corporation shall make and transmit to the Congress a report of its proceedings for the year ending December 31 preceding, including in such report the names and residences of its officers, and a full and itemized account of all receipts and expenditures.

SEC. 9. That the corporation shall have no power to issue certificates of stock or declare or pay any dividends, or otherwise distribute to its members any of its property, or the proceeds therefrom, or from its operations. On dissolution of the corporation otherwise than by Act of congress the property shall escheat to the United States.

SEC. 10. That all members and officers of the corporations and of its governing body may reside in or be citizens of any place within the United States.

SEC. 11. That the franchise herein granted shall terminate at the expiration of twenty-five years from the date of the approval of the Act; and that Congress reserves the right to repeal, alter, or amend this act at any time.

Approved, August 6, 1919.

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Uruguay, Senate and House of Representatives, Resolution

April 20, 1965

Law No. 13.326

Day of Remembrance for the Armenian Martyrs

Legislative Power.

The Senate and House of Representatives of Uruguay meeting in the General Assembly,


Article 1.

Declares the following 24th of April "Day of Remembrance for the Armenian Martyrs", in honor of the members of that nationality slain in 1915.

Article 2.

The stations of the Official Radio Service must on that date conduct part of their broadcast in honor of the mentioned nation.

Article 3.

Armenian descendants who are public servants are authorized to miss work on the mentioned date.

Article 4.

Designate with the name of "Armenia", the 2nd Grade School, No. 156, in the Department of Montevideo.

Article 5.

Communicate, etc.

Senate chambers, in Montevideo, the 20th of April, 1965

Martin R. Echegoyen


Jose Pastor Salvanach


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U.S., House of Representatives, Joint Resolution 148

April 9, 1975

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94th Congress

1st Session

H.J. Resolution 148 [House Joint Resolution 148]

In the Senate of the United States

April 9, 1975

Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary

Joint Resolution

To designate April 24, 1975, as "National Day of Remembrance of Man's Inhumanity to Man".

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That April 24, 1975, is hereby designated as "National Day of Remembrance of Man's Inhumanity to Man", and the President of the United States is authorized and requested to issue a proclamation calling upon the people of the United States to observe such day as a day of remembrance for all the victims of genocide, especially those of Armenian ancestry who succumbed to the genocide perpetrated in 1915, and in whose memory this date is commemorated by all Armenians and their friends throughout the world.

Passed the House of Representatives April 8, 1975.

Attest: W. Pat Jennings, Clerk.

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Cyprus, House of Representatives, Resolution

April 29, 1982

Resolution Unanimously Adopted By The House of Representatives

of the Republic of Cyprus on the 29th April, 1982

The House of Representatives

On the occasion of the Anniversary of the genocide of the Armenian people which was started in 1915 in an organized manner by the then Turkish regime,

1. Notes with abhorrence and condemns unreservedly the crime against the Armenian people which had the dimensions of genocide and which uprooted the Armenians from ancestral lands.

2. Supports the full restoration of the inalienable rights of the Armenian people.

3. Underlines the harmonious and long-standing coexistence and brotherly cooperation with the Armenians of Cyprus and their contribution to the political, economic and cultural life of our country.

4. Considers this coexistence as evidence of the real possibility for harmonious coexistence of all the people of Cyprus regardless of language, religion or national origin.

5. In parallel considers it necessary to condemn the crime committed against the people of Cyprus by the Turkish invasion of 1974.

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U.S., House of Representatives, Joint Resolution 247

September 12, 1984

98th Congress, 2nd Session

H.J. Resolution 247 [House Joint Resolution 247]

In the Senate of the United States

September 12, 1984

Received; read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary

Joint Resolution

To designate April 24, 1985, as "National Day of Remembrance of Man's Inhumanity to Man".

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That April 24, 1985, is hereby designated as "National Day of Remembrance of Man's Inhumanity to Man", and the President of the United States is authorized and requested to issue a proclamation calling upon the people of the United States to observe such day as a day of remembrance for all the victims of genocide, especially the one and one-half million people of Armenian ancestry who were the victims of the genocide perpetrated in Turkey between 1915 and 1923, and in whose memory this date is commemorated by all Armenians and their friends throughout the world.

Passed the House of Representatives September 10, 1984.

Attest: Benjamin J. Guthrie, Clerk.

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European Parliament, Resolution

June 18, 1987

"Believes that the tragic events in 1915-1917 involving the Armenians living in the territory of the Ottoman Empire constitute genocide within the meaning of the convention on the prevention and the punishment of the crime of genocide adopted by the UN General Assembly on 9 December 1948."


European Parliament

Resolution on a political solution to the Armenian question

Doc. A2-33/87

The European Parliament,

-having regard to the motion for a resolution tabled by Mr. Saby and others on behalf of the Socialist Group on a political solution to the Armenian question (Doc. 2-737/84),

-having regard to the motion for a resolution tabled by Mr. Kolokotronis on the Armenian question and the declaration of 24 April as Armenian Genocide Day (Doc, V 2-360/85),

-having regard to the report of the Political Affairs Committee (Doc. 2-33/87),

A. having regard to:

-the motion for a resolution by Mr. Jaquet and others on the situation of the Armenian people (Doc. 1-782/81),

-the motion for a resolution by Mrs. Duport and Mr. Glinne on behalf of the Socialist Group on a political solution to the Armenian question (Doc. 1-735/83), and

-the written question by Mrs. Duport on the Armenian question,

-the resolution of the Ministers with responsibility for Cultural Affairs, meeting within the Council of 13 November 1986 on the protection of Europe's architectural heritage, including that outside the territory of the Community.

B. convinced that recognition of the identity of the Armenian people in Turkey as an ethnic, cultural, linguistic and religious minority follows on from recognition of its own history,

C. whereas the Armenian side regards these events as planned genocide within the meaning of the 1948 UN Convention.

D. whereas the Turkish State rejects the charge of genocide as unfounded,

E. whereas, to date, the Turkish Government, by refusing to recognize the genocide of 1915, continues to deprive the Armenian people of the right to their own history,

F. whereas the historically proven Armenian genocide has so far neither been the object of political condemnation nor received due compensation,

G. whereas the recognition of the Armenian genocide by Turkey must therefore be viewed as a profoundly humane act of moral rehabilitation towards the Armenians, which can only bring honor to the Turkish Government;

H. profoundly regretting and condemning the mindless terrorism by groups of Armenians who were responsible between 1973 and 1986 of several attacks causing death or injury to innocent victims and deplored by an overwhelming majority of the Armenian people,

I. whereas the obdurate stance of every Turkish Government towards the Armenian question has in no way helped to reduce the tension,

1. Believes that the Armenian question and the question of minorities in Turkey must be resituated within the framework of relations between Turkey and the Community; points out that democracy cannot be solidly implanted in a country unless the latter recognizes and enriches its history with its ethnic and cultural diversity;

2. Believes that the tragic events in 1915-1917 involving the Armenians living in the territory of the Ottoman Empire constitute genocide within the meaning of the convention on the prevention and the punishment of the crime of genocide adopted by the UN General Assembly on 9 December 1948; Recognizes, however, that the present Turkey cannot be held responsible for the tragedy experienced by the Armenians of the Ottoman Empire and stresses that neither political nor legal or material claims against present-day Turkey can be derived from the recognition of this historical event as an act of genocide;

3. Calls on the Council to obtain from the present Turkish Government as acknowledgment of the genocide perpetrated against the Armenians in 1915-1917 and promote the establishment of a political dialogue between Turkey and the representatives of the Armenians;

4. Believes that the refusal by the present Turkish Government to acknowledge the genocide against the Armenian people committed by the Young Turk government, its reluctance to apply the principles of international law to its differences of opinion with Greece, the maintenance of Turkish occupation forces in Cyprus and the denial of existence of the Kurdish question, together with the lack of true parliamentary democracy and the failure to respect individual and collective freedoms, in particular freedom of religion, in that country are insurmountable obstacles to consideration of the possibility of Turkey's accession to the Community;

5. Conscious of those past misfortunes, supports its desire for the development of a specific identity, the securing of its minority rights and the unrestricted exercise of its people's human and civil rights as defined in the European Convention of Human Rights and its five protocols;

6. Calls for fair treatment of the Armenian minority in Turkey as regards their identity, language, religion, culture and school system, and makes an emphatic plea for improvements in the care of monuments and for the maintenance and conservation of the Armenian religious architectural heritage in Turkey and invites the Community to examine how it could make an appropriate contribution;

7. Calls on Turkey in this connection to abide faithfully by the provisions for the protection of the non-Muslim minorities as stipulated in Articles 37 to 45 of the 1923 Treaty of Lausanne which, moreover, was signed by most Member States of the Community;

8. Considers that the protection of monuments and the maintenance and conservation of the Armenian religious architectural heritage in Turkey must be regarded as part of a wider policy designed to preserve the cultural heritage of all civilizations which have developed over the centuries on present-day Turkish territory and, in particular, that of the Christian minorities that formed part of the Ottoman Empire;

9. Calls therefore on the Community to extend the Association Agreement with Turkey to the cultural field so that the remains of Christian or other civilizations such as the ancient classical, Hittite, Ottoman, etc., in that country are preserved and made generally accessible;

10. Expresses its concern at the difficulties currently being experienced by the Armenian community in Iran with respect to the Armenian language and their own education in accordance with the rules of their own religion;

11. Condemns the violations of individual freedoms committed in the Soviet Union against the Armenian population;

12. Condemns strongly any violence and any form of terrorism carried out by isolated groupings unrepresentative of the Armenian people, and calls for reconciliation between Armenians and Turks;

13. Calls on the Community Member States to dedicate a day to the memory of the genocide and crimes against humanity perpetrated in the 20th century, specifically against the Armenians and Jews;

14. Commits itself to making a substantial contribution to initiatives to encourage negotiations between the Armenian and Turkish peoples;

15. Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Commission, the European Council, the Foreign Ministers meeting in political cooperation, the EEC/Turkey Association Council and the Turkish, Iranian and Soviet Governments and the UN Secretary General.

Resolution discussed and approved by European Parliament on June 18, 1987.

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Argentina, Senate, Resolution

May 5, 1993

Number of Resolution: 1554/92

S-92-1554: Losada.

Resolution of Declaration

The Senate of the Nation


Its complete solidarity with the Armenian community, which was the victim of the first genocide of the 20th century, in commemorating once again the anniversary of a crime against humanity that was to culminate with the death of 1,500,000 Armenians at the hands of the Turkish government between the years 1915 and 1917.

Likewise, it manifests its deep concern for the constant violations of human rights that have taken place in the autonomous region of Nagorno Karabakh against the majority Armenian population.

Mario A. Losada.-


Numero de Proyecto :1554/92




El Senado de la Naci?n


Su total solidaridad con la Comunidad Armenia que fuera v?ctima del primer genocidio del siglo XX, a cumplirse un nuevo aniversario del crimen de lesa humanidad que culminara con la muerte de 1.500.000 armenios a manos del gobierno turco entre los a?os 1915 y 1917.

Asimismo, manifiesta su honda preocupaci?n por las constantes violaciones a los derechos humanos que se vienen produciendo en la regi?n aut?noma de Nagorno Karabaj contra la poblaci?n civil mayoritariamente armenia.-

Mario A. Losada.-



-A la Comisi?n de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto.-

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Russia, Duma, Resolution

April 14, 1995

Resolution by the State Duma of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation*

April 14, 1995

Based on irrefutable historic facts which attest to the extermination of Armenians on the territory of Western Armenia from 1915 to 1922 and, in accordance with the following Conventions adopted by the United Nations:

Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, December 9, 1948;

Convention on the Non-Applicability of Statutory Limitations to War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity, November 26, 1968;

Aspiring to restore the humanitarian traditions of the Russian State and,

Emphasizing that through the initiative of Russia, the Great European Powers already in 1915 characterized the actions of the Turkish Empire against the Armenian people as a "Crime Against Humanity" and,

Noting that the physical extermination of the fraternal Armenian people in its historic homeland aimed at destroying Russia;

The State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation:

Condemns the perpetrators of the extermination of Armenians from 1915 to 1922;

Expresses its deep sympathy to the Armenian people and recognizes April 24 as a day of remembrance for the victims of the Genocide.

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