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Рок группы в Армении

Bender B.R.

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Да, и между прочим, очень мало групп на этом саите про армянскии рок.

В том же Ванадзоре, наример, куча.

А при возможности советую послуслушать Кристину Кочарян. Тоже здорово.

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Может, я и не могу похвастаться тем, что хорошо знаю весь репертуар, но песни Snack-а практически все были потрясными (об технической стороне промолчим).

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Мне в последнее время нравится Alter Ego.

А лучшие рок-песни на армянском пишет по моему Арцруни!

Առավոտը կրկին բացվեց, էն մնացածը ոչինչ,

Սիրտս լույսի մեջ լվացվեց, էն մնացածը ոչինչ


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Мне в последнее время нравится Alter Ego.

А лучшие рок-песни на армянском пишет по моему Арцруни!

Առավոտը կրկին բացվեց, էն մնացածը ոչինչ,

Սիրտս լույսի մեջ լվացվեց, էն մնացածը ոչինչ


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Трудность создания xороших рок-песен на армянском, по-моему, в том, что тексты не должны быть поэмами, а просто хорошими текстами для песен.

Не уверен, но по-моему таакие песни как у ДДТ или БГ на армянском будут очень неудобоваримыми... :diana:

Вот текст песни из последнего альбома LAV ELI:



Գարուն է եկել

Գարուն է բացվել

Իմ մարած սրտին տանտեր է դարձել։

Ա՜խ, քա՞նի տարի

Ես Գարուն չէի տեսել

Գարուն է բացվել իմ մարած սրտին

Ու արեւոտ ժպիտով լավ ձնհալ է խոստացել։

Ո՞վ էր, որ Գարնան հետ

Ձայն էր տալիս ու հրաշք էր ուզում,

Մենք ենք, որ անցնելիս

Լուռ ենք անցնում, բայց

Գարուն ենք սպասում, ու մի օր

Անշարժ, պարապ այնքան մնաց,

Սառույց կապեց հոգիս։

Աստվա՛ծ, ես ի՞նչ կանեի, եթե

Գարունն անցներ կողքից։

Ջուր դառնամ, ջրվեժ կազմեմ,

Թափ առնեմ, վազեմ,

Թափ առնեմ ու ներս լցվեմ,

Գետ դառնամ, հոսեմ

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А вот и линк на эту песню - оцените и пишите свои впечатления: для меня они очень важны.

Գարուն է եկել

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Еще один текст представляю вашему вниманию:


She says life’s a commonplace market face.

Why, what I’ve done to her was so warm.

Again sense those stupid senses, she says,

I’ll sort this out; they’ve sealed the door,

I don’t know how to run, run away,

If I don’t feel as abandoned I’ve felt all these years,

I don’t know how but I have to handle it.

Wait, cannot see your face as it is.

Why? Scissors that I hate, always down.

She says, never had a chance to be myself.

I’ll sort this out; they’ve sealed the door,

I don’t know how to run, run away,

If I don’t feel as abandoned I’ve felt all these years,

I don’t know how but I have to handle it.

Got the ingress, got the will but I don’t want to lose the feel.

She says I was her best friend, never felt.

My fingers in her hair… touch her there…

A break, took her to whole years, so she says,

I’ll sort this out; they’ve sealed the door,

I don’t know how to run, run away,

If I don’t feel as abandoned I’ve felt all these years,

I don’t know how but I have to handle it.

I don’t know how …

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Ну, если считать Арцруни рок певцом, тогда - на 60% согласен. Но он скорее - бард. ИМХО. ;)

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Интересная статья по нашей теме. Получил недавно.

* * *

Critics' Forum

Elements of a Universal Alphabet

By Sam Ekizian

The musical forms known as folk-fusion and folk revival have often

served as the vehicles of creative expression for performers seeking

to adapt, translate, and modernize traditional musical styles. The

new folk-fusion scene draws inspiration from widespread and

multicultural sources, a process that often entails the

popularization of previously non-mainstream music, the adaptation of

folk styles to pop and rock structures, and the introduction of new


Within the Armenian music community, performers such as Arto

Tuncboyaciyan, Gor Mkhitarian, and Armen Chakmakian have already led

critically acclaimed forays into the folk-fusion scene. With the

recent debut of its full-length album, "Yev O Phe," Element has

navigated into this emerging but still somewhat forbidden genre.

The band includes Ara Dabandjian (keyboard, guitar, accordion), Saro

Koujakian (vocals and guitar), Gars Sherbetdjian (vocals), Shant

Mahserejian (violin), and Jeremy Millado (bass). Dabandjian is

also the band's arranger as well as creative and musical director.

Element performs traditional Armenian folk songs as well as more

contemporary compositions laced with its own sensibilities, some of

them distinctly non-Armenian. The band's members are aligned in

their determination to elevate their cultural heritage through

music, while paying homage to South American and Mediterranean

traditions - the band's stylings are variously embossed with the

sounds of Flamenco, Tango, Rembetika, as well as more contemporary


This commingling of cultures has been the source of much debate.

After all, it tests the bounds of Armenian cultural identity and

seems to present a considerable obstacle to the adaptation of

traditional Armenian music. Therefore, precisely because fusion

presents fertile ground for artistic exploration, it may find itself

bound by a number of powerful cultural constraints, including

anxieties about assimilation. As a result, the growing influence of

fusion may be viewed by some as the dilution of an otherwise pure

sound and a deep-seated cultural memory.

But that view conveniently ignores the fact that much of Armenian

music has developed precisely as a result of its interaction with

outside elements and its rich fusion of disparate influences. After

all, Gomidas Vartabed himself, an ordained monk and

ethnomusicologist, spent the early 1900s initiating a renaissance of

traditional Armenian folk music by visiting far-flung provinces and

villages to take record of the varied traditions of native songs and

dances found there.

Gomidas's quest clearly suggests that Armenian music is an

undeniably fecund source of musical expression and adaptation. The

characteristic palette of this expression, both musically and

lyrically, manifests itself in rural songs of yearning, spiritual

songs of remembrance, and other traditional expressions of longing,

lament, and rebirth. The recent popularity of folk-fusion and folk

revival reminds us that these musical styles, like traditional

Armenian music itself, succeed when they manage to remain true to

the intrinsic features and inherent values of the various musical

influences they bring together.

"Yev O Phe" delivers Element's unique expression of folk-fusion by

seamlessly incorporating deft instrumentation, lush vocal harmonies,

and rich multi-ethnic musical styles. And nowhere in the album does

the band impose embellishments otherwise foreign to its core musical

material. The songs are not weighted down by deliberate rock

inflections or plodding digital treatments. The album also manages

to retain the purity of the folk elements and various instruments it

brings together. And throughout, the sound somehow remains

undeniably Armenian.

"Yev O Phe" is elevated by Dabandjian's hypnotic arrangements and

his superb command of several different instruments, as well as

Koujakian's deeply soulful vocals. In fact, the most alluring

tracks on the album are those featuring this combination's

performances. Dabandjian's talents are on full display on the

album's fifth track, "Yar Ko Parag Boyin Mernem," which manages to

make a powerful emotional impact while retaining an understated

delicacy. Koujakian's masculine yet smooth vocals take center stage

on "Mardigi Yerke" and "Anoush Hayrenik," without overpowering the

songs. All in all, "Yev O Phe" represents a powerful fusion of

fervent rhythms and infectious melodies, rippled through with multi-

layered and multi-ethnic influences.

It is worth mentioning that Element is an accomplished live act.

There is an immediacy and improvisational aspect to the band's live

performances that lend themselves well to its particular adaptation

and re-imagination of the fusion genre. During a recent show at the

Ford Amphitheatre, Element's soulful performance enveloped the

audience and drew it inescapably into the music being performed on

stage. This captivating quality of Element's music is due in no

small part to the band's repertoire, at once intimately familiar and

distinctly different, allowing listeners to celebrate their own

cultural heritage while embracing a more universal perspective.

Element has already acquired a diverse and loyal fan base. But it is

too early to declare whether the band has brought Armenian folk

music back into our collective consciousness or successfully bridged

geographic, linguistic, and multi-cultural divides. What is

undeniable, however, is that Element has cast aside deep-seated

cultural constraints and adopted a more progressive musical register.

In the current era of globalization, music has become the

indispensable mode of communication and integration, a modern and

universal vernacular. Fusion provides opportunities to use varying

elements of this vernacular to stretch creative boundaries and to

spread indigenous music to wider audiences, a crucial stage in the

evolution of the world music scene and of Armenian music itself.

Element's rendering of folk music is nothing more than an extension

of this evolution, the adoption of a genuinely universal alphabet.

All Rights Reserved: Critics Forum, 2006

Sam Ekizian has been involved with the Armenian cultural and music

scene for over two decades and has helped introduce artists to West

Coast audiences.

You can reach him or any of the other contributors to Critics' Forum

at [email protected]. This and all other articles published

in this series are available online at www.criticsforum.org. To

sign up for a weekly electronic version of new articles, go to

www.criticsforum.org/join. Critics' Forum is a group created to

discuss issues relating to Armenian art and culture in the Diaspora.

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      Уверен, найдете очень много интересного.
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