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Последний раз Mnushik выиграл 25 марта 2016

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  1. Всем привет!) Только вышла из отпуска, готова к трудовой -образовательной обороне. Предлагаю сделать так. Будем писать темы для обсуждений и писать своей мнение по какой-то проблеме. Если нравится идея, для начала кину вопрос на рассуждение по теме "Еда.Правильное питание" Eating a balanced diet is the most important factor for a healthy life. To what extent do you agree?
  2. Почему никто не разгадывает?
  3. Такая старая загадка =) НезнайкО, ответь, или я отвечу. Произнеси несколько раз 7 8 9 поймешь
  4. Имя и выдало )) было бы интереснее, если бы не было его
  5. Grig, Посмотрела уже задания к песням. Хорошие =) Завтра применю с ученицей New York =) А еще классно песни применять при обучении грамматике. Например : FOOL'S GARDEN LYRICS "Lemon Tree" I'm sitting here in the boring room It's just another rainy Sunday afternoon I'm wasting my time I got nothing to do I'm hanging around I'm waiting for you But nothing ever happens and I wonder I'm driving around in my car I'm driving too fast I'm driving too far I'd like to change my point of view I feel so lonely I'm waiting for you But nothing ever happens and I wonder I wonder how I wonder why Yesterday you told me 'bout the blue blue sky And all that I can see is just a yellow lemon-tree I'm turning my head up and down I'm turning turning turning turning turning around And all that I can see is just another lemon-tree Sing, dah... I'm sitting here I miss the power I'd like to go out taking a shower But there's a heavy cloud inside my head I feel so tired Put myself into bed While nothing ever happens and I wonder Isolation is not good for me Isolation I don't want to sit on the lemon-tree I'm steppin' around in the desert of joy Baby anyhow I'll get another toy And everything will happen and you wonder I wonder how I wonder why Yesterday you told me 'bout the blue blue sky And all that I can see is just another lemon-tree I'm turning my head up and down I'm turning turning turning turning turning around And all that I can see is just a yellow lemon-tree Yellow, wonder, wonder I wonder how I wonder why Yesterday you told me 'bout the blue blue sky And all that I can see, and all that I can see, and all that I can see Is just a yellow lemon-tree
  6. Это что?) Цветок вместо выполнения задания?) Я это не только для НЕЗНАЙКИ
  7. CHARACTER AND PERSONALITY WORD GAME What follows is a word game taken from Wordbuilder, by Guy Wellman: This is a game. See if you can complete the adjectives below based on the clues provided to help you. ARIES (Mar 21- Apr 20) You won't find him in the corner at the party. OUT----- That's her doing the can-can on the table. EX------- She has no problems. CAR----- He never frowns. ф LIG--HEA---- She tells no lies. TR------ He has few secrets. OP-- He'll tell you if he doesn't like your make-up. CY--- She'll tell you if she doesn't like your after-shave. FR--- He's the person to ask for that five pounds you are owed. EAS-GO--- TAURUS (Apr 21- May 20) He knows what he wants and he usually gets it. STR---WI---- She never gives up without a fight. DET------- He knows he's goddo. SEL-ASS---- She knows she's as good. SE--CON------ He wants to be even bigger, even better--the best AMB------ and expects high standards of performance from others. DOM----- He works 18 hours a day, jogs, and plays squash. ENE------ She hates to lose, in business or at tiddlywinks. COMP------- GEMINI (May 21- Jun 20) She thinks she's good. PR--- He thinks he's superior to everyone. ARR----- 'As the most experienced and sensible person present, I...' POM---- 'Of course, I could have beaten him even more easily, but I wanted to give him a chance.' BOA----- She won't share her presents with her sister. SE----- He spends half the day in front of the mirror. V--- She thinks the whole world revolves around her. SE--CEN----- He thinks he's the centre of the universe. EGO------- She looks down on anyone who hasn't got a heated indoor swimming pool at home. SNO----- CANCER (Jun 21- Jul 20) She seems to enjoy finding fault with others. CRIT---- He'll take off marks if you don't dot your i's. PE--- She can only ever see one side of things. NAR---MI---- He always likes the fat taken off his bacon. FU--- He's like a donkey. STU----- She's like a mule. OBST----- He loves money, loves having 'things'. MAT---------- Oh yes, he'll help you--if you make it worth his while. MERC----- She never lets her husband out of her sight. POSS------ LEO (Jul 21 - Aug 21) You never know what he's going to do. UNPR--------- He never knows what he's going to do. INDEC----- There are two things I don't like about her--her face! T--FAC-- Be careful what he's saying about you behind your back. HYP--------- Be careful what she's doing while your back is turned. DISH----- He behaves like the weather in April. CHAN------ She behaves like the proverbial primadonna. TEMP--------- He says what I want to hear; not what he thinks. INSE----- He never does all the things he says he'll do. UNRE------ VIRGO (Aug 22- Sep 22) Other people's points of view always impress him. IMPRE--------- She'd believe you if you told her pizzas grew on trees. GULL---- She lacks will-power. WE--WIL--- He lacks courage. COW----- He doesn't do much--he just sits back and watches. PAS---- She'll do what she's told. OBED---- You never know what he's thinking. SECR----- 'It was an honour just to be on the same court as McEnroe. HUM--- How I beat him 6-0, 6-0,6-0? It was just luck.' MOD--- LIBRA (Sep 23 - Oct 22) He uses his common sense. SENS---- She never does silly things under pressure. LEV--HEA--- She's like the Libran symbol of the scales. W---BAL----- She'd solve all the problems on a desert island, PRAC----- and nothing would upset her. CA-- He'd be a good judge or referee. FA--MIN--- She's got both feet on the ground and is really down-to-earth. REAL----- His heart rarely uses his head. RAT----- I think, therefore I am. That's my approach. LOG---- SCORPIO (Oct 23 - Nov 22) Keep oout of her way when she loses her temper. AGG------- He's always the first one to put his fists up, VIO---- and he's quick to use them--to the full. BR---- He may even add a boot or two for good measure. VIC---- She won't let anything stand in her way. RUTH---- He has no principles about hurting other people. UNSCR------- He almost seems to enjoy causing trouble. MAL------ She's a strong believer in an eye for an eye, SPIT---- and a tooth---or, in her case, teeth--for a tooth. VINDI----- SAGITARIOUS (Nov 23 - Dec 20) Those with some Latin blood in their veins. PASSI----- They are fiery and emotional. H--BLO---- She's not afraid to go mountain climbing BR--- or to join a mountain rescue team. COUR------ He wants to go to wild and unexplored places. ADV-------- They're vivacious, like champagne bubbles. LIV--- She puts her heart and soul into her profession. DEDI----- These friends do not desert you in a crisis. LO--- CAPRICORN (Dec 21 - Jan 19) He'd always stop to help a disabled person across the road. CONS------- That's her on the beach wiping oil off the sea-birds' feathers. TEN--- She wouldn't hurt a fly. GE---- He leaves $20 tips. GEN----- He wouldn't mind if she dyed her hair green. TOL----- She lets him sleep when he gets back from a hard day's work. UND--------- He defends her in any argument. PROT------ She kisses him on the cheek every minute or so. AFFEC------- She always sends a card on her parents' anniversary. THOU------ AQUARIUS (Jan 20 - Feb 18) If she likes you, she'll find her arms around you and say so. IMPU----- He jumps into the bath without testing the water. IMP------ Lose your way with her in the car? You'd better not! IMPA----- He's constantly like a child on Christmas Eve. EXC------ He's a typical 'angry young man'. REB------- She's Trotsky, Castro and Guevara all rolled into one. REV---------- He's got a memory like a sieve. FOR------ He thought a double brandy would help the baby sleep. IRR---------- PISCES (Feb 19 - Mar 20) There she is, over there, on her own in the corner. S-- He's afraid that the whole world is looking at him. S---CONS----- She peeps round her front door like a mouse. TIM-- He's always the last to introduce himself. RES----- Be careful not to upset her. It's easily done. SEN------ He can see beauty in a pile of rubbish. IMA-------- He can then turn the pile of rubbish into a work of art. CRE----- I was moved to tears by the beauty of his sculpture. EMO----- He doesn't know who he is, where he is, what to do or why. UNS----- And please don't cheat
  8. НезнайкО, напиши мне свою почту, я тебе книжки другие кину по грамматике, сюда не смогла прикрепить, слишком тяжелые. Чтобы тебе легче было. И еще... Ты английский учишь с армянского или русского?
  9. Тебе дают хороший совет. Синий -второй из трех частей. Значит чтобы точнее понять, какой из двух частей тебе нужен, ты должен скачать оба и сравнить, если в красном все очень легки, значит лучше брать синий!
  10. Hello, darling:)) Don't miss me. I'll be back soon. I'm just too busy now. If you want "English Grammar in Use" - Raymond Murphy [Cambridge], take the RED one.

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