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Armenia criticises EU, NATO over Turkish blockade

06 Jul 2007 13:43:31 GMT

Source: Reuters

By Michael Stott and Margarita Antidze

YEREVAN, July 6 (Reuters) - Armenia criticized NATO and the European Union on Friday for turning a blind eye to Turkey's long-running blockade of its borders, saying Ankara's refusal to open land routes was costing the small, landlocked state a third of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

"Europeans are shy over these issues. They love to talk about human rights, about democratic values but it's much easier to talk rather than to implement anything," Prime Minister Serzh Sarksyan told Reuters in an interview.

Turkey shut its borders to Christian Armenia in 1993 to protest against the capture by Armenian forces of territory inside Azerbaijan, Ankara's historic Muslim ally, during fighting over the Nagorno-Karabakh region

Ankara says it will not reopen its frontier until Armenia reaches a peace agreement with Azerbaijan.

The blockade, coupled with similar measures by Azerbaijan, means Armenia has to route its trade through its land border with Georgia, or over treacherous mountain passes that link it to Iran. Those difficulties greatly increase costs.

Sarksyan said Armenia wanted to resume relations with Turkey without preconditions and would not obstruct Turkey's desire to join the EU because this might make Ankara "more predictable".

"Although NATO officials tell us that Turkey is predictable as it's a member of NATO, I don't believe it because even before our blockade Turkey was a member of NATO when it occupied Cyprus," the prime minister added.

Armenia and Turkey have a long history of enmity, arising from the killings of up to 1.5 million Armenians under the Ottoman empire in 1915-17.

Armenians and some European nations describe the deaths as genocide. Turkey says they were part of a partisan conflict during World War One. It is a crime in Turkey to refer to the killings as a genocide.


Sarksyan, tipped by analysts as a likely future president of Armenia, said Armenia still needed help from its strategic ally Moscow to defend itself. Russia has 5,000 troops stationed here.

"I do not think that the Turkish threat has disappeared and our Russian military base is a guarantee against the Turkish threat," he added.

Sarksyan also said that if Western nations granted independence to the Serbian province of Kosovo, they "could not fail to recognise" the right of the majority Armenian territory of Nagorno-Karabakh to self-determination.

Nagorno-Karabakh, a mountainous region located within Azerbaijan's internationally recognised borders, broke away from Azeri control during a war in the 1990s and has proclaimed independence, though this has not been accepted internationally.

Talks between Armenia and Azerbaijan over the future of Nagorno-Karabakh have dragged on for years. A meeting between the presidents of the two nations in St Petersburg last month ended with no breakthrough.

The Azeris want Armenian forces to withdraw from all territory surrounding Nagorno-Karabakh before starting substantial talks on the enclave's status.

"I see the solution of this issue based on compromise but I do not see any steps or reactions from the Azeri side," Sarksyan said. "We have done all we can".

Asked about his own political ambitions, Sarksyan said it was "likely" he would be the presidential candidate of Armenia's ruling Republican party, although a final decision would not come until a party congress in the autumn.

Armenia holds presidential elections next year and incumbent President Robert Kocharyan cannot stand after serving two terms.

The elections that gave Kocharyan his second term in 2003 were marred by allegations of ballot-stuffing although international monitors deemed this year's parliamentary elections -- won by Sarksyan's party -- an improvement.


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